

Have a lovely day and enjoy your day!!

Sound of a gate opened widely by two Afghanistan armies, standing at left and right hand side at the entrance of the warehouse where they used to store goods that were imported into the kingdom at Kithan river kingdom.

There were like twenty heaviest men at the lorry that brought the goods to the palace, took themselves two-two and carrying the goods down from the lorry, taking it straight to the warehouse.

The Afghanistan armies were there to make sure that no goods missed or stole. Except from the two armies at the entrance, There were like other five armies with the men monitoring them as they were carrying the goods inside.

The goods were the goods that they uses to share to the people of the kingdom. The attacking of the dragons didn't allow the people of the kingdom to work or allowed the men to struggle for their families; so it was the Queen that was taking care of them and provides treatment for the victims as well.

The head of the Afghanistan armies entered the palace, passed beside the men that were working and going to the prison. He was wearing an Afghanistan's army uniform and shoes, also tied a scarf on his head and holding the pulwar sword. He didn't talk to anybody just going.

It was prison that his post was and that was where the Queen assigned him too so that he could be monitoring the Kingdom head of the armies. He faced his right hand side and going to the prison.

He was walking along the corridor of the prison when he saw the Hand of the King and a servant talking in Chinese language. He stopped walking because the ways they were standing was so suspicious and looking at them.

"You mean I should put this in his food now?" The servant asked and holding a very small bottle given to him by the Hand.

"Pour everything in his food and leave the palace immediately, disappeared and don't ever return back!" The head of the Afghanistan armies tried to hear what they were saying but he was unable because he didn't hear Chinese.

It was only Arabic and English languages that all of them heard, he was looking at them and standing at a corner. None of them, be the Hand or the servant saw him or notice any present.

"Don't ever let anybody know about this at all, if it link out or I see that you are not smart enough. I will kill you!"

"There won't be at all Hand of the King!" The maid said with low voice and assuring him.

"Go and do that now! Leave the palace immediately and don't ever let anybody know why you are leaving the palace Okay!" The Hand of the King repeated himself.

"As you said Hand of the King!" She bow and leaving the place, going to her left hand side. The hand of the King was looking at the servant going.

"Now all the evidence will be cleared! The Queen too will forget about the King's death if there is no one to ask of anything again, she will forget about it and we start enjoying our new life together!" He said with low voice and leaving the place.

He turned to his right hand side and leaving the prison corridor, the Head of the Afghanistan armies hind on the wall very well at a corner that he was standing, for the Hand not to see him.

He released himself from the wall after the Hand of the King had walked far, looking at his behind as he was going. The army know that it was an evil things that they were planning but since he didn't hear their language; he didn't know how true it was.


The Khitan river kingdom's head of the armies was inside the cell, sitting down on the floor and looking. It was still the same army cloth that was still on his body.

For just some days that he just spent in the cell, his skin colour had changed, his long hair had rough and very dirty. No care was given to him just be there for the hole day.

The servant that Hand of the King gave something to got to the prison with a food inside a flat plate and it was a beans. She walked closer to the head of the armies, pointing the food at him and trying to talk with a sign language that it was the Head that she brought the food for.

Since that none of them heard each other languages, it was sign the servants and the Afghanistan armies always uses to communicate.

The head of the Afghanistan armies looked at the servant, didn't want to collect the food but he decided to collect it and the servant left the place.

"Your breakfast is here!" He said in English language to the Head of the armies since that him heard English. He opened the iron door, put the food on the floor and closed the door back.

"I will help you to bring water after you have finished eating!" He said as he closed the door and leaving the place.

"I don't even know what to do! If I tell the Queen the truth that it's Hand of the King that killed her husband, does she going to believe me at all! It's her and the King that trusted him, this is going to be hard and I don't have anything as an evidence or proof that I am saying the truth!" The head was thinking and ignored the food.

"If I tell the Queen, the Hand will killed me even the Queen's life won't safe anymore if she plan to kill the Hand because I don't know all other chiefs which involved in the king's death. Also if I don't talk it's likely for the Queen to decide and kill me!" Put his head on his arm.

A rat that was in the cell with the head of the armies came out from a hole in the prison as it perceived the aroma of the food and started eating from the food. The head didn't see it, he had went into a deep thought.

"My life is in two lines! It will better I just keeps saying what I have been saying! Because this is really complicated!" He raised his head up, repositioned the way he was sitting and sat down very well.

He looked at his right hand side and wanted to take the food when he saw the rat dead, he was shocked because this was not the first time of the rat eating with him.

"What killed the rat?" He asked himself. He saw the small leftovers of the beans that the rat ate on the floor and he was shocked.

"The food has been poisoned! What to poison me!!" He said loudly in Chinese language.

He uses his leg to shift the plate away and got up from the floor, beating the iron door and shouting. Calling the Afghanistan army that was monitoring him.

"What is it? Do you want water now?" He asked as he got there.

"The food has been poisoned! The rat has dead, there is poison in the food they brought for me!" Said loudly.

"How can you said there is a poison in your food! Is it today they have been bringing food for you?" The with loud voice.

"Exactly my point! Not today that this rat has been eaten with me, always use to give it small foods before I ate and now it's dead. I know what I am talking about, the food has been poisoned!" The Afghanistan too kept silent for few minutes because him too had been suspicious about the servant ever before now.

He opened the iron door, took the food on the floor and closed the door back, looking at the Head of the armies for few seconds and said.

"Let me go and confirm, I will be right back!" He turned back and leaving the prison as he finished talking.

"Hmm!! This is what I am saying, Hand of the King has wants to kill me!" He said loudly.

The Afghanistan army got down to the compound with the beans in his hand and going to the backyard where the dogs that they uses to take out for hunting were.

He put the food on the floor as he got there, went to where the dogs were and untied one of them, taking it to where the beans was.

He released the neck chain on the dog and watching it eating the food, the dog was very hungry just eating with rushing. Suddenly after few minutes, even the dog hadn't ate the beans to half. It fell on the floor and dead instantly.

It shows that the poison was very powerful on human and animal. A swollen of it, be animal or human beings would dead instantly. The Afghanistan army was shocked and believed the Head of the armies, the took the leftovers of the beans and going back to the prison, also thinking of what to do next.

The Head of the armies stood up from the floor as he saw the Afghanistan army coming, holding the door.

The Afghanistan armies got there, looking at the Head.

"What is it? Have you confirm it or not?" Head of the armies asked.

"Yes! I did. I gave the beans to one of the dogs that uses to take out for hunting and it ate from it-----" he stopped talking, Head of the armies looking at him and waiting for him to end.

"It didn't finished eating it as it fell on the floor and dead! It didn't even struggled for few minutes or seconds just dead instantly. That mean the poison is very powerful!"

"I told you! Thank god you believe me now, wanted to kill me!" The head of the armies said with loud voice.

"I have know what exactly is going on Wallahi! This must get to the Queen! Am coming" he said with loud voice and leaving the prison. Head of the armies too breathe in and looking.