
Unspoken Feelings

For an ambivert like me, it is very hard to express though I am a talkative one. I am extraordinarily shy, confidence is what I lack. Now I am ready to open up myself but truthfully I am scared. But trying is not a risk but my one step to gain self-confidence.

IamZephyr · Bücher und Literatur
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43 Chs


Darkness has gain, the credit from my pain

Pursuing his goal in conquering my call

To relenquish the light from my sight.

Darkness has played the trick,

Forever stayed

That would break my soul

And melts until to its core.

Darkness forbids me to seek through the light.

But want me to seek through silence.

Of whatever I hide.

Darkness has the product of creating another me

But differ from any way

It covers totally the emotion and never letting flow.

I was there in the midst of everything.

Until I gained my own faith again.