
A boy who sotted freedom

Once upon a time there was boy whose name was Eren Yeager.one day hi and his friend was has gone in the forest to get some wood's.after that they return to there town at the main entrance he in counter his uncle Hanes how was drunk. His uncle offered him a drink but he refused to take it then vent his way to there home.when they reached home there mother great them after that they have their launch.then his friend told his secret to his mom that he wants to go to the scout rejment. His mom was feures after hearing that. She told him not to ever think about this.but he refused to do so then his father told him it's a nightmare out there. He said it is good from this boring life. After there conversation his dad went to his work and told him to behave well while he's gone then he will let him in the seller to see what he was doing there. He said ok sir. After that he went to see his friend. At the street his friend is been bulleyed by some bad boy he saved him from them after that they set beside the lake. They where talking about some other things then suddenly some things fell from sky everyone was shocked to see it. It was a big titan he destroyed everything. And Eren watched his mother got eaten by titan but he couldn't do anything to save her.He sweron that he will kill every titan.after that he has gotten in to scout for training and been able to pass the test.