
Mario Revenge 2

    The crowded class, when the countdown of ring of bell school, is just a silence for me. I can't stop imagining what will happen to me when I the time school is over.

    All I think about is just today. I'm confused, scared, nervous. My hands even trembled when holding a pencil.

      Writerz looks at me with his empty face. "What' matter Fritz?" asked Writerz. My eyes are blank staring at Writerz, how's not. How could he don't know what I was worried about. "Are you scared?" asked Writerz.

     I just silent and blankly stared at him. "Are you scared?" asked him once more. I was still silent and still blankly  stared at him.

     "Are you scared?" asked him for the third time. "...." I was silent and speechless. It's feel like, this is a good time to jump from this school building at 4th floor.

     "Emm ...," said Writerz, he seemed to be thinking about something.

     "Are you scared?"

      "Whatever!" I replied annoyedly.

"Kenji not scared," said Writerz. My eyes immediately looked at Kenji after heared that. Kenji looks happy and is he was talking with Mamat.

     "Kaenji!" I shouted, calling Kenji. Kenji turned back with his overrated 'turn back'. "What's up?" Not seen anxious face at all from his face, instead, a cheerful face seen.

     "Did you not worry? You know about five minutes later the bell is going to ringing," asked me confusely. "Eh? What we should worry about desu?" answered Kenji casually.

    "Don't you remember?" asked me more confused. "Remember what desu?" Even Kenji looks more confused.

     "You know ... about the gang, Good Bo--" My words immediately dispersed when I saw Kenji curled anxiously.

     "Eh ... what's matter Jie!"

"Akh! Buddy desu gang." Kenji holded his own head and suddenly he fell sat to the chair, he looks get fainted.

     "Damn ... Ifritz, why you remembering him about that incident," said Mamat who was embracing Kenji. "Ha? What's wrong with that? Then why he could not remember that?" asked me.

    Mamat sigh "Hegh ... Kenji was fine before," said Mamat. "Better? What do you mean by better?" I asked confusely.

    "Since Kenji read the last post from the Good Boy gang, he oftenly get fainted."

     "Huh? Really that bad?" History teacher came and immediately embraced Kenji. The teacher slapped Kenji's cheek softly few times, but unfortunately, Kenji did not wake up.

     "Bring the White Wood Oil Mat!" commanded History teacher. White Wood oil is a little cup of bottle, that usely used for someone get fainted.

     Mamat immediately took the oil on Kenji bag, and there was a note attached  'For Emergency!' written by Mom. Mamat immediately took off the note, and immediately gave the oil to the History teacher. History teacher immediately poured a little bit oil and his finger and smear it to Kenji nose. Kenji getting wake up and began to staring around the people who were surrounding him.

     "Kenji, what happen young man?" I smiled. Oh yeah how I can not thinking about this. Teacher can solve our problem. "Sir, the other class kids is going to kick Kenji butt when he going to home." I smiled happily, because this must be 100% successful and the problem is solved.

     History teacher immediately looked at me. "Oh, so that's the problem."

"Yes desu," Kenji answered with his cheerful face.

     History teacher took off his embrace from Kenji and stood up. "Oh, this problem must be solved as soon as possible, isn't it?" I sighed after heard that.


     The sound of the bell that should be the sound appocalypse, turned into our freedom sound. History teacher returns to his seat and so do we. "Mat," said History teacher, give him code to end the school.

      "Stand ...! Up ...!" yelled Mamat, and all of the class stood up. And all of class southed, "Good ...! Afternoon ... Sir ...!"             

     "Okay kids, see you all soon." History teacher immediately going to left the class, but before he stepped out, I immediately blocked him with a call. "Sir!" I shouted him. Yeah about five minutes ago he said he wanted to help us, and now where he want going?

     "What's matter young man?" History teacher answered manly. "Sir, how about Kenji problem?"

     "Just my problem desu?" Kenji murmured. "Of course it's should be solved, young man," answered History teacher.

     "Ha? Then, why you are going to home?" I asked shockedly. "Oh ... young man. Did you know?" We just silent and stared at him with frowned face, because we don't know what he was talking about. Know about what!?

     "I want going to home because ...  because the bell is ringing young man!" We fell silent again after heard that and staring at him with blank expression."That's not what I meant sir? How come you want to go home even though you said, you want to help Kenji problem?" I asked firmly.

     "Ho ho ho, young man, what I said is 'the problem must be solved as quickly as possible' but I don't said I will intervene on your problem. "Ha...?" Kenji and I confused.

     "Sir did you don't want to help Kenji?" asked me. "Just me desu?" Kenji murmured again.

     "I already helping you young man."

     "You mean sir?" asked me. Helping ...? "Oh ... young man. I already helped you to grow up. Your problem will not be solved if the teacher and parents intervene

     solve this problem without help of a teacher or parent, and that's when you can grow up, young man."

     "But sir, you will be get trouble if headmaster find out about this problem," said Mamat.

     "Ho ho ho, O young man, Every teacher will take all the risks that will come, for the greater good his student." All the student stared awe at History teacher.

     "Ho ho ho, but don't tell to them." The admired eyes turned into a empty expression. "Ho ho ho, By the way young man, I have to go because of, the call of duty state." History teacher steps out of class.

     The steps of Mr. History suddenly stopped while at the door. "By tha way, remember young man, you are not alone, you have friends." After ending the words,  History teacher came out of class epicly. I silent for a moment and started carrying my bags.

     I immediately turned to Writerz. "So what's your plan Writerz?"

     "Wake Kenji first, he fainted."

     "Fainted? Again?" Mamat immediately smeared the white wood oil for the second time to Kenji nose. And immediately after that, Kenji woke up.

     "What we should desu?" Kenji asked after waking up from his faint. "Now what Writerz?" I asked for the second time.

      "Relax, we still have secret weapon," said Writerz. "Secret  weapon!?" I stared him in surprise.

     Writerz smiles slightly. "Yeah, we still have 80% invisible hat--"    "Really! Can't you take it seriously!" annoyed me. Suddenly Writerz face approached to me and he glaring at me with his serious face. "Did my face looks joking to you?"

     Hearing that I'm surprised and instantly staring at him with grinning. "Hah!?" I mean, what the heavdn is this guy! "Okay okay, whatever Writerz, but please Writer, don't disappoint me," said me resignedly.

     "Alright now put da hat on your head," said Writerz with his cheerful face, so annoying, why the heaven he so happy now, on this condition, but when all the day he always wear that stupid empty face!

     Four of us, Me, Kenji, Brog and including Writerz wear that hat. "Okay now let's we join the crowd on the school gate." As soon when I realized Writerz plan, we went straight to the gate. The crowds of students who were in the gate made us a little slowed down.

     We can fly, but there are restrictions to fly over people's heads, because in our opinion it is an disrespectful thing. Seen there are a boy who seem to be Good Boy gang that looking for us, including Mario seen in the gang crowd. Weirdly this hat plan was successful, we walked in this crowd smoothly without any disturbance and finally got out of school.

     "Eh, Fritz, I still don't believe it, I don't know if Good Boy gang is that stupid. I wonder how they can graduate the class."

     "Yes Jie." Both of us laughed happily. "Hahahahaha--" Our laughter stopped because a bunch of Good Boy gang boy blocked us on the road.

     "Oh really funny ha? Do you think we are that stupid?" said one of the boy. Our mouth suddenly choked and couldn't speak. "How can you know?" I asked slowly.

     "Are you guys joking with us? You all the one looks obvious on the crowd, only you weared the hat in the crowd, but because Mario says 'just pretend you dont see' we can catch you smoothly."

     "Writerz!" I turned to right side but didn't see Writerz, also the other side and then I realized that Brog wasn't there either. My brain immediately analyzed that Writerz just used me and Kenji for his safety. I never expexpect if Writerz was a good child.

     "Let's just fly Kenji, they can't fly," I whispered to Kenji. Kenji nodded and we quickly tried to fly away from them. "NO FLY!" the Good Boy shouted, spelled their magic. We both fell from 30 cm heights.

     "Akh!" we both shouted painfully. "Hey hey, you can't run, we can use dispell magic, or may I say, you can't flee." We began to stand up hopelessly.

      Suddenly someone came and crossed the crowd. "Hey! Now you have been trapped. Where is that great Writerz now?" It was Luigi! I mean Mario! Why do his Mom gave his name Mario?

     Mario looks at us carefully, it looks like he's checking someone. "Hah! I knew it Writerz really not here-- If he knew why he checked it?--luckily, I already command the half of Good Boy gang to find him."

     "Ha?" I gawked heard that. Mario proudly laughed because he was real proud for what he did. But suddenly someone interrupted Mario laughte from behind. "Hoi! Mario."

      And ...  that was Writerz but, what made me more surprised is a bunch of people behind it. After I looked carefully, I realized they were all my classmates.   Mario's body froze for a moment because he was very familiar with that voice, then he turned around slowly. "Hah! Writerz?" Mario said nervously.

     "Nah ... I'm not Writerz, I'm your mama and I wanna to said how disappointed me borned you to this world ... of course I'm Writerz. Now let's we finish this conflict with man way. If you just rely at that stupid gang it's useless. we win the amount."

My doubts on Writerz instantly disappeared when I realized his great plan. "Ha? So chalange me to duel?"

     "No, but if that's what you want, I take it. but before that tell your friend to stop calling for help." Some Good Boy gank who hold the cellphones sunddenly freezed. "If Not?" snapping Mario.

     "...." Writerz

     "I pounch you," said the Writerz with that cold expression. Good Boy gank immediately putted his cellphone back on his pocket panicly. Mario silent for a moment and then laughed crazily. "Ha ha ha ha, do you think I didn't expect this coming?"

     "No," Writerz answered casually. "You are wrong Writerz! I told to the gang that I commanded to looking for you, if there was no sign of me in 5 minutes they had to come here."

     "I don't think so, if that was true, then why do you look so nervous, then why are you telling us? If you not tell us. You can buy the time before I pounch you Mario!"

     Mario was silent for the second time because Writerz knew his cunning plan. "So which way you want to chose Mario?" Mario was silent for a few seconds then his gloomy face suddenly cheerful.

     "What if we finish this with a game!?" said Mario. "Game? What game?" asked Writerz pretty couriously.

     "Chess!" answered Mario quickly. "Oh, so you challenged me a game that you thought you are the best at it? Okay but if my body doesn't fit, can I appoint someone else to swap me to play?"

     "Huh? Okay but remember only your classmates, then the one who bets is still you." Now Mario back with his arrogant face. "Okay, Mario I want to show you that the person you humbled, was could be better than you."

     "Hah, you just realized that I'm better?" Mario mocked. "Tomorrow you will find out Mario," Writerz answered with his blank face. "Whatever, tomorrow going home from school comes to the chess club room, all 7th grade students will come and watch us compete."

     "Oh ok, then whoever loses, should do the homework of the winner, for 6 months?" said Writerz exicitedly, I never saw the expression of a Writerz like this, like a tiger ready to pounce on a prey. "Oh whatever," said Mario just like he doesn't care about the bet.

     "Okay then, but you better keep your word Mario, because all the thing that happen now, have been recorded by Mamat." Mamat gave his thumb to the Writerz. "Hah, no problem to me," answered Mario casually like he doesn't care at all.

     "Okay, let's go home Kenji, Ifritz."

      "Eh, yeah-yes," we replied haltingly because we still couldn't believe what had just happened." We were finally can back to home peacely and likewise Mario and his friends. I immediately thanked my friends who helped us. "Guys, thank you, thank you so much, even you guys brave to stand up to me againt the Good Boy gank."

     "No, Ifritz, actually we were here because Writerz just asked us to visit you, you have boils on you butt, because you bitten by a dog on the butt he said," answered Ziti, one of my classmates.

     "What ...?" answered me shockedly. "Yes, Fritz your boil can be infection to other people, we better go home now desu."

     "What? Infection?" All of my friend now whispering about my boil. Suddenly the crowd of my friends disappeared and there is only the four of us left. "Okay, good bye then." Mamat walked away from school.

     "Okay now let's we go home, and both of you just come to my home," said Writerz. "Why?" asked me. "You don't remember  about the ring?"

     "Oh yes yes." I just remembered about the ring, I must have forgot about that, because a lot of unexpected thing just happened. Right I and Kenji will be there, now let go home,"  said me. "Let's go desu."

We left the school and went to each other houses.


     "Ho ho ho, looks like my students are already grew up, I'm very proud to be your teacher."    "What are you doing in here Mr?" asked hotdog dealer-lvl-3.

"Oh, I ... I ... want to go home of course." History teacher immediately left the place.
