
Unpaid Dues (BL)

Yejun sighed as he got bored in his office room. He turned his swiveling chair around so he could see Seoul in all its glory through his crystal-clear glass wall. He smirked to himself when he had thought that he has Seoul in the palm of his hands. His thoughts were soon interrupted by his right-hand man. "Sir.... The Kims have escaped..." he informed. Yejun clearly didn't like the thought of people running away with his father's money... or even his. "The good news?" he asked as he propped up his elbow on his armrest and had rested his chin on his hand while is free hand danced on his desk. "They left their son you see.... His name is Kim Eungoo..."

Aria_Black_00 · LGBT+
Zu wenig Bewertungen
261 Chs

Nude No. 1

Kwan groaned in his seat and stared through the window. He knew for a fact that this man will never let him sit by himself especially since it's been around 3 years.

"Not so happy to see me huh?" The man chuckled as he sat beside him.

Kwan sighed and closed his eyes as he tried to ignore his presence but that seems impossible as the old forgotten stranger began annoying him by flicking his ear. Kwan opened his eyes and glared at him.

"What the fuck do you want?" he sneered as he crossed his arms over his chest.

The strange man chuckled at how predictable Kwan's response.

"Come on, Kwan… Is that how you treat your best friend?"

SNAP. Kwan's calm exterior finally snapped. He opened his eyes and grabbed the man by the collar. He was beyond pissed. Kwan was usually calm and collected but he threw all of that right out the window along with his pride due to earlier events. And this guy, above all people, happened to be on the same bus as him and had the nerve to call him his best friend.

"Listen, you fucking prick! I am not in the mood to play your stupid games! I am tired and I don't like anyone, especially you, being all that damn friendly when you fucking know how this stupid friendship ended ages ago!"

Kwan threw him across the floor and released a heavy huff and sent the man one last glare before crossing his arms over his chest and leaned on the window. He only had a few people that he considered as friends. 

After a few minutes, he got out of the bus and ran as fast as he could. That was basically how he dealt with the past… By simply running away from it. His past wasn't exactly what people call it as nice. For Kwan, it was a total nightmare that he wanted to forget.

When he lost sight of the man he once trusted, he took a taxi and got back at his gang's HQ. He wanted to make sure that everyone was safe and got his things back. He quickly hugged his godchild and greeted some of his other gang members. He held back his tears as he carried her in his arms. He'd give up on himself for them anytime.

As soon as he took care of some papers, he grabbed his stuff and went home. It wasn't perfect but it was everything to Kwan. He wanted to relax for a while and get rid of the item that he still had on his bottom. It was getting rather uncomfortable for him. However, it seems that the universe has some other plans for him especially when he saw his phone lit up revealing an unknown caller ID. He tried to calm himself down and answered the call.

"Hi hyung!!! I see you're home!" 

Kwan frantically looked around and wondered how in the world did Jeon Wonshik know that he was home? It couldn't have been the toy; he didn't even pull it out yet.

He felt rather stressed and drained at the moment that he didn't even try and go look for the hidden cameras in his apartment. He was just there on the floor, defeated.

"Like I said, hyung, you're mine. I gotta say it was a little tricky to find where you live and I love a good challenge… shall we begin?"

Kwan chuckled at that. He was actually flattered just a little bit when Wonshik complimented him for keeping himself off the radar. He wanted it like that so no one wouldn't find him. It made him wonder if Wonshik, himself found his home, then that would have been impressive.

"If you're curious as to who helped me find your place then it's none other than yours truly and for methods? Nahhhh. A magician never reveals his secret."

"Nor does a thief reveals his identity."

Wonshik gave out a heartily laugh. He was enjoying himself, actually at the other end of the call. He went home as soon as possible as he missed the older already and wanted to see that promised nude. He was currently on the bed and had his laptop on his stomach and watched his new toy with glee.

"Oh, but I'm no thief."

"Most certainly not… I mean… What would you rob here? A table?"

Wonshik's heart sank at Kwan's response. He was kind of sad especially when he first barged in. The place was so empty but held some warmth to it in a way that he did not understand.

He widened his eyes in amusement when he sees the older beginning to take off his shirt slowly. Kwan fixated his eyes on his mirror. Even after all of this, he still had the time to admire himself and Wonshik wasn't complaining. 

He was excited instead, especially when the man was taking it off real slow as if the man knew how to tease someone. He quietly clapped and praised himself for installing a hidden camera on the mirror, so it was as if Kwan was looking at him. He unconsciously bit his lips at the sight.

Kwan suddenly noticed the silence and chuckled knowing that the other was distracted. "Enjoying the view?" 

"Oh yeah…" Wonshik smiled, not denying the fact that he was creepily checking him out.

"What do you want?" 

Wonshik shrugged and sighed. "Not much… Just here to collect that promise of yours." 

Kwan hummed as he remembered the nude stuff from earlier. He then threw hi shirt across the floor and sighed. He winced slightly feeling the uncomfortable plug still in him. He really wanted to take it off but he wasn't exactly sure about the consequences for later so he decided to keep it there till morning.

"How do you sleep?"

"Sleep". Kwan laughed and covered his face with his two hands as he started to imagine Wonshik giving a 'what-the-actual-fuck' look. He just said that as him being humorous just slipped. Wonshik couldn't help himself and smile at Kwan's cute laugh; it was contagious.

"Come on… tell me…"

Kwan inhaled and looked to the side and grabbed his blanket and a memory foam he bought a few months ago. He then placed it on the floor and waved his arms and looked around and wondered if the other could see it. 

Wonshik pouted and drummed his fingers on the touchpad of his laptop. He bit his lips when a buried memory resurfaced.

"let me keep you warm…"

Wonshik shook his head as he tried to bury it once more. It's quite odd how humble Kwan was to that person, years ago. He bit his lips the spoke gently,

"There's a box behind your mirror… Use it. Please."

Kwan hummed and crawled towards the mirror. Wonshik covered his face with his hands but peaked through his fingers. He was internally fanboying over this man and it was a good thing that no one knows about this… yet.

Kwan raised his brows at the item inside the said box. He bit his tongue to prevent himself from smiling too much. He didn't want his so-called master be all too cocky.

"Is this a…" 

"Yes… please use it."


"The please was just me being nice but I wasn't asking was I?"

Kwan narrowed his eyes at that and shook his head. He took the huge white fluffy item and began laying it out on the floor. He laid down and his heart ached as he unconsciously ran his fingers over the smooth fabric. He felt like crying. Was choking back his tears. And since his privacy was taken away from him, he placed his arm over his eyes and tried to calm down.

"Pssstt." Wonshik tried to catch the older's attention. "Your promise!" he whined like the child he is.

Kwan groaned and now was punching the air since this guy was really persistent. He bucked his hips up and began to pull off his pants. Wonshik bit his lips and began taking screenshots. As soon as Kwan was naked his hand roamed over the floor, finding his phone. He quickly opened his camera app and took a selfie as he hugged his blanket. 

He quickly sent it to Wonshikand and quickly ended the call to put down his phone. He turned to the wall and grabbed a long wooden stick. Being the lazy ass he is, he used it to turn off the lights. 

Wonshik laughed at this man's little antics. He then opened his phone and he swore his heart swooned over the picture. Min Kwan was ethereal. He was so gorgeous. He bit his lips and laid his laptop next to him switching the camera frame to the camera that he installed on the foot of Kwan's table. He had the perfect angle of Kwan's face and looked like he was just sleeping peacefully beside Wonshik.

He inhaled heavily and exhaled as much. He then raised his finger and gently had then brush up on the screen, wishing it was the real deal instead. However, he was contented because for the first time after a very long time… he didn't sleep alone.

It's been quite hectic... How are you? I hope you're doing well

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