
Unreciprocated love

Closing my eyes, I let the tears flow freely,it was a bittersweet feeling. i felt happy yet alone. I knew I had to be strong,if not for me, but for the child growing in me. l have experienced a lot of pain perhaps this child is a comfort. A reminder that I can live, I can feel and I can achieve anything. I rubbed my stomach. Feeling happy yet sad as everything I have experienced in the Kim family came back. How i begged and cried to be loved. A forced marriage always amount to nothing. Yet I still love him. ................................. ........................ Five years later, Staring at the skyscraper building In front of me, the biggest conglomerate in the country owned by the top family in the country , I grinned coldly. I was walking into the company when I felt a force push me. I waited to embrace the cold floor when someone caught me. I opened my eyes my heart skipped a beat seeing the same eyes that broke me years ago. Those brown eyes belonged to only one person .............. Felix Kim.

TriciaX3052 · Teenager
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6 Chs

Chapter five: A new identity.

Everywhere was dark and blurry, she could see no one but hear screams and pain and it affected. But who was screaming. She saw an image, a young girl brimming with tears yet in bondage. She could sense the pain yet again an emotion of love. She wanted to free her but as she got closer, something pulled her and all she saw was images. She felt her stomach churm and woke with fright, heart accelerating. She fell back tired.

"Doctor Julian, she is awake" . The doctor who was sitted with fingers brushing his hair followed the nurse to the ward and there she was lying down with suspicious eyes lurking around. 

" Get the test results done" he gave the order. "Yes sir" . The doctor sat beside her holding her hand " Are you okay, any reaction, anything at all" . She looked around " Who am I and what am I doing here" . Julian looked confused. Just then the nurse came back in "Doctor Julian, the force in which her head was hit caused a memory loss. She has no idea of her identity. " . Julian collected the results and signaled for her to leave. He turned to look at the woman, expecting a reaction but she looked suprisingly calm. Her soft yet cold eyes stared into Julian's. 

"What happened to me and who am I? " . Julian calmed himself and sat " A year ago, a ghastly and fatal plane crash happened due to an unexpected weather resulting to the loss of several passengers. Our hospital was alerted and we were able to save few though most died. You were among them. Out of the few, you were the only one who slid into coma . We started the necessary procedures but you didn't respond to treatment rather you lay lifeless . The doctor in charge of you got fed up and decided we announce you dead." Julian stopped to see a reaction but she was suprisingly calm. Her eyes look dark yet calm. He continued.

" I raised an objection and agreed to take care of you. Three weeks after attending to you, I noticed a heartbeat but wasn't yours then found out you were pregnant. ": Her eyes widened in shock. " We were all mortified , but continued. When it was due time for the delivery, the operation was successful and you birthed a baby girl. We all lost hope of you ever waking. Until now. A week after the birth of your child, you began responding and here we are. Your daughter ranked the cutest baby ever delivered in the hospital. Most of the nurses including I named her Hazel. " 

"She exhaled deeply " Why did you help me" . Julian smiled " You remind me of my sister, she fell into coma after birthing her child but passed away. I felt cold and lonely. Seeing you, I guess I saw a chance to make up for not being able to help her. " So what do I call myself, I can't remember anything and I really don't want to" . 

" Why?" . She sighed " You said I fell into coma due to fright, palpitation, overwhelmed emotions and shock. So it means I was running from something or someone maybe. I don't want to get involved with anything from the past. I see this as a new chance to make something of myself. To get power and authority, to show I can survive. I am a mother now which means I have to strive for my child and take full responsibility." . 

" I'm here to help you, for everything, anything". "No Julian. I don't want anything. I know you care but let me be this time. Two years Julian, that's all I ask. Give me two years and I will make you proud than you believe. For now, let me face my reality. Julian stood and hugged her " Alright then, preharps we can finally decide on a name. What do you think Lilly.

" I like that. "Lilly. Julian grinned " Lilly Jackson. Lily smiled" Your surname huh" . It's yours now. 

After all necessary procedures, Lily was discharged and given her baby hazel. Seeing her eyes, she understood the name. Tears welled up in her eyes. Looking back, she saw Julian and a two year old boy waving at her. Two years, that was all she asked, just two years. Julian hoped she could regain her memory, her eyes held something deep.

Looking at the baby, she felt a familiar feeling surge through her. The face reminded her of someone. Those eyes stared into hers as though her soul. An image appeared to her, blurry at first, then it became clear . Like a whirlwind, it all came rushing back, she held her head in pain as the effect hit her. She lost her balance and fell with a loud thud. Julian was on his way back when he heard the sound. His heart stopped. The baby!!!!. He alerted the nurses and ran to her side, lifting her in his arms as the nurses took the baby. 

After an interval of three hours, she began to move then suddenly woke with widened eyes. Heart thumping . Julian was by her side holding her hands. 

" Lily are you fine" . A hurt smile appeared on her face " it's Alexia" . Julian was confused " Alexia what? " . She rested her head " My name " . 

" You remember" . She grinned. Julian voice turned serious " what happened";. She hesitated " You want to know huh". Her voice cooled intensely as she began explaining everything to him. From the beginning without leaving anything.

" I have his baby, though I don't know how but she's his. " Julian sighed " What now huh" . " I will take responsibility, she's my baby after all. Though I didn't witnessed her birth due to the situation but deep in my veins, my nerves, my mind , body and soul, it hurt. Hurts really badly. She is my daughter not anyone else.

" Are you still going to strive" . " Harder than ever, recalling everything, I want to make him feel that same hurt and I want to be the one dominating. Hmmmm I can't believe the results was right. 

" What result". Alexia grinned "pregnancy test results" . Julian was shocked ." You knew you were pregnant" . 

" That day when I escaped, I felt dizzy and kept missing my way. I found a nearby pharmacy and the pharmacist suggested symptoms of pregnancy. I didn't believe, not until I took the test and it proved positive. I was shattered and walked around, finally breaking down somewhere distant. Closing my eyes, I let the tears wash away the hurt and pain. I knew I had to be strong, if not for myself but for the baby. I felt overwhelmed and I guess that's was one of the reasons I fell into coma. I never expected to birth her like this. She deserves better." Tears streamed down her cheek. 

"You are a great woman Alexia and I can tell you will be a great mom". She gave a half smile " it's Lily. Lily Jackson. I want to move on and forget the hurt. I want to live with my daughter and be there for her. Julian, I ask of you, Two years and that's all. " . Julian had no choice than to agree. " Two years sis, that's all. 

A week after she was discharged with her baby, she left with her daughter strapped to her back. Ready to face the world and the challenges it holds yet also the happiness. There's always two sides to a coin. Never look back at the past, rather focus on the future and what it holds.

With this in mind, she was able to achieve everything she wanted and even dominate more.