
For Her

Please... don't kill me and my daughter...!. Did I already do what you want...?.



Like I care if you have changed or not you have committed a lot of crimes.

My name is Akito and i was in a organization called (The Ender of All) the organization purpose is to end people who have escaped from the government and the man I killed was one of them.

I am known as the blacked cape reaper. In the organization.

While i was sitting at the park a girl passed by and her beautiness cannot be put in words.I wanted to start a new life with her where we can have a nice warm meal together.

Kysha: What are you thinking so deeply?(With a joking voice)

Akito: No! nothing, I just want to start a new life. I want a peaceful life.

Kysha: You? A former ranked 5 out of 10,135 people. You ranked 5 and that is no joke. Just think how many people you have killed.

Akito: I know but.....

Kysha: You well that's your choice. Its just that you won't escape from your past.

Akito: Ok that's it iwill leave this organization.I will tell it to the higher ups.

Akito: I want to leave the organization

Higher ups: What did you say?! You? A former ranked 5 want to leave?

Akito: Yes....

Higher ups: No you know too much.You know that as well the top rank people have information that cannot be leaked. And you have killed too many people.

Akito: But..

Higher ups: No. Thats the final answer u will get from us.

Akito: Understood.....

I proceed to leave the room with disappointment. I was thinking how iwill start a new life where I can live peacefully. Maybe I should inform Kysha what happened.

(Phone Ringing)

Kysha: What's up?

Akito: My request got rejected.But I still won't give up.

Kysha: Ehhhh? Cant you just escape?

Akito: You know how big the organization is. You really think I can escape from them? I really cant think of any more ways of how i will leave the organization.

Kysha:Why not fake your own death. And live peacefully?

Akito: I didn't think of that. But how i will do that?

Kysha: Ok so iwill report to the higher ups that u were killed in a mission.

Akito: The higher ups are not stupid you know. You Think they would believe that me a former ranked 5 would be killed?

Kysha: It's not bad if we try you know.

Akito:Ok let's do it

I'm sorry for poor grammar

Tell me if there something wrong or what should I change

Gab_uselesscreators' thoughts