
Chapter 006    Promotion of Martial Arts

Yang Xu came to the narrow courtyard.

Stretching his Body stretch & taking deep breaths.

First Move, <<Demon Ape Climbing the Tree>>!

Yang Xu felt a warm current running through his body.

Second Move, <<Crouching Demon Ape >>!

After performing the move, Yang Xu felt, his whole body was hot, as if it was on fire.

Third Move, <<Demon Ape Climbing Lifting the Stone>>!

After third Move, Yang Xu felt a strong smell of medicine all over his body.

The effect of Star Pill was finally staring to show.

His injury was unexpectedly recovering at an amazing speed!

If in few breaths his injury had completely recovered!

Yang Xu suddenly felt that he was full of strength.

Now He doesn't have to worry about his injury when exerting his full strength.

Yang Xu performed a fist move, and the air buzzed with energy current like a wave.

In the direction the fist was hit, there was a whirlpool of invisible energy, coiling and whirling.

"Now that my injury has healed, I would be able to my exert my full strength."

Yang Xu's face was full of joy.

Looking at the sky. The moon was shining in the sky.

He Continued to practice.


Yang Xu suddenly hit a palm, The force emitted from the palm was like a knife tearing the void.


[Congratulations on your understanding of the low-level martial art "Mountain Splitting Palm"! ]

As a matter of fact, Yang Xu had long been able to do it.

But after having the system, he practiced it for the first time, and it was included in the system.

As soon as Yang Xu looked at the system panel, there was one more skill in the skill column

["Mountain Splitting Palm": A low-level martial art that can enhance the power of palm techniques.

Skill level: Lv: 9, Peak Realm]

The introduction of low-level martial arts was extremely simple.

However, the level is not low. The reason is that Yang Xu had only this set of martial arts, So he had been practicing this martial art for very long.

As a result, this set of "Mountain Splitting Palm" reached the peak.

So that this set of "Opening the Mountain Palm" has reached its peak.

"Lets Continue to practice and see current power of this art."

Yang Xu's body stretched out, and suddenly he turned and his palm flew like a dragon.

His hands seemed to have become two mountain knives.

One Move, One Style, there was a kind of natural, mighty and domineering feeling.

What made Yang Xu surprised was that when he practiced "Ape Demon Fist", a feeling of a deep understanding came to him.

He had actually merged with this Low-Level Martial Arts "Mountain Splitting Palm".

Suddenly, his palm suddenly changed:

The mighty and domineering palms had a touch of speed and Elegance.

Like a vigorous and agile White Ape, dancing in the woods, he had captured the essence of heaven and earth.

It had a natural charm.

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations to the Host, To have cultivated The Low-Level Martial Arts "Mountain Splitting Palm" to a perfect state! ]

"Perfect? Was there such a realm in the cultivation of Martial Arts. "

Yang Xu was wondering.

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations to the Host. The Low Level Martial Art "Mountain Splitting Palm" has been Promoted]

"What? Can the grade of Martial Arts be upgraded? "

Yang Xu's eyes widened with surprise.

He pulled out the system panel to see, soon his eyeballs has almost fallen out for what he saw.

In the Skill column, "Mountain Splitting Palm" has suddenly become:

["Mountain Splitting Palm": Intermediate Martial Arts": Palm comes out like a Devil, A move to Split the mountains, As such the Ape Demon suppressing the mountains & forests, as its Tyrannyis fully displayed.

Skill level: Lv 0! ]

After the name of "Mountain Splitting Palm, there was a word "Intermediate".

Moreover, from low-level martial arts to "intermediate martial arts"!

"Does it mean..."

Yang Xu was ecstatic and as he thought of a huge possibility.

"It means I can continuously upgrade my martial arts as long as I continue to practice it?"

Yang Xu was excited.

Just imagining that low level martial arts can become intermediate martial arts.

Can the intermediate martial arts "Ape Demon Fist" be upgraded to Advanced Martial Arts?

The power of Advanced Martial Arts was on different Level.

Can Advanced Martial Arts be upgraded to more rare Top Level Martial Arts?

Thinking of this great potential, Yang Xu's heartbeat became even faster.

With the idea of trying, he hit the Palm Strike it with one hand


The wind howled with the Palm Strike.

The air made a tearing explosion.


The Palm hit the small trunk of Tree in the yard.


The trunk as thick as a thick forearm broke, as the sound was heard!

Power had doubled!

This was the Power only at Level 0!

"After upgrading, the power of" Mountain Splitting Palm" had increased dramatically.

"By the way, there was a chance to draw a Lot."

After completing the Mission to Join the LingYun Sect, Yang Xu had won a chance to draw a Lot once.

There was a chance to Win Advanced Skills!


Yang Xu suddenly noticed that there was a line written after the task reward.

[Can combine the number of draws to increase the chance? ]

Yang Xu had to make a choice.

He could immediately draw a lottery to see if he can get advanced skills;

Or could wait till he had multiple Chances to combine to get better result.

Finally, Yang Xu made a decision

To Not take a draw.

Anyway, at present, he was not in a hurry or lacked skills and the opportunity to obtain Advanced Cultivation Methods should not be wasted.

On the next day, it was still dark.

Most of the Yang Family members were still in their dreams.

Yang Xu jumped out of bed, feeling very energetic and full of vigor.

He came to the narrow courtyard and started to practice early.

Boom boom boom

In the narrow courtyard, the wind whizzed in his palms, and his fists were like dragons.

After the upgrade, "Mountain Splitting Palm" had a touch of elegance to it.

And the Palm move as more agile and versatile, unpredictable.

Yang Xu also creatively confirmed each other with "Ape Demon Boxing" and practiced together.


[Congratulations to Host, the level of "Mountain Splitting Palm" has Leveled Up! ]


[Congratulations to Host, the level of "Ape Demon Fist" has Leveled Up! ]

Practicing in the early mornings.

"Mountain Splitting Palm" had been upgraded by 2 Levels!

"Ape Demon Fist", which had been on Small Success Mastery, had also been upgraded to Level 1!

These Two Martial Arts had been improved by leaps and bounds.

Yang Xu's combat power had greatly improved.

This was bountiful harvest!

After breakfast, Yang Xu bid farewell to his mother and walked outside the city.

He didn't have much time left, he had to seize every minute and every second.

If he wanted to improve his strength quickly, actual combat experience, was undoubtedly the best way for him to do so!

Yang Xu's destination was the Jungle of Despair outside the city.

Jungle of Despair, as the name suggests, was a dangerous place which gave people the feeling of despair.

This jungle was once one of the famous attractions of Tenglong City.

But no one knows when, suddenly there were Ferocious Beasts roaming freely in there.

After many people being injured after the beast attacks and even resulting in deaths, the visitors had stooped coming to this place.

But often there were warriors who come here to hunt.

There are even some martial arts experts who often haunt the desperate jungle.

It is said that the change in the Jungle of Despair was caused by some kind of treasure.

The masters came here to find mysterious treasures.

Yang Xu didn't bother with these as he came here for actual combat experience.

Outside the Jungle of Despair.

There was silence everywhere, and even sound of bird singing was rare.

Yang Xu breathed gently, listens to all directions, and enters slowly.


There was a crisp sound in the distance.


Yang Xu dashed out.


A wild boar, one meter long and half a meter high, appeared in front of Yang Xu.

The fangs are 20 centimeters long, and the tips are like sharp knives, shimmering with cold light.

This big guy is not easy to deal with.

When the other low-level warriors met, they usually evaded.

But Yang Xu was in the middle of his arms and grinned:

"The little master is looking for you!"

Yang Xu is ruthless to his opponents, but even more ruthless to himself.

How to improve combat effectiveness without being ruthless?


Without waiting for the wild boar to move, Yang Xu rushed directly to provoke the wild boar.


The wild boar was really infuriated and rushed to attack Yang Xu.

Yang Xu dodged.

Ape Demon Fist!

Disclaimer: This novel is not owned or created by me. I am just posting an already Machine Translated Novel with some minor tweaks. If you want to read thos novel chapters, you can read the machine translated version of this novel.

So Feel free to tell me your opinions in the comments.

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