

Sound of the footsteps of a man landed on the roof of the palace gently, the army that was at a corner there heard the sound of something landed on the roof but didnt pay attention to it. The man laid down on the roof, took some arrows from his back and shot it inside the palace to his left and right hand side.

All the armies that were outside doing night watched, removed out their swords and looking for where the arrows came from. The man hanged the arrow on his shoulder, stood up and flew to the second roof and landed on it.

He was wearing pure white cloth, wearing white boots and using white cloth to cover his face. He was the same man that killed the chief and came to the palace to take something very important to him. He jumped to another roof, one of the armies saw him and started shouting.

"Who are you? Who are you!" The man flew from the roof and entered into a room through the window.

All of the armies in the palace had came out including their head, surrounding the entire place and checking the room around. Three armies went to the big drums hanged in a room in the palace and started beating it, calling for alarm and for people to know that a stranger had been in the palace and to vigilant.

"All of you follow me! Make sure you search every rooms and we must fish him out, he can't go anywhere!" Head of the armies said as he grouped the armies.

"All of you make sure that he doesn't escape! If he did that mean you intentional let him go because there is no way he can leave!" Said with loud voice and they too jumped inside the room from the window that the man had broken.

Liu Wie opened his eye on the bed as he heard the sound of the drum beating loudly. He stood up and took his sword beside him, with what was in his memory he always use to prepare for war and sleeping with his sword.

"What is happening in the palace! Are enemies here!" Got down from the bed and leaving the living room. Sound of the door opened and closed and got out, met the guard that always uses to stand at his door there.

"What is going on in the palace!" He asked the guard.

"I don't know yet! Just hearing the drum beating loudly and that is what I want to go and confirm when you opened the door!" Liu Wie looked at the guard and going out, the guard too followed him.

The unknown man brought out a key from his pocket and opened the door of a room where the formal King used and whom was Li jun's father, the man know the in out of the palace mean that he was a person whom had lived in the palace before or still leaving there.

He opened the door, entered and closed it. Looked at the room that cobwebs had encircled and full of dust, he walked closed to the box on a table. Brought out a small knife and opened it, started checking it in hurry.

Dropping the jewellers that he was taking and keeps looking for it, shaking the box and continued finding it.

He closed the box after few minutes and started checking the entire room, looking under the table and chair and looking for it. The Head of the armies and co were walking at the corridor of the apartment when he heard the footsteps of the man walking around the room.

"This is where he is! What the hell are you doing here!" The Head of the armies shouted and wanted to open the door but it had been looked.

"Hey! Who are you? And I command you to open the door. You can't escape from here because the entire palace has been surrounded by the armies, so it will better for you to open the door now!" Shouted as he was using his legs to push the door and wanted to open it.

The unknown man didn't replied just keeps looking for what he was looking for and keeps walking around the room, balding down, jumping up and searching.

"Break down the door! Break it down!" Head of the armies command and the armies started using their beat the lock in the door and wanted to break it down.

Few minutes after they had been beating their swords on it, a iron ring from the door fell on the floor and Head of the armies wanted to open it, as he opened it. A smoke of a dragon's fire blew out from the house and they didn't see anything, a dragon uses it tail hit all of them.

Few seconds later. The smoke went down and saw glass of the window that the dragon entered from broke, it was a dragon that came to carry the man from that place.

The dragon flew into the sky as it got out and all the armies that were outside saw it with the man on it and was unable to do anything. Head of the armies and co ran out from the apartment with their sword in their hands.

"You are just standing! Why don't you attack it and the man on it. That is the dragon we have been looking for!" He said with loud voice and with anger.

"We tried but we can't fly to the level of dragon!" One of the armies outside said. When they heard the sound of the door opened by a guard and Liu Wei came out.

"What is happening here! What is the beating of drum for!" Liu Wei asked as he was walking closed to them.

"A stranger entered into the palace and went to a room at the King's chamber, we tried to get him but he ran way with a dragon and created smoke everywhere. I am so sorry my King for the mistake!" Head of the armies said and quickly apologized for the mistake.

"Who is he? Did he came to steal anything? Or what did come and do in my place?" Asked with loud voice.

"It's that unknown man that came on the judgement day, if you can remember my King? I don't know his mission in the palace but it's the formal king,s room that he went to and when we will entered meet everything intent!" Liu Wie looked at the Head of the armies.

"A stranger entered the palace and none of can come and call me, if you that you can't handle it!" Said loudly.

"We are sorry my King but we can-------" Liu Wei stopped him with loud voice.

"Go now! Leave the palace, go and look for him. I want him here dead or alive. Leave!!" Shouted at them.

Three armies that was with lamb sticks walked closed to the front and others followed them, leaving the palace. The head of the armies too followed them, Liu Wei looked at them still they gone far and went back inside.


"Walked fast now you guys!" Lee Yangyie said loudly to his friend with a fire lamb stick in his hand.

"We escaped at last! Let go and have fun, this school is so boring!" The fat guy said. Three of them were escaping from school and going NIGHT MANSION to have fun and the reason of Lee Yangyie going there was to go and see Dong Mei.

"Let me go and see Dong Mei. I must see her today no matter what will takes!" Said as he was walking at the front like a person on a horse.

"You have been madly in love Dong Mei!" The second guy said with low voice.

"I can't wait for hug her and kill that her pick and soft lips!" Said with a romantic voice.

Suddenly! The fire from the dragon's mouth hit the floor and created smoke to Lee Yangyie and co, always created smoke for people not to see him clearly. The unknown man passed by them and all of them looking at him.

"Who is that man that passed by?" Lee Yangyie said as he was looking at the direction that he passed.

"Let leave this place quickly! This is strange!" The fat boy said and three of them started walking very fast and leaving the Bush.


The unknown man got down from the dragon and entered the unknown old house. Everywhere was so dark and there was no a trace of light inside it, the man was not holding light and was able to see clearly but normal human could never see anything.

He sat down on a small chair, removed the cloth that used to cover his face and put it on the table. The face of the man was unable to describe because of the darkness.

He brought out a shining necklace from his pocket and that was what he went to the palace to take. The necklace was called Dragon necklace and always uses by King of the Demon fighters.

He put the Demon necklace inside a water and looking at it. For few seconds nothing didn't show up but later he saw an old man whom had dead long time ago.

"Young Demon fighter, Mother commander, dreamer, predictor and Cemelon have young up now and you have been waiting for them all these while. Make sure you started the MISSION on time because Demon has been about to start taking revenge!" The man didn't say a word.

"If they didn't discover themselves on time and the Demon captured them, you won't be able to kill him and second Demon again. Be fast about it!"

"Gather all of them together on time and take them to the immortal sorcerer, he will lead you on. Mind you Second King of the Demon fighter must be among the MISSION!" The man Finished talking and he vanished.

"I don't have nothing to do with the second King of the Demon fighter, we will never have something together!" Said with anger showed all over him.

When he saw the formal King in the Water and whom was Liu Wei's father.

"Please! Safe my son from the hand of those betrayals and take over my kingdom back, I beg you!"

"How dare you show up to me!" Said with loud voice and anger showed over him. There were many things in his mind and which was unble to say out.

"Don't be angry at me! It's my request that you should listen to. Please take REVENGE for me and get Liu Wei out of the wicked people and from the Demon's hand!"

"It's exactly what you did to me that they didn't to your son too! It's what you wish for me that is happening to your son right now. You forced me to a MISSION that I am not willing to go to, and now it turned back to your son!"

"Don't ever think like that! I love you------" the unknown man wanted to take the necklace and didn't want to see the King again or talk to him again.

"Please don't take the necklace yet! I want to talk to you and that was why I lead you to the palace to take the necklace, all those people betrayed me and killed me after naming me as traitor and took Liu Wei too. All those people are betrayals and wicked!"

"Nothing concern me about that. Betrayed you or not is none of my business. Look at me, can't help you!"

"I want to tell you that I love you, you may not know that from your own point of you but I did-----"

"Shut up! You have never love me for once so why are you lying even after you have dead. I don't have anything to do with you and your son, even I am ready to support anybody that want to kill that your son!" Said with loud voice and feeling very angry with the Formal King.

"You can't do that! Remember that you are-----" the unknown man took the Dragon necklace with again and the King vanished unable to complete his words. He was holding the necklace with anger showed over him and looking at the dragon.

"Want to be showing on necessary love after his death!" Shouted with anger.

"Stay here! Go out if you are hungry, don't ever eat what will affect people and don't ever betray me!" Said the same word to his dragon and left the house with the same white cloth and the necklace.