
Chapter 49: TRYING


Only available on Youtube

Song; Suicide note- Jurrivh

I'm running.

Against all odds.

I'm running like my life depended on it.

Her life, depended on it.

“Vanessa!” I hear Kale screech.

“Don't go there!” Miss Mandy bellows.

Their voices faded as I ran and ran, not pausing to look back. Not pausing to tell them why I'm doing this.

Why, I refuse to stand by.

Why, I refuse to watch as she does this to herself.

I refused.

Upon reaching the building, I staggered to a stop, feet kicking dirt as I fought to steady my balance.

Mr Enver and several of the council members whip their heads around, astonished at the sight of me. “What are you-”

“How long has she been up there?” I demanded, craning my head to focus on roof of the building where a familiar figure stood, still as a statue.

I can't see her expression from here but there's no mistaking that platinum blond hair.

It's Malorie and the confirmation of it is enough to sink my heart.