
Unwanted Partner

Rodrick had been a detective for Hell for as long as he can remember. So when Hell decided that demons, angels and humans could live together all on one plane he was one off the first of his kind to become a detective for the Human world. He enjoyed his job of making sure demon crimes were solved. that's how it worked. demons took care of demon crime and humans took care of human crime. But now Lord Luicifer, God and the stupid leaders of Earth have decided a new task force needed to be formed. And much to Rodricks disdain...he's been assigned his first Human partner.

Acarson · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Romantic Dinner for Three

Rickey blew another bubble from her gum, being sure it popped loud in the silence between her and Samuel. "I've asked you enough times to stop." Samuels hands tightened around the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. "Sucks when you ask someone to do something and they don't, doesn't it?" she did it again and he slammed on the breaks. "What the fuck Samuel?!" Rickey glared. Samuel reached over and grabbed her by her chin tightly, forcing her to look at him. "If you don't start playing the role as an obedient wife...I will let the school know what you and your gaggle of idiots really are. I will sabotage this entire thing for you in a heartbeat." he shoved her face away and started driving again.

Rickey had clinched her fists tight causing her nails to dig into her skin. She felt her blood on her hands and let out a sigh. "Let's eat out tonight dear. You mentioned a French place you wanted to take me to. We are already dressed decently enough." she gave him a smile that by all means seemed real. "That's my girl." Samuel smiled back and changed the course from home to said restaurant.

Rickeys eyes lit up a bit as she saw a familiar figure standing outside of the restaurant, smoking. Samuel got out opening her door for her before passing the keys to the valet. "About damn time." Rodrick smiled putting his cigarette out on the wall and approaching the two of them. "What are you doing here?" Samuel growled. Rodrick ignored him and grabbed Rickey pulling her close to him. He placed his lips on hers passionately. Rickey felt his tongue brush her lips and she let him in without hesitation. She could taste the cigarette smoke remnants in his mouth but didn't mind. Rodrick pulled away and looked over Samuel who was giving a death glare to Rickey. "We have some things to discuss about our job. And Samuel we are going to need you to join." the demon smiled.

"Of course." Samuel roughly grabbed Rickeys hand and dragged her toward the maitre de stand. "Table for three." Rickey smiled. Behind her Rodrick turned his head and spat out a piece of gum.