

Sebastian Yates son of Alexander Yates, ruler of the states. An epitome of good looks but an embodiment of vices. His family resides in the statehouse but his habitations are clubs and every place associated with evil. As punishment for reformation, he is abandoned and left to survive in a very scary and dangerous place. Alongside Domain his secret assigned guard, they have to survive in that horrible place. A valley of nothing but bones. A place where survival is for the fittest. Alexander anticipated nothing but a total change of character from his son little did he know. Everything was a trap. A trap to get rid of the only heir to the presidential seat to give a chance for a democratic government. Will Sebastian survive life outside the statehouse?

Invincible_Warrior · realistisch
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82 Chs


"Sebastian Glen." She called yet again and old Lee turned towards me.

"Seems like you have my granddaughter at your fingertips." He smiled and I mused. Very soon I would have him at my fingertips. I only have to gain his trust.

"Won't you give me a hug sweetheart?" I turned towards the voice and I saw Bestow's hands stretched out. Beside him was a handsome young man around my age. We had almost the same height only that I was slightly taller than him.

I hugged my wife tightly though feeling nothing but one thing was absurd. The guy walked passed him walking straight to old Lee.

"Is that him?" I heard him ask and he walked straight towards a black limousine and he drove off leaving a bunch of confused faces behind.

"Stuart, won't you say hello at least?" I heard Bestow ask but the guy just drove away. "Don't mind him. That's my elder brother, Stuart Lee." She said pulling me towards a black car and I drove off after her command.

"The Lee Cooperate is fully under your attention now. That's the agreement I had with my dad." She said and I mused. Not because I was happy but because my senses were fully alert. Why would his brother suddenly show up?

....Why would her father suddenly agree to the idea of him being CEO when it would jeopardize the whole Lee family in case he chose to abandon their daughter? What did they take him for? A fool?

He would use his opportunity to secretly hit up B City and then disappear from Bestow undetected just as he appeared. We stopped at the Vila and Bestow pulled me into our room kissing and sucking on my lips as if they were some sweet candy.

Something should happen, someone should save me from this hungry woman. I thought fighting the urge to take over because trust me she was such a bad kisser and probably a learner. Like seriously, woman, did she take my lips for a practice toy?

"My sister is..." I wanted to use Domain's condition as an excuse but her index finger landed on my lips gesturing me to shut up. How absurd, she didn't even wait for darkness to take over, and since she was seeking attention, I had to act like the man I was.

I would not give her the impression that she was not my type but seriously I had to agree that the girls I was with were way hotter.

I pushed her on the huge bed taking control. 'I will make you breathe less woman.' I thought devilishly sucking on her lips my tongue fighting hers.

I know am terrible but I wanted to make her regret the idea of kissing me. I wanted her to hate it. I wanted her to despise my lips on her and maybe that would make things easier for me.

I did not join the Lee family for affection, I joined it for shelter in this unknown City. My phone buzzed indicating a message and I broke free from the kiss reading through the short message.

// Check your email son.// It was from an unknown number. Wtf, was that my father? Did he finally find a way to contact me? Did Maddy sell off my plan to that good-for-nothing bastard?

I left the confused Bestow still struggling to maintain her breath as I headed straight to connect my phone to a charger. The percentage was too low and it would shut down at any minute.

"What happened?" Bestow asked and I smiled.

"It's nothing just a message from your father." I lied knowing the possibility of the sender being my father. I sighed, it was not from my dad. The sender's email read. lee103@gmail.com. Such a relief, I am glad that Mad didn't sell me off to my father.

//One of our most important clients just landed from Singapore. It would be bad if we disappoint him.//

Shoo, that's such a relief, at least I would be far away from this sex-deprived woman for a while.

I faked a frown on my face while showing her the message and she pouted. "He can just handle that himself." I smiled.

'Oh, daughter of Jezebel.' I thought heading towards the bathroom. "You said the company is fully under my care darling." I used her own words against her and it worked.

"It's risky outside, especially if our rivals find out that it's someone new and incapable of self-defense." She said and I mused.

"Don't worry about me sweetheart, transfer the worry to my sister and take good care of her," I said heading out but I stopped in my tracks. 'Incapable of self-defense?' I mused the back of my lips curved. 'Let's see about that sweetheart.' I walked straight towards the vehicle bestowed upon me by my wife.

I walked straight into an elevator that was designed only for the CEO's office. No one was available at the moment apart from a few security teams and my security who had probably been summoned.

"Mr Anderson said he's too tired to make any deals tonight. He'll be here tomorrow." Said the secretary and I gestured for her to leave. Mr Lee had just disturbed her sleep for nothing.

"Unfortunately, I can't leave because no one knows about Mr Anderson, he might change his mind anytime and my absence would jeopardize my position as your secretary." She said suppressing a yawn and I found that cute.

"His deals are only sealed at midnight so we still have some time." I looked at the wall clock and she was right, it was still early to make any rush but this lady had worked more than twelve hours! This was just very absurd.

"I'll take care of everything, you can rest inside." I pointed towards a secret chamber within the office and she froze in place.

"With due respect sir, that's not accepted and Madam Bestow wouldn't hesitate to get me fired if she finds out." She shook her head walking out and I sighed looking at the files on the table.

Damn, so many projects were pending since they needed my signature. I read through some files for some time signing to those I approved.

I stayed for four more hours and it was already midnight. Driving back to the Vila would take another two hours of my precious time and so I planned on staying in the secret room until it was morning but I was reminded of someone.

My secretary was probably still around waiting for the so-called Anderson. I headed straight towards her office and my eyes landed on her dozing image.

"Tell me your address, I'll drop you off," I said and she stood up immediately.

"Yes sir." She bowed taking her purse and something fell on the ground. Her identity card I presume. She was too sleepy to detect that and picked it up handing it over to her but I stopped looking keenly at it.

'Who exactly is this woman?' Her identity card showed she was from my country. How the heck did she find herself here? Is she my father's spy? I had to find out for how long she'd been in X City and working at Lee Cooperate.

"Excuse me, ma'am, how long have you been employed here?" I asked she mused taking back her ID card.

"Four years." She said and I sighed in relief. "Don't worry about my nationality, my parents moved here when I was still a baby so it's more like I have two nationalities."

"How did you find that identity card then?" I asked and she mused.

"The rest of my family resides there, it's only natural to visit and stay over sometimes." She said walking away and I followed.

We headed straight towards the underground parking lot but I sensed something was off. All my senses were alert as my eyes detected a shadow which disappeared as first as it appeared.

Holy Shit, coming here was a trap.

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