
Reorganizing the Mindscape

Jien had no idea how the mindscape actually worked or if he could manipulate it but he felt that this was its final form it likely would have driven those who used the spell in the past mad. While each person had their own mental tolerance and some were far better than others Jien felt that it would be far to easy with this spell and some time to reach a persons limits quickly without even realizing it. He felt that if the control of the spell was so low that one couldn't at least change the flow of information they received that the spell itself wasn't that spectacular.


That being said, Jien didn't think that this was the case. At the very least there had to be something that he would be able to do, he felt that this had to be a representation of a part of his mind after all.


He pondered if he could cut some of the connections between certain pieces of information in an attempt to lower the volume of information provided but immediately cast the idea aside. Even if it was possible he would be stupid to make such a move. What if there was a piece of information he needed regarding a topic but it was a piece that he didn't commonly find useful. If he cut the golden thread would he be able to find that piece of information?


The answer to the question was likely yes. After all no matter what, unless he found a way to completely erase the imprinted knowledge it would still be present. He would still be able to dig through the various subjects he had collected to find what he wanted. However, he would be casting aside one of the major benefits that he had found of the spell. He didn't even have to wrack his brains for connected pieces of information, they just came to him when he thought of a topic, giving him the full breadth of his knowledge in a short span.


Since he had decided that he wouldn't cast aside information, nor cut the connections between the various pieces that returned him to square one. How was he supposed to make the information less of a bombardment of everything that he had recorded and more a flow of the information that he was looking for. Looking at the information regarding Cleansing Clover before him he felt that it would be better if perhaps he could categorize the information. That way perhaps he could specify what category he wanted information from to limit the total output of the Mindscape.


It was at this thought that a smaller transparent bubble appeared in the space as well. It was minuscule in comparison to the size of the main sphere floating at the center of the space, seeming like a star in comparison to the moon when looking at the nights sky. Jien could have easily missed it if his mind wasn't drawn to the new 'bubble' instinctively.


As Jien looked at the bubble he wasn't sure what to make of it at first. He had thought of separating the knowledge into categories and then this happened. Did that mean that this bubble was meant to be a place to put information regarding a specific topic, like a section of the manor's library dedicated to the history of the Elitrix Empire. He felt that there was only one way to find out. And so he focused his attention toward the text and pictures from the alchemy book.


As soon as he focused on the general topic of the alchemy guide the sound of his voice rang through the space, beginning to monologue from the start of the book at a calm pace in the tone of someone giving a general lecture to a small classroom. The volume was that of a general conversation, not rising or lowering in the slightest from the start of the recitation.


This wasn't quite what Jien wanted, given that he was just aiming to move the information if possible, not think through the entire content of the book. That being said, at least he wasn't listening to his own voice thundering down on him like an angry god. And so he turned his attention back to the new 'bubble', trying to think about moving the text of the alchemy book from the large transparent globe over to it. Unfortunately it didn't appear to be that simple. The text neither moved, nor did it show any activity as his own monotone voice continued to ring through the white space.


Jien spent some more time staring at the small bubble and the larger globe when he noticed something that he felt may be the cause of his inability to move anything from one to the other. There was nothing that connected the spheres. All the text that had a relation to one another in the larger sphere were connected by what appeared to be golden thread. Perhaps there needed to be such a connection between the smaller bubble and the larger globe for the text to move from one to the other.


He focused on the idea of the two spheres being connected, hoping that like his thought of separating out the knowledge led to creating the new bubble that thinking it would make it happen. Much to his joy that is exactly what occurred. As he thought of connecting the two globes what looked like a dimly glowing white silver string stretched from the larger sphere until it connected to the center of the smaller bubble.


As the connection was made Jien knew right away that this bubble was indeed meant to serve the purpose he had wanted it to. He refocused his efforts to shift the text from the alchemy book over to the new bubble in an attempt to fill the sphere with his recorded knowledge on alchemy.


As he focused on the text he was excited to see that the title of the book seemed to glide like a leaf being pushed down a stream toward the link between the two spheres. As the title and the author's name began to glide toward the connection the following text of the book seemed to follow along as if a living serpent of living words.


When the words finally made their way to the glowing silver string they seemed to coil around it in a tight spiral as if holding on for dear life as they continued to slowly glide to their new home. As the first wards started to imprint on the newly created bubble the sphere itself seemed to inflate as if air had been pushed into its insides. As the different chapters of the book took residence in their new home the smaller sphere grew until it was maybe a twentieth the size of the larger.


When the text had finally moved over in full he noticed that the central sphere had not changed at all. However, he now was positive that he had more control of this space and had an idea of how he was going to move forward with this project.