
Until i fall inlove again

UNTIL I FALL INLOVE AGAIN Romance, Comedy, Drama, Modern (Graphic Warning: With Mature Content) SYNOPSIS: Laurice Ledesma Azul Had an artistic temperament. A shrewd femme d'affaires. With a sheltered past. A broken home. Thwarted passion. She possessed an unrivalved beauty that is envied by women and coveted by men. An exquisite woman of her youth with a vulnerable character. ... With her sanity on the line, will Laurice eventually succumb to the temptation of the gorgeous stranger with a son playing as his wingman? Sid Walsh was relentless. Another Walsh however came in play. Laurice's interest is perked up. Will there be rivalry between brothers? An old flame returned as well. It was the most disturbing one. But if an ex-boyfriend's appearance wasn't chaotic enough, a tenacious fiance revealed himself claiming his rights as the future husband! The battle among lovers is on! Laurice was somehow caught in between. But she still had a missing person to find and a career to foster. Will she ever find the courage to be free from all control, abandon herself to her desires without reserve and trust wherever fate leads her to be? ... 20th of March, Year 20XX At that serendipitous moment, Laurice was certain she saw something in his cognac eyes - something akin to love. ... Extra Scene: "I like you." The man was still lost in his thoughts when he heard the words. It was almost inaudible. Like a careless whisper. "Y-you like me?" He uttered. "W-well, i don't h-hate you." Laurice stammered. The man arched his eyebrows in amusement. He grinned at the woman who was being defensive. A playful glint flashed past his eyes. "Can i kiss you, then?" Sid asked. Laurice: " ...???!!! " A kiss?

msgel · Allgemein
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90 Chs

Chapter 33: What he wanted for breakfast

It was still dark outside when Laurice woke up the next day. She initially thought that she would not be able to sleep a wink due to last night's 'incident' but surprisingly, she had one blissful sleep. Thanks to her ability to sleep without effort anytime, anywhere, but more so, for the fact that she had apparently exhausted herself yesterday. She felt her energy was depleted from the physical and mental torture that she had just gone through that her body automatically shut down last night when she laid down in bed.

But the best part of all is that, she actually had a really wonderful dream last night! It has been so long since she had a sweet dream although she could hardly recall the rest of the details of that particular dream, she knew exactly that she had slept well indeed. She woke up with a bright and radiant face and she felt utterly invigorated.

'If it's because of that gorgeous man last night, then she thought that what better way to repay the deed than the thought of making him breakfast.'

But the moment she crawled out of bed, memories of last night's hot encounter flashed past her mind. 'Shoot!' She was startled out of her reverie that her cheeks begun blushing. Laurice was feeling giddy by the sudden rush of emotions that flooded her mind and body as her heart started racing.

'If it can be counted as an intimate encounter then, how the he*l is she supposed to face the guy today?!'

No. It was an accident.

She needed to convince herself that last night was indeed an accident.

'We're both mature people, let's not be petty towards something so trivial. So what if they almost did it? It was only physical attraction and it's normal for people especially of opposite sex to desire and conquer the flesh.'

She paused for second to console herself as if convincing herself that they did nothing wrong at all late last night but upon repeating the words in her head, she was momentarily shocked from her ultimate realization.

Bloody hel*!

'They almost did the deed!?!'


Laurice thought that she and Sid indeed almost had se* last freaking night!

Was it pure attraction that pushed themselves to such heights? No. It was basically driven by lust.

Laurice closed her eyes for a moment as she pondered. She was getting frustrated with herself for being so reckless. She screamed inwardly while pulling her hair ends from her scalp and with her long disheveled hair, she scolded herself mercilessly.

How can she be so stupid?

She was not an easy woman.

She does not crave se*!

But the truth really hurts, she almost gave herself to a man she had just met! To a total stranger! In fact, she almost gave herself willingly to the man himself! Her first experience was almost out of wed-lock!

She kept repeating the phrases in her head hoping to put some sense back on her brain. From today onwards she reckon that if there is one word that she hated perhaps, then that is none other than the letters that spelled 'almost.'


Laurice has been preserving her chastity for her husband-to-be but not only did she almost gave it away without a thought, she actually did it with a man who wasn't even her boyfriend in the first place. She shuddered when she thought she almost had a one-night stand with a complete stranger.

One night.

Laurice somehow could not make herself believe that Sid was the type of man who would indulge in such extreme se*ual affairs.

He seemed pretty decent in her eyes that she was even getting comfortable in his presence.

'That's right.'

If it's any consolation, then she was glad and grateful enough that she was intimate with a decent man and not just any random guy with a suspicious background.

Laurice felt a brief sense relief with the thought and was soon busy preparing herself mentally on how to deal with a man she almost slept with but ultimately felt defeated in the end.


She would not care anymore.

'What's done is done already.'

She could not alter the past anymore.

Besides, they did not even kissed for goodness sake?!

Somehow, the thought made her even more gloomy and frustrated.


Not long after, the sound of her stomach grumbling could be heard audibly across the room.

She thought she might as well cook breakfast this early than do any of her usual routines first since she had guests around.


The moment Laurice walked right out of her room, she instantly smelled the aroma of freshly roasted and brewed coffee beans that seemed to emanate around the house. It was soothing her senses that she almost had the urge to sleep back or just lazy around some more. She does not personally like drinking iced or even hot coffee but she actually loves sniffing it's strong aroma. It smelled delicious as if teasing her taste buds but she could not handle too much anti-oxidants else she might get an upset stomach. However she was a firm believer that a good cup of hot coffee is best savoured at the morning to begin the day with. But she would prefer tea over coffee any time of the day.


'Who could be brewing coffee this early?'

Laurice thought hard and realized that Dylan himself was also a coffee drinker but she was somehow having some crazy speculation that the other man was the one downstairs obviously already awake and had personally made himself coffee in the morning. She bit her lips and inhaled sharply to contain her emotions that was slowly coming back at her. She was getting nervous again that her sole and palms were starting to feel cold against her skin.

With unhurried steps she walked over the kitchen and found the exact same man she was expecting.


Sid was sipping over a steaming cup of coffee while glancing over his phone as he lean behind the kitchen counter.

The man seemed to be emitting a profound aura that is somehow fit for a royalty like he appears to be. Laurice sucked in her breath with the mere sight of him. A ripple of warm energy floated in her mind that made her slightly tremble on her knees down to her toes.

She just stood there in a trance as she gazed at the ethereal man occupying such an empty open space but she felt as if she was cramped in a place that only the two of them seemed to exist.

"Good morning, Laurice."

A deep, low voice ringed on her ears.

The sound of her name under his breath resonates a rather sensual fervor. Her heart wavered.

She gathered her wits back and replied in a gentle manner, "Good morning, Sid."

Laurice unconsciously paused when she realized she had indeed called the man by his name and the mere fact was somehow evoking an indescribable feeling from within her. The words came out of her mouth so naturally as if it was the right response but it still made her feel a bit tense and nervous.


Sid's eyes flickered when he heard her greeting.

He hmm in response.

"I'll make you tea." He said promptly without asking her anything else and voluntarily made her a cup of what seems to be a bag of green tea.

Laurice was puzzled that he did not offer her coffee instead but disregarded the thought immediately while she rummaged through the fridge to prepare a meal.


Sid on the other hand felt that his efforts are negligible and mentally noted to have his butler purchase fresh loose leaf green tea instead of processed tea bags and have it delivered to Laurice's home for her to enjoy in the days to come.

He knew basically that Laurice prefers green tea best besides oolong or any other sort of tea and was certainly not a coffee drinker like himself. This was included in her profile that his assistant had given him. Only he felt that the findings weren't truly enough for him as he believed there is more about the woman that he did not know about.

He has a lot more to discover about the woman, especially so about the same woman from last night who was rather alluring and passionate than usual.

It was beyond his expectations.

The image of the woman flashed past his eyes.

Sid was again reminded of their feverish bodies touching from last night, of his hands stroking and caressing her back and their fervent gaze interlocking as they slowly submit to their desire to devour each other.

He can still remember the feel of her warm and supple skin in his palms that he wanted to do more to her than just touch her. He wanted to fondle over her sexy body with his hands and his lips and his tongue. He wanted to mark her to places only he is allowed to see and make her his. His alone. The thought made him hard in an instant that he felt the sudden tightness in his groin. He worry that his bottom might not conceal his half arousal and might scare the woman off.

'Fu*k! It's still too early for such fantasies.'

He groaned inwardly and helplessly as he tried to stay a distance away from the woman who was exuding an early morning scent that is slowly penetrating his senses. He might actually lose control of himself if he gets any closer to her now. Just like yesterday. If not for someone's meddling he could not imagine the consequences if they actually went all the way last night.


"What do you want for breakfast?"

Sid was stunned when he heard Laurice spoke while she rummage inside and around the fridge and her pantry cabinets for food. From his angle, her full and plump bottom was in full view that he could not help but stare from behind her and felt constricted to some degree that's making his core grew even more painful.

He thought that what he truly wanted for breakfast was her and guiltily wanting to flee out of her sight before he do something he might regret right after.

He responded, "You ... don't have to bother. I'm leaving anyway after i had my bath." He forced the words out of his throat before finally leaving her behind.

Laurice: " ... ?? "

Stayed up late for this one.

Good night and Good morning!

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