
Reincarnated With a Chaotic Heart

"Reincarnated in the World of Cultivation as a Prince" Forced to run away and live as a beggar, one day his previous life memories of Earth awakened. From then on, he embarked on a journey Of No Return. From becoming the assistant of a beautiful sect master to running away with a princess, his life was of unexpected turns. {Congratulations Host! For Being Unconventional, Holy, and Dark in One Body, You Are Rewarded With...} {Shop Level 0 → Shop Level 1} {In Shop Level 1, you can now buy maps, slaves, concubines, food items, clothing items, and cultivation for others...} \\\ For every 100 powerstones, there will be 2+ chapters. Novel Name will be Changed From "Unorthodox Cultivator: I Awakened An Unconventional System" To "Reincarnated With A Chaotic Heart " - https://linktr.ee/Trinity_GFG

Godfather_Gambler · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 8 - Cultivation

Sitting by the riverside with his feet submerged and hands clasped behind him, Hun Yu observed a woman nearby. She sat with closed eyes, a sword resting on her lap, seemingly unaffected by the world around her.

A week had already slipped by, occupied with simple tasks assigned by the sect master—tidying up the bushes and trees. He checked his progress on the glowing screen, noting the 125 energy points earned from tasks like cutting grass and gathering flowers.

Lost in the glow of the screen, he didn't notice the sect master stirring until she called his name.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Why do you do nothing in your free time? Why not cultivate?" she inquired, puzzled by his lack of ambition.

He hesitated, then admitted, "I lack talent. I'm not suited for cultivation."

Yun Xiu gazed at Hun Yu, deciding it wouldn't hurt to help him a little.

"Okay, sit cross-legged in front of me," she instructed, her voice carrying a tone of determination.

He complied, his heart racing with anticipation and uncertainty, as he settled into position before her. The air seemed to crackle with energy as she positioned herself behind him, her hands hovering over his back with palpable intensity.

For a moment, all was silent, save for the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of the river. Then, as if a dam had burst, a surge of power coursed through him, flowing along his meridians like a raging river breaking free from its banks.

His body tensed, muscles straining against the overwhelming force, yet he dared not resist. Beads of sweat formed on his brow, mingling with the river's spray as his breath quickened, each exhale a testament to the fierce struggle within.

Time lost its meaning as he surrendered to the sensation, every fiber of his being consumed by the raw power coursing through him. And then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over.

He felt an incredible power coursing through his raised hand, enough to crush a stone. Confused, he glanced at Yun Xiu, who gave a plain response, "Your meridians were blocked; I just unlocked them."

"So, I CAN CULTIVATE NOW!?" he exclaimed.

She nodded in affirmation. But before she could process this revelation, she noticed Hun Yu rushing towards her with open arms, seemingly eager to hug her. Her reflexes kicked in, and she dodged at lightning speed, narrowly avoiding the embrace, causing Hun Yu to tumble to the ground.

"Thank you, Sect Master!" he called out from his position on the ground, his voice filled with genuine gratitude and excitement. "I can't believe it—I can finally cultivate!"

Yun Xiu's expression softened slightly as she regarded Hun Yu. "Remember, this is just the beginning. You must work hard to truly harness your newfound potential."

As he dusted himself off, Hun Yu realized his blunder in excitement. "I am sorry, Miss Sect Master, I was just too excited," he apologized, head hung low, feeling a mix of embarrassment and anticipation.

Understanding his enthusiasm, Yun Xiu brushed aside the matter and instead said, "Then let me tell you about some basic concepts."

"The Tempered Body is the initial realm of cultivation, consisting of nine levels. You're currently at Level 1. After that comes the Elementary Realm," she explained, her voice calming Hun Yu's nerves.

"In the Elementary Realm, cultivators awaken their Element of Energy. For example, mine is wind. Yours will be determined once you reach the Elementary Realm," she continued.

"There are more realms beyond this, but I don't think you need to worry about them just yet," she added, taking out a book and tossing it to Hun Yu, who caught it eagerly with both hands.

"This is a Cultivation Technique. You can use it to begin your cultivation," she instructed.

Hun Yu nodded happily, his heart pounding with excitement. He couldn't express how elated he felt; no longer was he just an ordinary person, but now a cultivator with the potential to soar through the skies, shatter rocks, and move mountains.

As Yun Xiu turned around and returned to her cultivation, she left Hun Yu to his own devices.

"System, can you help me learn this?" he asked, hoping that the system could simplify the process of mastering the cultivation techniques outlined in the book.

{Yes, but it will cost 100 energy points...}

"..." Hun Yu hesitated, considering the hefty price. "Alright, just make me learn this," he finally relented, watching as the counter dropped from 125 to 25. His expression twisted with a hint of pain; these energy points were hard-earned from countless labor tasks assigned by the system.

In the next moment, the contents of the book flowed effortlessly into his mind like water. As he opened his eyes, he exclaimed, "So that's how it is! First, you concentrate and channel the energy around you, guiding it into specific points within the body."

Excitedly, he found a place to sit, closed his eyes, and attempted to draw energy into his body. However, after half an hour of effort, he realized that only some of the particles were being attracted. He furrowed his brow in frustration.

An idea popped into his head: why not visualize tendrils of energy extending from his body to draw in surrounding energy?

"I mean, this should work, right?" he muttered to himself as he closed his eyes once more, visualizing countless tendrils reaching out and capturing the energy particles, pulling them into his body.

When he opened his eyes again, he couldn't contain his excitement. "I am a genius!" he exclaimed, realizing that his technique had worked. Now, his cultivation speed seemed to have increased manyfold, although he couldn't shake the feeling that this method of cultivation didn't seem quite right—forcing energy into his body felt unnatural.

{Congratulations, Host, for being Unconventional for the first time! Host is rewarded with 50 energy points and a "How to Cook Like a Chef" book.}

{Additionally, as a bonus reward for the first instance of being unconventional, there will be a random draw. One-time opportunity!}

He glanced at the sudden prompt that appeared before him, then questioned the system's assessment: "How was this unconventional? Wasn't it a normal thing to do?" His gaze shifted to the enticing bonus rewards.

{What the host just did is taboo in this world. Forcefully absorbing energy has the effect of Karmic Repercussions—negative karma resulting from cause and effect. Forcefully absorbing energy using mental power is akin to challenging the world itself.}

After the system finished its explanation, only a pained expression remained on Hun Yu's face.

"So, my brilliant idea was actually a terrible mistake," he muttered, feeling a mix of regret and frustration. "System, is there any way to fix this or mitigate the negative effects?"

{Host must follow conventional cultivation methods and gradually cleanse the impurities caused by forcefully absorbing energy. Consistent proper cultivation can slowly counteract the negative effects.}

Taking a deep breath, Hun Yu resolved to correct his path. "Alright, I'll do it the right way from now on," he said, determination steeling his voice. "But first, let's see what I get from this random draw."

{Initiating random draw...}

{Congratulations, Host, for drawing an item from the Supernatural Abilities category.}


{Congratulations, Host, for getting the ability "Empathic Healing."}

As Hun Yu read through the description, his suspicion grew that the system didn't truly want him to become stronger.

{Host, don't blame the system. The draw is entirely random, and the system is innocent.}

Just as he was about to protest further, he heard footsteps behind him. "I'm hungry, make me some food," Yun Xiu said as she entered.

Though cultivators didn't require much food, Yun Xiu still needed to eat.

"Did you learn anything?" she inquired, noticing the cultivation technique book in Hun Yu's hands.

"We'll talk later. It's not good for the Sect Master to be hungry," he replied, rushing inside to prepare food.

In the kitchen, Hun Yu took a deep breath and opened the "How to Cook Like a Chef" book. With each page he turned, new techniques and recipes seemed to jump off the page and into his mind. It wasn't long before he was preparing a meal that smelled so delicious it could make anyone's mouth water.

As he cooked, Hun Yu couldn't help but think about his new ability, Empathic Healing. The description said it allowed him to heal others by transferring their pain and injuries onto himself. It was a powerful ability, but one that came with a heavy cost. He wondered how and when he might need to use it.

After about 25 minutes, Hun Yu emerged from the kitchen with a vibrant and enticing dish. As he placed it in front of Yun Xiu, she caught the aroma and commented on its appealing scent.

Taking a bite, she acknowledged, "It's good," though her expression remained neutral.

As she pondered whether to keep him as her assistant permanently, she decided to observe his performance over the next two weeks. If he continued to excel, it would make her cultivation practice much easier.

Soon, she finished the food and gently wiped her mouth with a napkin. She examined Hun Yu for a second, murmuring, "Hmm... very weak."

"Why not teach him one or two sword moves as a reward for making such good food?" she thought as she raised her hand, summoning a sword that flew into her grasp.

"Okay, follow me," she instructed.

Hun Yu's brows furrowed slightly in confusion, but he nodded in compliance, curiosity flickering in his eyes. He followed Yun Xiu.

After some time, they arrived at a clear location with fewer trees and grass. She suddenly threw a sword into Hun Yu's hands, which he caught. He looked at her, confused, trying to comprehend what the Miss Sect Master was thinking.

"As a reward for making good food, I will teach you a little bit about the sword," she said, and soon enough, she picked up a sword and dashed at him.

As Hun Yu stood there, sword in hand, he felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. However, he quickly realized that his movements were clumsy and uncoordinated compared to Yun Xiu's graceful strikes. Each attempt to parry her attacks left him vulnerable, and he could feel the strain in his muscles with each swing of the sword.

Despite Yun Xiu's patient instructions, Hun Yu found it difficult to focus amidst the chaos of battle.

"Faster, Hun Yu!" Yun Xiu's voice rang out, her tone edged with frustration. "You need to anticipate your opponent's moves and react accordingly."

With a pang of disappointment, Hun Yu redoubled his efforts, trying desperately to keep up with Yun Xiu's lightning-fast strikes. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to match her skill and precision.

As the training session dragged on, Hun Yu's muscles screamed in protest, and his breath came in ragged gasps.

Finally, Yun Xiu called a halt to the training, her expression unreadable as she regarded Hun Yu with a critical eye.

"You have much to learn, Hun Yu," she said, her voice tinged with disappointment. "Your progress is slow, and your technique lacks finesse. If you wish to succeed in the world of cultivation, you must be willing to push yourself beyond your limits."