

--2 days later--

After walking for 2 days the sins are finally near Liones.

"Captain will you tell me what happened 2 days ago?" Ask Merlin worried since Meliodas and Ban haven't been the same since 2 days ago, as if they are worried about something.

"Yes captain what's wrong? We have never seen you with such an expression before." Says King.

Meliodas wasn't saying anything so Ban decided to speak up for him. "Its really nothing you guys, I got a little too drunk and I said some things that hit the captain the wrong way and I feel bad about it." After he finishes saying that the rest of the sins look at him suspiciously but don't say anything more about the subject.

"Captain I can see Liones!" Says Diane clearly excited to be back.

"Great! When we get back I will go to Zaratras and collect the payment for the job." Says Meliodas with excitement in his voice. "Then we can all go for a drink"

"Hell yea!" Says Ban also excited to drink.

"I will go with you captain" Says Merlin.

--20 minutes later--

"Alright! Meet me at the bar in 30 minutes!" Says Meliodas.

"Okay!" Says Diane as all the sins go off to do their own thing.

--In The Castle--

As Meliodas and Merlin are walking down a hallway, they suddenly hear small footsteps and see Elizabeth peeking around the corner. "Hey Elizabeth!" Says Meliodas with a smile on his face.

Elizabeth runs to Meliodas and hugs him. "Meliodas!!" Shouts Elizabeth with a big smile on her face.

Merlin watches this from the side with no emotion on her face as she says. "Captain we should hurry or we will be late"

"Sorry Elizabeth, ill play with you later alright? I need to go meet up with Zaratras." Says Meliodas with a smile.

"Okay!" Says Elizabeth a little upset and goes back where she came from.

--Inside Zaratras office--

Meliodas enters with Merlin behind him and says. "Sup Zaratras, Seems your as busy as ever huh?" Zaratras sees Meliodas and as he hears what he says he gets an annoyed look on his face. "Oh back off, at least I'm being responsible"

"Anyway, we cleared the bandits can we get our payment?" Ask Meliodas with his eyes shining.

"*sigh* yea sure here you go, and for doing it pretty quick ill give you a little extra" Says Zaratras as he hands them a bag of coins.

"Yes! Cant wait for the drinking part tonight." Says Meliodas visibly excited.

"Well whatever, can I get back to work now Meliodas?" Ask Zaratras a little annoyed how he is enjoying his time while he is busy.

"Yea sure, cya Zaratras!" Says Meliodas as he walks out with Merlin.

"*sigh* Hes so annoying" Says Zaratras with a smile.

--At the bar--

"What's taking them so long?" Ask King with a little frustration.

"Meliodas is probably teasing Zaratras" Says Ban with a tired look on his face.

"Hey I heard that" Says Meliodas as he walks into the bar and looks at Ban. "Sup Cap'n, did you get the money?" ask Ban.

"Yea of course I got the money, are we all ready for drinks?" Ask Meliodas.

"Yea!!" Exclaims the rest of the sins.

As the sins were drinking and having fun, Ban comes beside Meliodas and ask him quietly. "Hey Cap'n, What are we going to do about that fellow Asmodeus?"

Meliodas looks at Ban for a minute and says. "Nothing for now, his power is something none of us can go against, that and he didn't do anything to us even though he could, so I see no point in getting on his bad side." As Meliodas says that he makes sure to look around so the other sins don't suspect anything.

"Yea alright then, what are supposed to do if we ever meet him again?" Ask Ban.

"If his intentions seem malicious, then we run as fast as we can, although if it seems he is just passing by we can probably say hi" Says Meliodas in a uncertain tone.

--somewhere in purgatory--

"Hm? What was that?" Wonders the Demon King. "I am almost certain I felt someone enter purgatory but I cant sense anyone...hmm..."

As the demon king was lost in thoughts there was someone in a black and blue jacket standing in front of him with no worries.

"Well hello there...you must be the demon king, nice to meet you!" Says Asmodeus with no worry in his tone at all.


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