

Sebastian Yates son of Alexander Yates, ruler of the states. An epitome of good looks but an embodiment of vices. His family resides in the statehouse but his habitations are clubs and every place associated with evil. As punishment for reformation, he is abandoned and left to survive in a very scary and dangerous place. Alongside Domain his secret assigned guard, they have to survive in that horrible place. A valley of nothing but bones. A place where survival is for the fittest. Alexander anticipated nothing but a total change of character from his son little did he know. Everything was a trap. A trap to get rid of the only heir to the presidential seat to give a chance for a democratic government. Will Sebastian survive life outside the statehouse?

Invincible_Warrior · realistisch
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82 Chs


Alexander knew that if not for Senior's cruel plans then he'd be alive and healthy but now he was like a corpse walking in public and pretending to be perfectly fine.

He wanted to protect his son and ensure he was never targeted by Senior. He coughed looking at his white luxurious handkerchief and fear could be evident in his eyes.

He was dying gradually as every day passed. What would happen to his son when he was no longer able to protect him? The fear in his heart rose even more, what if they couldn't save his son, and what would happen when he felt nothing but disgust for him?

He tried to recall the moments when the two of them were together but the scenes were just so few that in less than three minutes he was back to the first flash of memory. Truly he had failed as a father but soon he would rectify his mistakes.