
Chapter 6: Dark Wings

Silence filled the air for a moment before Dabi decided to speak. "Yea I heard of them but never really had contact with them...." He explained as he leaned back against the couch. Hawks sighed. "Yea that organization and the one we were in had people from there go against each other. I think they might be allies.." I nodded to the both of them. "Well I plan on ending this organization and if they are allies we might can end yours is well." Hawks looked to me interested. "Tell us what you know so far about them"

I sighed as I took a deep breath. "Their name is Dark Wing...I don't really know when they decided to make the organization but its been there for quite some time. The leader Kuhung is the leader of this large organization." Hawks interrupted me for a moment. "So you plan on stopping two large organizations by yourself??" He asked as I chuckled. "Hell no, I wish I could but no I will need help for this..." Dabi could tell where I was going. "You want us to help you out don't you?" I looked at him. "Well yea right now you and him are the only ones I trust not including Yuki.. She is dear to me and I don't want her getting involved..." Dabi raised a brow "How do you expect three people to take down organizations that have more than hundred people there?" I smiled "Since I have been there so long I know many who will be willing to help...There are two I know now tho one might be mad at me since I kind of paralyzed him for like 3 hours..." I said as I sighed. Hawks wings fluttered a bit as he got up. "So you want us to help you out with this...I'm in." I look up and smile softly. "Really? Thanks Hawks" He looked to me "Its Keigo.." I looked at him a bit confused "Oh thanks Keigo" He turned going to the kitchen. Dabi smirked as he looked over to me.

I looked back to him as I flinched slightly. "Why are you smirking at me" Dabi sat up a bit before finally speaking "What is your quirk?" He asked causing a jolt from myself and Keigo. "A-ah uhh well it's kind of complicated to explain....You can call me the exact definition of a demon I guess.." I explained as I sat back in my seat. Dabi seemed to get more interested as he tilted his head slightly "Mind telling me more?.." Keigo sighed as one of his feathers slapped Dabi. "Don't pry Dabi.." I sighed "Its fine if I need your help I would need you two to trust me..." Keigo looked back and retreated his feather.

"I call my quirk unusual.. I call it that because to be honest I don't know what all I can do and it is more than one.." Keigo brought back cups of coffee as I thanked him with a nod. He sat down listening. "I know I have an extra eye if needed most of the time its hidden.." Dabi chuckled "I seen that one.." I glared at him a bit. "Then there are my wings...they give me the ability to fly at speeds you would probably think is impossible...They are also what I use as a shield.... My tail can extend to about the length of 80 miles, it can also paralyze who I want for up to 3 hours with the tip of my tail..." Keigo and Dabi's eyes widened as they looked to one another then back to me. "You are kind of like a demon" Keigo said as he chuckled "Yea I guess my family said I have more but I haven't really found them out yet so I just use the ones I know how to use.." Dabi chuckled "Damn your one unusual person.."

I got up stretching as I yawned. "Well I need to actually head home before Yuki wakes up and have a heart attack not seeing me there.." Keigo nodded as he got up. "Let me take you back" I looked at him as I smiled softly. "Thanks but I'm ok...you need to keep that one in control" Keigo looked at Dabi and smiled. "Yea ok make it home safe" I waved them both out before going to the balcony jumping off and flying home.

Hawks Pov~~

I looked to Dabi before I sighed and sat down next to him. "You love her don't you" He said looking over at me with a smirk across his lips. "Yea I loved her since we were kids..." Dabi looked at me confused. "You knew her when you were a kid?" I nodded looking to him seeing confused face caused a sigh "It's a long story" Dabi smiled as he got up stretching "You will have to tell me later bird brain" He said before heading back to the room.

I got up looking out the glass doors that lead to the balcony, the view of the sky was so clear no buildings and no clouds blocking the beautiful shine of the stars that twinkled high. I leaned over placing my arm on the rail that kept any person from falling off and laid my head lightly into my hand. Looking up I noticed a slight movement causing me to look down as I noticed the necklace I made with (y/n)'s feather on it. I slowly held it up to me kissing it lightly. "I hope you'll remember me soon..." I say softly to myself as I let out a soft chuckle though it was meant to be a silly one I couldn't help but feel the pain of it. "Damn...I'm hopeless.."

I stood up and decided to call it a night turning to go back inside. I took one more look back before heading to my room were Dabi was spread across the bed as if it was his own. I sighed a bit and went to the closet to get a pair of sleep wear. After changing I went over to Dabi and slowly laid in his arms yawning softly. The scent of slightly burned ash filled my nose and the extra warmth due to his quirk filled my body relaxing me slightly. I covered us with my wings dozing off for the night.