

Arystan Nikolaev never entertained the idea of hiring a woman to be his manager. He knows the complications that comes with it. But his bestfriend and former manager Senti, talked him into it. Senti strongly believes that the woman is the perfect person for the job he is leaving. He relented. He however, thought it best to keep his distance and to only focus on their work relationship. But there's something about the woman that draws him in. He wonder if it's because of her pleasing looks or the mystery and danger that surrounds her. She has dangerous secrets and her very life is at stake. But he doesn't want to turn away. He wanted to protect her and unmasked the identity she wanted to keep hidden from him. Only by then can he help her and keep her by his side. "He is a man living the dream. She is a woman running from a nightmare." ON HOLD:)

Diandra_48 · Urban
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78 Chs

New Year's Eve

We had dinner first then Leila and I went to check on Ms. McCrae and have her eat dinner. She is still sleeping when we entered the room.

I shook her shoulder gently.

"Ms. McCrae. You need to wake up."

She opened both eyes slowly.

"Sir? How long was I asleep?"

"It's already 8pm. You need to eat dinner and prepare for New Year's Eve."

"I slept well for the first time in a while," she smiled.

"Good. Let me help you sit up."

The close proximity between us brought back the memory of the kiss. My hand whisked away from her back as if burned.

"Are you okay Sir?" she asked me as she adjusted herself on her seat.

"Yeah. Yeah."

"Have your food while it's warm Dionna," Leila told her when she finished placing the food on the small table at the end of the bed.

"Thank you Leila. And if it is not a bother can you get some of my clothes I can change into from the room upstairs?"

"Of course dear. I am actually going to bring all your things down. It's best that you stay here until you recover."

"Thank you so much Leila."

Leila smiled at her and turned on her way.

I sat down at the edge of the bed, unsure of what to do next. She ate her food in silence, giving me no mind. A few minutes later, Leila came in with a big handbag and a luggage.

"Are these all of your things?" she asked Ms. McCrae.

"Yes Leila. Thank you."

"Alright. You finish your food and freshen up. Arystan will assist you because I should be getting back to the kitchen."

"I will take care of her Leila. Don't worry," I said, taking the handbag and the luggage from her.

"Uhhh... Should I put your clothes on the cabinet?" I asked Ms. McCrae after I had set aside her things at the foot of the bed.

"No Sir. Please don't bother."

She finished her food and I set aside the soiled utensils on the bedside table.

"You should freshen up," I told her when I got back to her.

"Yes Sir. If you would please open my luggage?"

I complied, baring open the big luggage on the floor.

"Please open the zipper on the right Sir. You will find some jeans and sweaters."

I zipped the compartment open and found her jeans and sweaters.

"I'd like the red sweater please and the loose white jeans."

I took out the said clothes and handed it to her before closing the luggage.

"Can you hand me the handbag Sir? Please."

I dragged the luggage back from where I got it then handed her the handbag. I turned around when I realized she's taking out her undergarments.

I helped her to the bathroom and waited outside, sitting on the bed.

"Uh, Sir?"

"Yes?" I answered her.

"Would you mind calling any one of the girls? I need help with my jeans. I wore a fitted one and it's difficult to take off."

"Okay. Give me a minute. "

I dialed Rayana's number but she is not picking up. So are Diana and Ayaru. They must all be busy running around or practicing.

"No one is answering their phone. I guess you have to wait for some time. I have to go and find them," I told her.

I was on my way out the door when she responded.

"Uh. Sir? I think it would be okay if I'll just cover up with a towel. I don't want to bother you going around the house. Just give me a minute please."

I stood outside the door, not quite processing the situation.

"You can come in now Sir."

Slowly, I pushed open the door and she is sitting there on the chair I brought in, wrapped in a white towel with her jeans pooling on her left leg.

She did not meet my eyes and just raised her injured ankle to me.

"Help me take it off please. Slowly."

Her left hand held on to her towel while the right is grasping the edge of the chair. I bowed halfway and started peeling off the jeans.

"This will hurt a little, unless you want me to cut it with scissors instead."

"No Sir. I'll be fine."

I tried to take it off slow and as painless as I could. She grimaced but didn't complain. Finally, we took it off.

"Thank you so much Sir. I'm really sorry for making you do these things for me," she said with an apologetic smile.

"Please don't be sorry. It's me who should be sorry to you for causing this inconvenience. I'll be out there. Just call me if you need anything."

I ushered myself out, suddenly feeling hot.

Sitting on the bed, the image of her with the towel, flashed in my mind's eye.

I shook it off.

She called for me about 20 minutes later. She opened the door, fully dressed. Her scent assaulted my nose, the same scent from the car and from her clothes. It intensified when she took off the towel from her head. I wonder what that scent is. It's intoxicating.

I helped her to the bedside table and she asked me to get her handbag. She took out a blower.

After a few minutes, without having anything to do but watch, I offered to dry her hair.

I want to.

"It's okay Sir. I can do it."

I stood up and walked to her.

"I'm always curious how my stylists do that. It's loud but it strangely feels good."

I held her wrist and took the blower from her hand.

"Are you sure about this Sir? I can't imagine you doing this to someone, especially your manager."

"Why not? I don't have anything to do but watch while I wait so it's best to trouble myself with this."

She laughed.

"Alright then. I hope I won't burn my scalp or something."

I turned the blower on and took some of her hair strands. It is as soft as I imagined it would be.

And I stood there drying her hair, as if we knew each other for a very long time, like good old friends.

"You're good at this Sir," she told me.

"Yeah. I think so though this is my first time."

"You have a beautiful black hair," I said before I could think about it.

"It's not the real color of my hair Sir. I dyed it. I have brown hair. Bright honey brown. I thought it stood out so much so I dyed it plain black."

My mouth half- opened.

"Really? Now you make me curious about what you look like with brown hair."

She chuckled lightly in response.

After drying her hair, I helped her on her good foot and she asked me to hand her her phone. After that, we went on our way to the family room with me carrying half of her.

Everyone asked about how she's doing after we sat ourselves down. She was flustered with the attention but she answered all of the questions politely. Alinur and his family also stood up and greeted her.

"Thankfully the pain has subsided. But you won't be able to walk the next few days without assistance. Crutches should be a big help. I doubt you have one around here Sir Aldiyar," Alinur said.

"I'm planning to buy one in the city the day after tomorrow. In the meantime, Arystan will assist her," äke responded to Alinur.

"My son Amir is a very good wood carver. It's a hobby. I think he can make one and deliver it here tomorrow."

"Oh! That would be most convenient Alinur."

"We hope you'll recover fast dear. Amir will deliver it himself tomorrow," Adiya, Alinur's wife said to Ms. McCrae.

"Thank you ma'am."

Little by little they got back to their own seats except äke and ana.

"Alinur and Adiya are blessed for having Amir. He is a good architecture student and is also very good with wood carving. He will surely give a good life to his parents. Azhar is also a bright child. I heard she's taking up dentistry," äke said, taking a seat. Ana also sat down next to Ms. McCrae.

"You are right dear. They are blessed with their children. And we are also blessed with three of our own," ana smiled to äke.

"We are sorry that you missed the fireworks Dionna dear but no worries, there's so much to look forward to tonight," she turned to Ms. McCrae.

Ms. McCrae nodded but I saw disappointment in her eyes.

"This will be the first time you're celebrating Kazakh New Year, right dear?" äke asked her.

"Yes Sir. This will be a good new experience to me."

"Well, to prepare you, I would like to advise you to think of a good message."

"A message Sir?"

"Yes. A speech. We usually have little speeches of thanksgiving for the past year and hopeful anticipations to the upcoming year."

"And we prepared a small prize for the best speaker tonight," ana beamed at her.

"Oh great," she gave her an uncomfortable smile.

"Do I have to Sir?" she whispered to me.

"Yes. I think so," I whispered back.

"Here dear, help yourself to the wine and the baursak or the tangerines or grapes over there at the table."

Ana gave her a champagne glass with white wine in it.

"Do you drink?"

"Yes ma'am," she smiled.

"Enjoy yourself dear," äke said.

"And don't forget the speech," ana winked at her.

They both stood up and went back to their former seats with mama and papa.

She took a sip of the wine.

"This is good. Taste like Montrachet. It is. Right Sir?"

"Yeah. It is. We usually buy expensive wine in celebration for the New Year."

"You must have good knowledge about wine," I commented in a casual manner as I reached for my own glass.

A pause. I looked back to her.

"Yes Sir. I love wine. Nothing's more comforting than a good glass of wine after a long tiring day."

"Work is always tiring, even when you are enjoying it," I acceded.

I poured the wine on my own glass and settled back down on my seat, taking my first sip.

"Indeed. But doing those things is worth all our strength and time and diligence Sir. In my case, it gives me a sense of purpose and belongingness."

"Hm. Me too. Kind of. Your ankle's not hurting?"

She shook her head.

"Well, a little. But it is tolerable. I don't want to intake another ibuprofen. I prefer wine over a pill."

She said it without humor.

"Not that I like drinking a lot Sir. I drink, occasionally."

"We all need a drink or two," I smiled at her and took another sip of my wine.
