

I dont know where to start but what i understand from word struggle is fighting for everything in life every day

It doesn't matter whether yoy are just born kid with beautiful smile or if you are a teenager with wild thoughts, or you are a adult with all understanding of the surroundings and last if you are a old person with all experiences, everyone's struggle is same in one or other manner. If a baby just born then the first struggle starts at her/his nursing, it feels the baby is doesn't care of anything but baby is already making so much efforts and stuggle to service this environment, this is tha simple situation and the example. The struggle starts for any person from when they born a d continues till the end of their life.

This again depend on how any one defines the struggle.

As baby starts taking their first meal which ks mom's milk to personal grows olderly every day is a new struggle. When baby grows baby struggles for cope up with the nature, once baby grown baby struggles for crawling, standing and finny falls and stands and starts walking.after many struggles baby able to take their first step.

Once baby grown little younger then the struggle starts for the schooling, once joined the school then real challenge is to learn and acquire knowledge from the books, friends and also from the rwsl world. Once you are in a teenage then the real struggle starts, this is the most important phase to any one in their life, this is the phase which will defined anyone's life and anyone's carrier. Most people get the advice from their parents, some get the good advices from their guardians. Some get best advice their teachers. Few get the life changing advises from their dearest friends. Very few people they know what they want i their life. Some more people get idea from the society and they get knowledge from the real world. There is snothet part of life where few people don't get any advice on what they want yo become in their life, very little people really get the bad influence from the bad people and this is really the mess for the any teenager. Once we understand what is we want in the life then this will be the situation or this will be the time that will change everything for anyone. So it is really depend on how and what kind of advice we take from or get from the society or from the people around us, so this is a real real struggle in the life where you can learn, are you can acquire or you can get into a good or bad situation's are bad or good decisions in the in your life.

The real struggle starts in the life once we complete our education and decide to whether one to pursue the career in respective field are going to the business so again this is a real struggle where all the people worry about what part they want to take. And once, anyone choose their career then that is there the first struggle so it feels like you are going from heaven to hell because you need to work every day every hour every ear for everything in your life.

After settling in the life in any job, so that everyone looks for promotion or more money. It's not easy to cope with politics in your team or in your area of growth so there is always competition for everything so you need to work hard for it. Once adult life is done we think everything will be in place but the real struggle starts in older age. Because the older we get more responsibility for the older group. Because older people they have a lot of experience from their life time, and now they are full of knowledge.

Struggle is same for all the people. the struggle is the same for the one day baby to 100 year old person. I don't know whether struggling is good or bad in the life, but struggling gives everything to everyone. Everybody becomes great, or achieves anything after a great struggles. if you take the struggle as one of the stepping stone, it will make you famous it will make you rich it will make you whatever you want in the life. So don't afraid to take any struggle because struggle is the real definition of the life. struggle is not just for the humans but also for every living things. some struggles are really gives you the best lessons in the life and which will also guide you to make your life better so take struggle always as a lesson. So there is no life without any struggle. I can say everybody goes almost same amount of struggle. Some goals, struggle for money, some struggle for job, some struggle for famous some struggle for to become a leader. Ultimately everybody struggles to get something in the life. Where there are few people who don't need money because they are already rich or they born in average family. For these kind of people, there are other struggles like if the family has big business established then they need to take the legacy forward. So it's really matters person-to-person, environment, environment, and different location on how and what the people want in their life. So work on what you want in your life because everything whatever you look wherever you go and where were you born everywhere you have to go through the struggle to get anything in the life. So this makes life complete so take the responsibility and work on your struggle and don't feel the struggle us struggle feel this is the opportunity to grow.

Struggle and working on the goals are in some manners. They are same. Because both struggle and are working on goals. Give you everything in your life. For any goals. You always need to work very hard and you come up with most of the time difference, scenarios and different situations and all this, scenarios and situations are nothing but struggles. So make a goal and work for it and any issues comes up in their way that will be handled by us by struggling and working hard for it.