


There was a dull sound like hitting stone.

Yang Xu's palms went numb as he gritted his teeth.

Shit! The mud on the boar's body had dried up and stuck to the pig's fur, as if it was covered with a an armor.

Yang Xu's punch was enough to break tree trunk thick as a thigh.

However, it wasn't as useful against the boar!

"Interesting. No wonder you are so arrogant."

Yang Xu grinned.

His temperament was getting stronger as he met stronger enemies and his eyes flickered with excitement.


As the boar was looking at Yang Xu it was getting more and more arrogant.

With its sharp fangs, it moved on its four hooves and leapt towards Yang Xu.

It was going attack Yang Xu.

Yang Xu burst out laughing

Stupid you fell for it."

His body flashed, as he went past the boar.

At this critical moment, Yang Xu's palm was like a sword

[Mountain Splitting Palm]

His Palm Attack, like a sharp sword, hit the bridge of the wild boar's nose hard!


The boar let out a miserable howl

Yang Xu's palm, had penetrated though the Boar's from its the bridge of its nose through its brain.

After the advance <<Mountain Splitting Palm>>, its power has increased more than two times.

The domineering strength of the pal made the boar's head split up from middle of its eyes.

The brain was also blown up to smithereens.

The boar died instantly and its corpse fell to the ground!

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations, Killed a Wild Boar! Exp + 100! ]

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations to Host, Found Equipment: Strength Ring!

Strength Ring (white): Strength + 1. ]

Huh... Huh

Yang Xu took a few breaths.

The battle now had consumed a lot of his strength.

However, his Combat Sense and battle Prowess had improved greatly.

Moreover, the Demon Bull was a rare prey and its corpse was worth a decent amount of silver.

He saw something shiny next to the corpse of the boar.

Yang Xu Picked it up

"It really dropped an Equipment? Can one really get equipment from hunting the beasts in the wild?

Playing with this Iron Ring, although it was White Equipment, it had a attribute bonus.

Yang Xu put the ring on his finger.

He waved his fist in air, as he was very exited by this discovery.

"Ha ha, I had a good harvest."

Yang Xu said with a smile.

But he was not satisfied.

After half a day, Yang Xu hunted a lot of prey one after another .

One of the hardest things to hunt is a Demon Bull.

It was probably the Demon Bull which lived in Jungle of Desperation. Fortunately, It had survived for a long time, and actually became an overload here.

Ordinary martial artists of Level Four or Five were not the opponent of Demon Bull.

But Yang Xu used the << Demon Ape Fist>> to smash its head.

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations! Killed a Demon Bull! Exp + 100! ]

"What, Why does It feel like the power of << Demon Ape Fist>> has become stronger?"

Yang Xu also found that his consumption has become smaller.

Yang Xu was very tired and out of breath just now.

But now, he doesn't need to spend long times to recover and he can hunt more powerful monsters.

"Is it..."

Yang Xu's eyes fell on the ring of strength.

Ha ha, this equipment really works.


[Ding! ]

[Congratulations to Host, the intermediate martial arts "Mountain Splitting Palm" has Leveled up! ]


[Ding! ]

[Congratulations to Host, the intermediate martial arts "Demon Ape Fist" has Leveled up! ]

After this hunting session, Yang Xu's strength has improved greatly.

Not only his martial arts level have leveled up, He himself has Leveled up from level 4 to level 5.

He suddenly felt that his strength had increased a lot.


While hunting, Yang Xu also discovered two shortcomings of his own:

First, although he was strong enough and his Martial Skills were not bad.

But he was not fast enough!

He lacked a martial arts for Body Cultivation and improving speed.

There were a lot of beasts in the jungle, but because of Yang Xu's speed was no fast enough the escaped his grasp.

Otherwise, His harvest would have been greatly different of what he currently had.

Second, Yang Xu's Close Combat Ability was strong enough and his explosive force was also good.

But his long-range attacks were too poor.

So what he needed was a long-range attack.

Like Throwing Knives or Bows.

"Hunting this time has not only improved my strength, but also harvested a lot of prey. The most important thing is that I have discovered my own shortcomings in my Cultivation Path and I have gained a needed insight!"

Yang Xu was very satisfied with himself.

After eating some dry food which he had brought, Yang Xu was ready to take the prey back.


There was A crisp sound.

Yang Xu's ears suddenly stood up

Something was wrong!


When He turned back his head, What he saw was that there were a pair of sharp eyes staring at him ,just about 10 meters away.

Under the sun, the dark and shiny fur shone, through the cracks in the branches and reflected into the eyes of Yang Xu.

"Fur? It's a dangerous monster, maybe its a Giant Bear.

Yang Xu's eyes flickered.

This morning, he has observed a lot of prey, which has greatly improved his eyesight.

Especially in the state of this crisis, Yang Xu's was very deeply focused and his eye insight has greatly improved.

[Ding! ]

At this time, a clear prompt sounds in my mind:

[Congratulations Host, To understanding a new skill: The Eye of Insight!

[The Eye of Insight: Low Level Skill, can greatly enhance insight and observation. ]

"Huh, can I still comprehend skills by myself?"

Yang Xu was overjoyed.

"Eye of insight!"

He directly activated the ability to observe this Unknown Beast.

However, He didn't dare to make any movement, as it might get the attention of this fierce beast.

As Yang Xu expected, it was a two meters high giant bear.

However, Yang Xu found that there was a bone deep scar on the left chest of the bear.

Using the eye of insight, Yang Xu observed that it was actually wound made by a sword.

"Someone injured it!"

Yang Xu was thinking.


Suddenly A scream came into his ears , "Someone was injured!"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed, whoosh!

He was like an agile thieving cat, carefully sneaking to the position of the giant bear.

After half a breath, Yang Xu finally found the quiet place to observe

From here, He could see a woman in red sitting on a boulder not far away.

However, the woman's face was green.

Yang Xu was shocked

"Has she been poisoned? Poison? "

He glanced at the terrible wound on the giant bear, which could be seen deeply

"Can Poison also seriously injure the bear. The strength of the women is not low."

But at this time,

[Ding! ]

A system prompt sounded in Yang Xu's mind.

Listening to the content of the System Prompt, Yang Xu's face suddenly became weird.

Here we go.

And this mission

What a generous reward!

I simply can't refuse!

Yang Xu's eyes shine.

After staring at the bear for a long time, his eyes were fierce

He decided to kill the bear.

However, just in case, save a Restore first!