
Unlimited Sword Domain

Five hundred years ago, the world was suddenly invaded by alien lifeforms. All countries were defeated in an instant, and a world government was formed to protect the human race on the earth. Facing the menacing alien civilization, the first strong man on earth awakened his ability and began to protect the earth from the invasion of alien civilization. Until now, most of the people on earth are fighting to protect the earth. As for our protagonist, he was born an orphan, and the orphanage was immediately demolished. He had no choice but to live on the streets, feeling unfair to the world. Until he meets four children who change his life, let us wait and see what different life they will bring to him. Big Brother: Noah Second brother: John Third brother: Jeptha Fourth sister: Annie Younger sister: Ying This book is like a door leading to uncharted territories. Open it, and you will be transported into a world woven with suspense, fantasy, and profound emotions.

WeiNuan · Fantasie
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177 Chs

Just want you to grow up happy and joyful.

Noah walked up to the crowd with his head held high and said, "It seems I have accidentally done something great, have you noticed?

Lixuan replied with a good-natured pat on Noah's head, "The plan that was originally made for you must now be changed. You will first train at the academy for a period of time to learn the martial arts and the basics."

Noah covered his head and agreed.

This made Ying and Jeptha, who were on the sidelines, laugh as well, for they had always been patted on the head by their big brother's loving fingers.

Then Ming Yi looked at Noah and said, "Now that you are a student in the elite class, everything will be recorded in the file. Your class time is tomorrow morning at six o'clock, remember not to be late."

Noah nodded seriously, he needed to learn some of the knowledge that others had already learned as soon as possible. That way he could catch up with the others as much as possible.

Lixuan also told Noah to rest with some basic study materials before going to school tomorrow.

Noah then took some of the basic items and materials under the horrified looks of the staff and led Annie and Ying back to their new home with two hand.

Once back in the home Lixuan had given them, Noah joined the cleaning brigade.

A few people were busy cleaning until the evening.

Noah also got ready to go to a nearby shopping street to buy food for dinner and called some people in Cerf.

They, obviously still in shock from the afternoon, forgot to ring the doorbell when they arrived at Noah's house.

It wasn't until Noah was ready to wait for them outside the house that he noticed a few people standing outside.

With no choice, Noah had to invite them inside for a cup of hot tea. You can't keep people waiting outside the house for that long, not to mention that the weather is getting a bit chilly these days.

Johnny and the others sat on the sofa chatting with Noah, all of them finding it hard to believe that Noah was now the fifteenth SSS class extraordinary ability on Earth. 

But the truth was all that mattered, and Noah reminded them not to fall behind, they still had to team up for another showdown.

Annie was also there to serve the hot tea that had just been made.

The crowd's hearts melted when they saw how well-behaved Annie, who is only six and a half years old.

After chatting to a few people, there was another knock on the door.

Annie opened the door to see Lixuan and Ming Yi. They came in with food in their hands and signalled for Annie to call the others to eat together.

At that moment, Lixuan had lost the serious look he had had before and had returned to the way he had looked when he first met Noah. Even Hades Sky was wearing a casual shirt and jeans.

Cerf and the other members of the team were stunned.

The serious and earnest image in their minds began to disintegrate. At this time, Lixuan also noticed the arrival of some people, so he greeted them to eat together, not enough to go "borrow".

The crowd also looked at Noah and wanted to listen to his opinion.

But Noah shouted: "Let's eat, the last one to finish will have to wash the dishes".

Jeptha and Ying and the others ran down excitedly to help set up the food and wash the dishes.

Lixuan and Ming Yi had prepared more sumptuous food this time than ever before, and Jeptha was on the verge of crying from gluttony.

Because the table was a huge circular shape, everyone could sit at it, even though there were many people.

Noah picked up his drink and said, "First of all, thank you all for coming. If I hadn't entered the Academy, my siblings wouldn't have been able to eat so much delicious food. I must thank you all for that."

With that, he bowed to Lixuan and Ming Yi.

John and the others also bowed to them, and the ever mischievous Ying also made a rare serious bow.

This scene was not understood by the people of the team, but they still looked at the five of them with smiles on their faces.

Ming Yi grimaced, not knowing what to say.

Lixuan smiled at that moment and said, "There's no need to thank us, we're doing it for the children as well. Perhaps the person they should thank is you, Noah. If they hadn't met you, they might still be struggling for food.

Annie also wrote on her paper, "Thank you to my brother for not worrying about me and for buying me so much every time.

Ying also smiled and said, "Brother, even though you know I don't really like to study, you let me play every time after I've learnt some of it. I know this will cause you trouble, but I still want to thank you, unlike the second brother who only told me to study."

John was quite touched, but in the end he said he couldn't help but knock his fingers at Ying's head.

Jeptha chimed in, "I'm the one who eats the most in the family, but every time my brother would rather eat less than let me eat more. I'm useless and have to rely on you all the time. But I'm sure I'll turn out to be a person who will make you proud in the future."

Noah's eyes began to redden at this point, tears welling up in his eyes, but he decided not to let them fall.

John, who had never been very good with words, also said at this time, "Brother, I've actually seen you eating leaves. It doesn't taste good, don't eat it next time. I'll be able to let you enjoy your blessings even if I become an ability in the future, and if you have to eat the leaves, I can get you some delicious food."

The originally melodramatic picture became less melodramatic after John had finished speaking.

Noah took their hands and said affectionately, "Brother doesn't want anything from you, I just want you to grow up happy and joyful. You are my dearest brothers and sisters, and I will protect you from all harm. But if one day I can't come back for a while, you must take care of yourselves and listen to your second brother."

The few people in the group at that moment didn't understand about Noah and his younger siblings. 

But from the words they heard, they could tell that they had had a hard life, much harder than they had first thought.

After saying that John and the others were finished, Noah wiped the tears from his eyes, raised his drink again and said, "Then let's start eating.

At that time, everyone started to cut the food and eat. But Lixuan whispered to Noah, "Come and meet us tonight, we have something to tell you.

Although Noah was confused, he decided to duel with his food first.

After everyone had eaten, the last person to eat had to do the washing up.

This important task fell to Jeptha, who ate a lot and ate slowly. So he won the last place and rewarded him with a wash.

Annie also went to the back and brought out the rest of the drinks for the crowd to drink and chat about.

This went on until late at night and the three little ones had long since been carried off to Noah's room to sleep. He also instructed John to look after them there.

During this time, several people in the group also talked to Noah about many things at the academy, and some of the things that had been revealed were then confirmed one by one by Lixuan, who was sitting next to him.

Ming Yi, on the other hand, rested on his side with his eyes closed.

Afterwards, several people in the party said their goodbyes to both Noah and Lixuan and Ming Yi.

By the end, only Noah, Lixuan and Ming Yi remained.

*Thank you for watching and Happy Chinese New Year to everyone. Hope you all have nice holiday and nice day. If you like it, please add it into the library or gave a vote. See you all in the next chapter.*

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