

Lydia, an elegant and curvaceous CEO with a flirtatious nature, is pursued by numerous wealthy and influential men. However, it is Jerry, a charming employee in her company with an infectious smile, who eventually captures her heart. Set in the bustling city of New York, "Unraveling Hearts" explores their journey of love, filled with obstacles, unexpected encounters, and passionate emotions.

Alexeliaski12 · Urban
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79 Chs

Secrets Amidst Celebration

Sophie's eyes shone with tears of joy as she listened to his words, her smile radiant and unwavering. Her response was heartfelt and eloquent, a testament to the love she held for Jerry. The gathered guests were caught in the moment, witnessing the exchange of promises that would shape their lives.

Amidst the fragrant flowers and the sweet scent of hope, the ceremony continued. The priest's voice was a soothing melody, guiding them through the rituals that would bind Jerry and Sophie in matrimony. The rings were exchanged, a symbol of unending commitment, and their hands clasped together, a promise to face the unknown as one.

Jerry's closest friends, Mark and Roselyne, had taken their seats in the second row. Mark, always the joker, couldn't resist cracking a few whispered jokes to ease Jerry's nerves. Behind them, familiar faces from the Sinclair Enterprise, colleagues who had been part of Lydia's professional journey, gathered to witness the joyous occasion.