
Chapter 41

"What was wrong with him?" She whispered, avoiding anyone from hearing her as she vented off her frustration in the empty hallway.

She finally had enough of his cold and unreasonable attitude. She quickly excused herself from the meeting, pretending to need the restroom.

She could not stand another minute with him when he conducted his business like he was not himself, shouting at her like she could not do anything right.

What a fucking prick!

First, he acted like a lunatic just because she accepted a ride with Chase. Then, he accused her of flirting with his friend when she had done no such thing.

Afterward, he had behaved like a stick was up his ass. He had never conducted himself in such an unprofessional manner before.

She did not know what had gotten into him. But she believed she did not deserve the brunt of his anger. Whatever was his problem, he should not take it out on her.