
Xiao Ring

Xiao Ring sat in the grass atop the mountain, plucking juicy berries off of a bush and popping them into her mouth. A contented smile spread over her face, "Tasty," Then she looked around and frowned, "Sister should have find me? What happened?"

Xiao Ring finished the last of the berries, then stood and wiped her hands on her dress. She squinted in the bright sunlight, looking for any sign of her sister. After an hour of searching with no luck, she reluctantly turned away from the mountain and started her descent.

"Why isn't she came to find me?" Xiao Ring said to herself walking a down the mountain. After a while, a smell rushed into her nose, she sniffed and frowned then her eyes wide open, "Blood."

Xiao Ring's chest heaved as she sprinted towards her home, Ignoring the rivers of blood flowing from neighboring houses, she kept running, pushing herself beyond her limits. With a final gasp for air, she reached her house.