
Unsealing Emptiness

He was not a human since no human is aware of himself even before his birth. He has no blood and no heart, but emotions? He does have feelings, but can he express them? Why was he called a Devil's Spawn at his birth? Why did they cut away his arms and a leg? Why did no one ever visit him for years? And why does this emptiness... feels so... just so familiar? Why does the Void feel so... full? Who is he? Or rather... What is he? Countless questions—all left unanswered. This is Ozul Ashfall's Adventure to comprehend his own existence. ______________________________________ Disclaimer: I do not own this cover, and if you are the owner and want me to take it down, please contact me on the discord server: discord.gg/RVBHh4rTJJ

Bird_0f_Hermes · Ost
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469 Chs

Fancy much?

If anyone else heard Ozul saying that, they would probably think that he was overestimating Blaze's talent.

However, Ozul just had a feeling that Blaze had a talent unlike any other. The blue crystal crown on his forehead still felt lifeless to him no matter how hard he looked into it.

What had surprised him was the fact that he couldn't find any similar cases in the history of this continent!

Just like his own condition, Blaze's was one of a kind as well.

What had brought Ozul to have his current evaluation of Blaze was the fact that he hadn't seen him stuck at a rank, not even once throughout all these years!

He was continuously progressing. The speed at which he improved might have varied, but never once did it completely halt. It let Ozul believe that he was nowhere near his limits.