
Unwanted Fantasia of a Transmigrator

What comes after death? The Afterlife? The Void? Heaven or Hell? What about a hellish cycle of rebirth? A cycle of rebirth through time and space! Join Yuriy Markov XV on an unfortunate and unwanted journey beyond death! Born on Earth which is plagued by death and uncertainty, Yuriy pursues the life of a VR fanatic. Sadly that all comes to an end when war breaks out. Just when people thought things couldn't get worse, an unnatural disaster wipes out all life. Now having his first taste of death, join our main character as he embarks on a path towards what lies after death, and possibly even further! Remember... Death is only the beginning!

Myst_Assist · Fantasie
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161 Chs

Chapter 5 – Towards the Dark Elf Settlement Part 1

"Yes, mother. On my way." I replied to my mother's call.

It must be time for me and my siblings to learn something since every day at three hours past sunrise, we are summoned for home schooling. Since this world does not have clocks or bothered to develop sun dials ever, keeping track of time had been a pain. Yet somehow, they know what day my birthday is!? The only thing this world has going for them is their use of the metric system, which naturally confuses me to no end.

I feel like my family has forgotten I am only 6 years old. But then again, in their minds 9 years from now I will be considered an adult...(sigh). Let's see what they have in store.

Walking for a few minutes I bumped into my older brother Geoffrey age 11. Although not the first child, he is the oldest son, and therefore the inheritor of the Engelberg lineage. Sometimes he gives off a kind older brother vibe, other times he's a little shit who needs his ass beat. I guess that's the 50-year-old talking.

"Yuriy." Geoffrey said, seeing me coming towards his direction.


I replied. At least we have an unspoken agreement. We acknowledge one another and protect our sisters from scum. Outside of that, everything else is fair game. Speaking of sisters, ahead of us are my 3 sisters, the eldest child Evelyn age 14,


Evelyn said with a stone face. I can't tell whether she hates the lad or just tolerates his existence. Geoffrey on the other hand doesn't seem to care, and only nods back.

"Good morning, little Yuriy! Studying hard I hope?"

"Morning Evelyn. Of course, I am working hard!"

I replied. She seems to dote on me because of my love for knowledge while somewhat shunning Geoffrey, must be a mage thing. Next to Evelyn are Katya, my twin, and Saphire the youngest, age 3 almost 4. Yeah, I didn't mention it before.

I am the eldest of twins but went to sleep before my sister was born. What gets me is how my mom was extra chill, and despite being in labor, tried to breastfeed me while another human was coming out. The gall of that woman!

Anyway, I'm told when she was born and placed next to me, she cuddled into my chest while falling asleep. Now, when I'm not in dad's study, Katya is usually hanging out with me as we get into all kinds of shenanigans.

"Yuriy!!" Katya cried, eyes beaming with delight.

"Morning, partner in crime! What do we have planned today?"

Such is how I normally greet Katya in the morning since after whatever lesson we have, our little adventure commences.

"Nothing yet! Something feels odd about today, but Evelyn won't say!" Hearing her, Evelyn chimed,

"That's cause it's not my place to say. Mom and dad will tell us together soon enough."

From her response, we all knew something was up. While thinking about what it was, an even smaller little person tugged my sleeve,

"Yuyu, carry me!!" Saphire commanded with a little pouty face. Oh, she was just adorable.

"At your command, princess!"

While acting like a knight which always earned a few claps and giggles from the lass, I pick Saphire up and joined the rest. As our little parade of children reached the family room, awaiting us was dad in his military uniform, mom wearing her Alchemist's robes, and the doctor(?) who delivered us named Andy MacNamara.

This guy apparently is my uncle, but I do know of any real connection to his clan. Andy is a Dark Elf-human halfling in which his clan has tasked him with protecting the descendants of Grand Enchanter Yuriy. Or so the story goes from what he says.

Dark elves unlike Earth's interpretation of them, are a long-lived race who in appearance look like Afro-Americans. Instead of afros, braids and locs, they commonly have long and straight black hair as dark as a moonless night. Their ears are somewhat pointed, but not all. The younger dark elves are often confused for Salamorians who are native of the northern most continent of Salamor which is a tropical and highly volcanic continent.

With the continent of Salamor's highly dense magoi atmosphere, it's also referred to as the Arcane Throne. It would make sense for almost all mage organizations are headquartered there. Despite the confusion, as dark elves grow older, they become more in tune with magoi and nature. As a result, their hair slowly turns silvery platinum and their ears become pointed like the other elven clans.

Andy's clan are the few direct descendants of this continent's dark elves who were once slaves during a dark time on this planet. However, they were liberated by my ancestor, Yuriy Markov (who unsurprisingly was a dark elf). Sadly, his clan had long been extinct before dark elven enslavement.

Then again, most races faced extinction then since demonic dragons were the rulers of the world. The Demonic era was a time were the races were left alone to face evil. Despite being benevolent beings, Aethereal and Celestial dragons did not come to the race's aid due to the covenant with the world's Creator.

Anyhow, Yuriy Markov liberated the dark elves and the races alongside other powerful individuals, and as a sign of gratitude the clan's ancestors formed a blood bond with Yuriy and all of his descendants. Of course, this was 20,000 years ago, but still the dark elves view such a connection as sacred. With Andy, mom, and dad awaiting us, I wonder what they have in store,

"Good! Everyone's here. Dear, I think it's time we tell the children of what's to come." Mom said to dad, eyes somewhat clouded with worry. Nodding his head, dad spoke saying,

"Mmm… Children, now that Evelyn is 14, she will embark on a trip to the Tower of Infinity for her apprenticeship. Geoffrey, since you will be inheriting the Engelberg name, you too will be heading out. Your destination is the Engelberg ancestral home on the isle of Engelheim, the Holy nation of the Golden Sea. A detachment from the ancestral land will meet you at the Tower for the rest of the journey. Which leaves the twins."

"Now that you are old enough, Yuriy and Katya, it's time for you to decide what road your training will take. Yuriy, it is your obligation to continue the Markov lineage. However, given you are not an elfling, (those who have at least 25% elven blood) there's a chance you might not be able to continue the bloodline."

"Therefore, your mother and I have agreed to allow you to choose what direction your training will go. In such you, Katya, and Saphire will travel with Andy to his clan's ancestral home to the north. Do you have any questions?"

"Papa, what about you and mommy?"

Saphire asked, teary eyed and ready to burst. Saphire was named such given her constant crying when she was born. Father said her namesake the sapphire was dubbed the tears of heaven and can only be found in aquatic places overflowing with magoi.

"My child, Papa will have to leave for the northeast and train the new army recruits since I am the only available noble instructor. Your mother will be travelling with Evelyn and Geoffrey towards the Tower. Be a good girl for momma and papa and follow Andy, ok?"

"Sniffle...sniffle Yes...sniffle...sniffle."

Great… Thanks, Jo for releasing the floodgates. Now I'm gonna have to deal with the crying for God knows how long the trip will be... sigh. This was not how I intended to start my morning but now, what choice do I have. Groaning, and mumbling to myself, I carried the still weeping Saphire away. Afterwards, we all began packing our things for the journey.

-End of Chapter

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