
Until the World End

2045, the world has come to an end. A sudden cataclysmic event has killed 90% of all human population. When all hope seem lost, one guy still determined to reunite with his lost girlfriend. Thus begin his journey through this desolate place. He won't stop, until the world end.

after_rain · realistisch
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2 Chs

when the world end

DAY 1:

I woke up with severe headache. Fuck, it hurts like hell. I haven't assessed the situations and when i do, i was surprised.

All of the people on my class except me still haven't woke up yet. I tried to wake them up and they're not even moving.

"What the hell happened?"

I went outside of my class and they are also had fallen asleep like i did. or so i thought.

I decided to check their pulse and...

They're not beating.

"What the fuck? Does this mean, that... they are... dead?"

No! I refuse to believe that the world has come to an end!






Why did this happen?

What happened to humanity?

My heart is beating super fast. I was so scared, i don't know what to do.

"Please no, please"

I quickly check my phone and to my surprise, i can still able to call using my phone. The first thing on my mind is to immediately call my girlfriend Amy.

Please pick up, please pick up. I prayed as i wait.



"Yes Paul!! Thank God you're still alive"

I was so happy upon hearing her voice. Thank God she's still alive, turns out there's still one good thing after the world end.

"P-paul what the fuck happened? Suddenly i passed out and when i woke up, all these people had died?"

"I don't know either, i was so scared i thought i was the last person on earth but after hearing your voice, i can be a little calm"

"What should we do?"

"Well first things first, Internet still on which mean we can still communicate but we won't know for how long"

"That's true"

"That's why we need to check other infrastructure, be it electricity, water or anything. See if they still worked or no"

"Alright i'm checking them right now"

I also went and check to see if everything still working on my end.

I first check to see if the lights can still be turned on and it still can.

"Okay Amy, you there? My lights are still working"

"Yeah same here"

"Then we check for water, see if its still running"

I went to my campus bathroom and the water still running from when people use it before we passed out

"Okay water still also running"

"Yup same here"

"So electricity and water still working but we won't know for how long. First we need to stack up on food and water in order to survive, you got any supermarket near you?

"Perhaps, i was on the street when this happened. I might have to go and search for it"

"Be careful okay? people around you are presumably dead but that doesn't mean that there won't be other survivors out there, just be careful"

"Yeah, i got it. You as well, you need to be careful"

"Yeah. I need to save my battery since i don't bring my charger to my campus today so i'll call you later okay?"

"Okay, love you. Take care"

"Bye, i love you too"

After that call, i went to my nearest supermarket, luckily there is a local supermarket near my campus so it should be a piece of cake.

On my way there, i saw a bunch of people presumably dead, i checked their pulse and it's not beating.

"What has happened to the world?"

I finally reached the supermarket and then i saw a familiar face...