
Author's note

 I know most people won't understand the constant switching between languages in recent chapters. Ayah is a "Norse witch" the closest language I could find being Icelandic. So, I'm going to go ahead and post this so if some readers choose, they can go back and understand things better, translation isn't perfect, but I tried to get it as close as possible. This will be a list of translations into English. SINGLE WORD TRANSLATIONS: Móðir- Mother Ástin mín- My love Kristur- Christ Stelpa- Girl Heimsk stelpa- Stupid girl. Guðirnir- The GodsMikill Andi- Great spirits. Ayah's name itself has deep meaning being derived from association with God's existence and power. Somewhat referring to her as a miracle or miracle worker. 

 Siedr prefixing her name just tells what she is. Siedr is a form of pre-Christian Norse magic and shamanism involving fortune telling and shaping the future as well as a range of magical practices. Included but not limited to, spirit journeys, healing and prophecy magic. 

I've tried my best to put plenty of research into specific parts of this story, and if my research is wrong or offensive please feel free to let me know in the comments and I will change it to the best of my ability. It is not my intention to make anyone uncomfortable and I'm only going off of what sites and articles tell me. I also enjoy constructive criticism and encourage my readers to share their thoughts on the story's progression and take everyone's input on what ideas they'd like to see or how they'd like the story to go into consideration. Thank you for your understanding and continuing to read my work and correcting me on my mistakes if need be.  Now let's get into the ritual's translation in the recent chapter. I tried to make it possible for google to be able to translate this part, so if I miss anything you can copy and paste it into Icelandic to English and it should come out just fine.


Við köllum til þín- We call to you.

Við biðjum um lækningu þína- We beg for your healing.

Snúðu tímanum til baka- Turn back time.

Lækna það sem er brotið- Heal what is broken.

Lækna hana- Heal her.

I hope this helped some and I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I've enjoyed learning the information to write it and have many plans for the chapters ahead. I am going to be taking the time to stockpile chapters, so time gaps in between publishing may be different for now until I get some good drafts going. So, I may not release a chapter every day. Please bear with me on that. And I promise as soon as I get a good bit ahead in my drafts I'll post on a regular basis. Leave comments, share the story and don't forget to vote and send stones :)) 

- Cryptid_speaks.