

-Habilities (Naruto): Byakugan / Tenseigan [Gudôdama] / Sharingan [Three Tomoe Powers] / Mangekyô Eternal Sharingan [Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu, Susanô, Kamui, Kotoamatsukami, Izanagi, Izanami] / Rinnegan [Rikudô Bread] / Mokuton / Hyôton / doton / futon / Katon / Raiton / Suiton / Inton (Yin) / Yôton [Yang] / Inyôton [Yin-Yang]


The first form of Sharingan, the least powerful, has only one tomoe. It makes it possible to seize almost the enemy movement. It is still quite practical for those with the rank of student, Sasuke used his sharingan to copy the movements of arm and pencil of his neighbor opposite during the examination.

The second form of the Sharingan, usually used to rank genin. She has two tomoes. It allows to better see the movements of the opponent and therefore to better respond as well as to see the chakra flow and counter the Genjutsus. It also allows copying techniques, like Sasuke copying the shadow of Lee's dead leaf to make Shishi Rendan, Lion's Fury.

The third form of Sharingan, used by adults and sometimes adolescents. She has three tomoes. It can predict the opponent's movements, copy the Taijutsu, Genjutsu and Ninjutsu techniques, counter the Genjutsu and flip them against their launcher if it does not have the Sharingan; finally, the Sharingan also allows to launch Genjutsu of extreme power. One can also force the enemy, looking him straight in the eye, to reveal things and force him to answer all his questions and as Itachi says, half of the existing Jutsus can not function against the power of his eyes .

Mangekyô Sharingan:

https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&dcr=0&biw=1278&bih=872&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=AH5hXP-yEuKc_Qbd9pbgDQ&q=mangekyou+sharingan&oq=mangekyou+sharingan&gs_l=img.3.2.0j0i67l2j0j0i67j0l2j0i67j0l2.86863.88416..88830 .. .0.0..0.185.547.0j3 ... 1 .... 1..gws-wiz-img .... 0i7i30.0-LC8N0LA9A # imgrc = HORyac3c_XBfIM:

Mangekyô Eternal Sharingan:


second of the middle column

Tsukuyomi (Genjutsu): projects the target into a world of evil illusions where it will be tortured for 72 apparent hours, while only a fraction of a second goes into the real world. This technique aims to destroy the spirit of the opponent.

Amaterasu (Ninjutsu): Creates black flames that consume the target for seven days and seven nights, without being able to be extinguished in a conventional way (the flames can nevertheless be deactivated by the user or sealed). This technique is related to Hono's advanced elementary nature.

Susanô (Taijutsu / Ninjutsu): both defensive and offensive technique that reveals a dimensional creature formed from the chakra and the emotions of the user. The creature's rib cage serves as a shield while its arms are used to attack. Susanô can be combined with spectral weapons (Totsuka's sword and Itachi's Yata mirror) or generated from chakra (Sasuke's bow). This technique has several stages of evolution (since it is formed from the chakra of its user, the more it becomes powerful, the more the Susanô evolves) and each user has its own form (the most powerful being held by Madara, followed by Itachi). It is the most powerful known technique of Mangekyô Sharingan and it appeals to both eyes at the same time. In addition, the user must master the two previous powers before he can awaken him.

Kamui (Ninjutsu Spatio-Temporal): Creates a wormhole that sends the target into another dimension. This technique is both defensive and offensive because you can defend yourself by aspiring an attack or attack by invoking allies or techniques from the other dimension. It is also possible to send the opponent in the dimension of the Kamui, or only one of its members to sever it. This technique is completely ineffective against Tobi. The latter uses it not only to dematerialize objects or people, but also parts of his own body, which makes him momentarily invulnerable.

Kotoamatsukami (Genjutsu): takes control of the will of the target without the knowledge of it.

Izanagi (Genjutsu): the user modifies his destiny by canceling the recent events and modifying them as he wishes, such as canceling his own death.

Izanami (Genjutsu): the user plunges his victim into a genjutsu making repeated events in an infinite loop.

Rikudô bread:

Path Deva (Tendô): Main body of Bread, formerly that of Yahiko, it can use attraction (Banshô Ten'in) or repulsion (Shinra Tensei) spells on people or the environment; it can also repel all attacks. Its ultimate technique is the Chibaku Tensei (birth of the divine star): it consists in producing a black sphere which, once in the air, attracts to it all that is below. The only way to counter this technique is to destroy the sphere in the center that acts as a gravitational core.

Asura Path (Shuradô): Entirely mechanized, this avatar with a high potential for destruction can bring out all kinds of weapons from its body: missile launchers, laser cannon, detachable fist ...

The Human Way (Ningendo): By touching a person's hand, this avatar can read in his thoughts and memories and tear off his soul.

The Path of Animals (Chikushodo): This body can summon giant animals, all endowed with Rinnegan and the same receptors as Pain. He can also summon other Bread avatars. This avatar came from a ninja of the Fûma clan defeated by Jiraya, before being recreated from the body of Ajisaï.

Preta path (Gakidô): This body can absorb can absorb all forms of chakra, including most of the ninjutsu and drain the chakra of a person in contact.

The external path (Jigokudô): This avatar can invoke the King of the Underworld, monster who, by catching the language of the target, determines if he is lying or not; if that person lies, the monster tears out his tongue and his soul, but if she tells the truth, he releases her. He can also repair Bread destroyed in battle.

Kekkei Genkai Ten Deadly Arts:

Liberation Celtic Laws: Lights, Shadows, Sacred, Darkness, Life, Death, Spirit, Soul, Creation, Destruction

解放 の 基本 的 な 法則: 明 か ​​り, 影, 神聖 な, 闇, 生命, 死, 精神, 魂, 創造, 破 壊,

Kaihō no kihon-tekina hōsoku: Akari, Kage, Shinseina, Yami, Seimei, Shi, Seishin, Tamashī, Sōzō, Hakai

-Lights (Akari, 明 か り 遁): Ray of Light (Healing), Lights of Light (Offensive)

-Ombers (Kage, 影 遁): Shadow Twisters (Offensive, Defensive), Shadow Bolt (Offensive)

-Sacrated (Shinsei, 申請 遁): Sacred Storm (Offensive, Defensive, Healing), Sacred Flame (Offensive)

Darkness (Kurayami, 暗闇 遁): Dark Hurricanes (Offensive, Defensive), Dark Shield (Offensive, Defensive)

-Life (Seimei, 生命 遁): Vitality Explosion (Miracle Healing, Increased Regeneration, Defensive), Vitality Absorption (Offensive)

-Dead (Shi,

死 遁): Deadly Wave (Offensive, Sacrifice-Mass Invocation of the Undead / Undead Mages / Undead Warriors / Undead Archers / Flesh Dragon / Skeleton Mages / Skeleton Warriors / Skeleton Archers / Dragon's Dragon Bones + Soul Harvesting)

-Spirit (Seishin, 聖 心 遁): Inner Demon (Offensive), Control of Thinking (Offensive)

Soul (Tamashī, 魂 遁): Cursed Soul Summon, Banshee (Offensive), Soul Poison (Offensive)

-Creation (Sōzō, 創造 遁): Scepter, Grimoire, Robe Scepter of the God of Wisdom, Knowledge, Magic, Divine White Arts

-Destruction (Hakai,

破 壊 遁): Scepter, Grimoire, Robe of the Voodoo God, Curses, Witchcraft, Divine Black Arts

The Ten Laws of the Earth and Heaven

"Song of the Ten Heavenly Laws:

The Light burns the Shadow,

the Holy one fights the Darkness,

Life defies Death,

The mind merges with the soul,

Creation pursues Destruction

Heaven defies the Gods

These are the Realities, Heavenly Laws! "

Singing the Ten Heavenly Laws (Mythic Spell): Alters the Reality around the user by 500 yards for 1 hour by making the user God who can handled the serious wounds as if they were never done, the allies who lost their lives in the vicinity of the Spell can be brought back between the dead, gives the user an immunity against all magical powers and total control of the Laws: Time, Gravity, Destiny, Weather, Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Lightning, Light, Darkness, Souls

Celestial Rays (Offensive): Launches Solar Rays that counter the regeneration of the Phoenix.

Celestial Halo (Care, Defensive, Strengthening): Gives Regeneration, Shield and Increased Strength that exceed the visual speed.

Celestial Aura (Care, Defensive, Strengthening): Gives the user an aura that slows down enemies and strengthens Regeneration, Resistance to Pain, Willpower and Attack Power.

Celestial Wings (Flying, Defensive, Reinforcing, Offensive): Gives Wings that counter-attack any spell of Gravity, Wind, Water, and Space.

Celestial Soul (Passive): Against all mental attacks and fate of seductions

Celestial Prayer (Care, Defensive, Reinforcement): Pray the laws of the world to strengthen the regeneration of the allies. (Does not walk on itself)

Heavenly Judgment (Offensive, Careful, Defensive, Reinforcement): Throws a Tribulation of Heaven 10 times, each flash is 10 times more powerful than the previous one.

Celestial Form (Passive): This transforms into a being of choice that controls the Celestial Laws.

The Hyoton (氷 遁, Hyōton), the art of manipulating ice, is the result of the fusion of the Suiton and Fûton natures.

Mokuton (木 遁, Mokuton), the art of handling wood, is the result of the fusion of Suiton and Doton natures.

The Yoton (熔 遁; 溶 遁, Yôton), the art of manipulating the lava, results from the fusion of natures Katon and Doton.

The Ranton (嵐 遁, Ranton), the art of handling the storm, results from the fusion of the Suiton and Raiton natures.

Futton (沸 遁, Futton), the art of manipulating steam, is the result of the fusion of natures Katon and Suiton.

Bakuton (爆 遁, Bakuton), the art of manipulating explosions, is the result of the fusion of natures Doton and Raiton.

Shakuton (灼 遁, Shakuton), the art of handling incandescence, is the result of the fusion of natures Katon and Fûton.

The Jiton (磁 遁, Jiton), the art of manipulating magnetism, is the result of the fusion of natures Fûton and Doton.


-Multi Cloning (影 分身 の 術, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) [Cloning Seal]

- Celestial Regression (神 羅 天 征, Shinra Tensei)

Infinite Lunar Arches (無限 月 読, Mugen Tsukuyomi) [Goat]

- Lunar Arches (月 読, Tsukuyomi)

- Needles of Thousand Birds (千 鳥 千 本, Chidori Senbon)

-Mille Birds (千 鳥, Chidori) [Beef → Hare → Monkey or Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Rooster → Beef → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey]

- Demonic Illusion - Illusion of Death (魔幻 · 奈 落 見 の の 術, Magen - Narakumi no Jutsu) [Snake → Rat]

-Flammes Noires (天 照, Amaterasu)

-Technical Illusion - Copying Copying Eye (幻術 · 写 輪 眼, Genjutsu - Sharingan)

-Black Flame Shield (黒 炎 の 盾, Kokuen no Tate)

-Birth of the Divine Being (地 爆 天 星, Chibaku Tensei)

-Liberation of Wood - Advent of a Flowering Tree World (木 遁 · 花樹 界 降臨 - Mokuton - Kajukai Kôrin)

-Technical Secret of Wood Liberation - Birth of a World of Trees (木 遁 秘 術 · 樹 界 降 誕, Mokuton Hijutsu - Jukai Kotan) [Tiger → Snake or Goat → Snake]

-Shuriken Multi Cloning (age 剣 影 分身 の 術, Kage Bunshin Shuriken) [Goat → Rat → Rooster → Wild Boar → Tiger]

-Doton - Multi Cloning / Earth Liberation - Shadow Clone (土遁 · 影 分身, Doton - Kage Bunshin)

Raven Clone Technique (烏 分身 の 術, Karasu Bunshin no Jutsu)

-Mokuton - Four Pillar Prison (木 遁 · 四柱 牢 の 術, Mokuton - Shichūrō no Jutsu)

-Mokuton - The Four Pillars House (木 遁 · 四柱 家 の 術, Mokuton - Shichūka no Jutsu)

-Mokuton - The Enclosed Wooden Wall (木 遁 · 木 錠 壁, Mokuton - Moku Jōheki)

-Mokuton - Transformation (木 遁 · 変 化, Mokuton - Henge)

- Woody clone (木 分身 の 術, Moku bunshin no Jutsu)

-Mokuton - Transformation (木 遁 · 変 化, Mokuton - Henge)

-Katon - Technique of the Ultimate Fireball (火 遁 · 豪 火球 の 術, Katon - Gokakyū no jutsu) - Rank C [Snake - Goat - Monkey - Pig - Horse - Tiger]

-Katon - Balsamine Technique (火 遁 · 鳳仙 火 の 術, Katon - Hōsenka no jutsu) - Rank C [Rat - Tiger - Dog - Buffalo - Rabbit - Tiger]

-Katon - Red balsam claw (Katon - Hōsenka Tsumabeni) - Rank C [Rat - Tiger - Dog - Buffalo - Rabbit - Tiger - Monkey]

-Katon - The burning of the fire dragon (火 遁 · 火龍 炎 弾, Katon - Karyū Endan) - Rank B [Goat - Horse - Snake - Dragon - Rat - Buffalo - Tiger]

-Katon - Fireballs (火 遁 · 炎 弾, Katon - Endan) - Rank C [Snake - Pig

- Monkey - Pig - Horse - Tiger

-Katon - Large Fireballs (火 遁 · 大 炎 弾, Katon - Dai Endan) -Rang B

-Katon - Embracing Oil (aton 遁 · 蝦 蟇 油 炎 炎 弾, Katon - Gamayu Endan) - Rank B [Snake-Goat-Monkey-Pig-Horse-Tiger]

- Suiton - Large Cataract Technique (水 遁 · 大 瀑布 の 術, Suiton - Daibakufu no jutsu) [Tiger - Monkey - Buffalo - Hare - Goat - Pig - Buffalo - Horse - Monkey - Tiger - Dog - Tiger - Snake - Tiger - Buffalo - Monkey - Hare - Cock - Hare]

-Suiton - Aqueous Dragon Technique (水 遁 · 水 龍 弾 の の 術 Suit, Suiton - Suiryūdan no jutsu) [Buffalo → Monkey → Hare → Rat → Pig → Rooster → Buffalo → Horse → Rooster → Rat → Tiger → Dog → Tiger → Snake → Ox → Goat → Snake → Pig → Goat → Rat → Dog → Monkey → Rooster → Dragon → Rooster → Buffalo → Horse → Goat → Tiger → Snake → Rat → Monkey → Hare → Pig → Dragon → Goat → Rat → Buffalo → Monkey → Rooster → Dog → Rat → Pig → Rooster

-Suiton - Aqueous Elemental Shark (水 遁 · 水 鮫 弾 の 術 Suit, Suiton - Suikudan no Jutsu) [Tiger → Buffalo → Dragon → Hare → Dog → Rooster → Rat → Dragon → Goat]

Summoning - Rampart (口 寄 せ · 羅 生 門, Kuchiyose - Rashômon)

-Invocation: Reincarnation of the Unclean World (口 寄 せ · 穢土 転 生, Kuchiyose - Edo Tensei) [Tiger → Snake → Dog → Dragon → Hands joined]

- [Custom] Invocation: Reincarnation of the Pure World (T 粋 な 世界 の 転 生, Kuchiyose - Junsuina Sekai no Tensei) [Tiger → Snake → Dog → Rat → Monkey → Boar → Dragon → Hands Attached]

Spectral Serpent Handle (潜 影 蛇 手, Sen'eijashu) [Snake → Tiger]

Entrave Spell - Serpent Look (蛇 睨 呪 縛, Jagei Jubaku) [Rank C]: This technique allows you to summon two giant snakes out of the user's sleeve. These wrap around people close to the Summoner. The user then has several choices available to him: immobilize his victims but leave them alive or hurt them by the constriction of serpents and finally let the victims be bitten by snakes, the fangs of them being poisoned.

This technique therefore gives the user a wide range of choices, not having to make an incantatory sign and making the attack very fast at the same time.

Sound Wave Technique: A technique that allows the user to create a salvo of sound waves that arise from the walls of a foundation. This technique was strong enough not only to destroy Orochimaru's lab, but also to significantly weaken two members of the Anbu. [Tiger → Beef → Dog → Rabbit → Snake]

Rally of Snakes: When Orochimaru is cut in two by an opponent, snakes emerge from each sliced ​​part of his body and join to replenish his body.

Fûton - Grande Percée (风 遁 · 大 突破, Fûton - Daitoppa): This is a simple technique that creates a sudden burst but its magnitude varies considerably depending on the user. If used by a superior ninja, the squall has the power to cut down trees or blow everything in its path. A variant of this attack can be made with the Katon. Gaara during his transformation could infuse this technique with sand and chakra which considerably increased the power of the attack.

Fûton - Sable Break (風 遁 · 無限 砂塵 大 突破, Fûton - Mugen Sajin - Daitoppa): A technique used by Gaara in his first form of Shukaku. He blows a powerful gust of sand that embarks everything in its path. This technique is extremely effective even against multiple enemies.