
Unleashed potential

A Naruto who inherited more of his mothers genes is discovered to have more potential that was originally thought watch as he is guided on the path to become the greatest shinobi to ever live and restore the Uzumaki clan. NaruHinaKarin , Prodigy Naruto ,Red haired Naruto.

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5 Chs

unleashed potential

Chapter 4

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the training ground as Team 10 continued to refine their strategy. Naruto, still buzzing with nervous energy, bounced on the balls of his feet. He was eager to prove himself, to show this unlikely team he was more than just a loudmouth.

Shikamaru, ever the picture of lazy genius, remained sprawled beneath the tree, doodling absentmindedly in a notebook. He kept an eye on Naruto, a faint flicker of curiosity in his eyes as the blonde ninja pulled out a worn scroll from his pouch.

"What's that, Naruto?" Hinata asked, her voice soft and laced with curiosity.

Naruto puffed out his chest, a hint of pride in his voice. "This, my teammates, is a sealing jutsu! My godfather, taught me a few basics. They can be used for trapping or even storage. I figured maybe we could incorporate them somehow."

Shikamaru, his interest piqued, sat up straighter. "Sealing jutsu, huh? Interesting. Tell me more."

Naruto, eager to share his knowledge, unfurled the scroll, revealing a complex pattern of lines and symbols. "There are different kinds, but this one creates a temporary flashbang effect. It might work as a i can get it to work"

Hinata pondered the implications. "A distraction… could it create an opening for your wind jutsu, Naruto-kun?"

Naruto's eyes lit up. "Exactly! I can create a diversion with the flashbang seal, while you use your Byakugan to guide my wind blast, and Shikamaru… well, you can think of something sneaky with your shadow jutsu, right?"

Shikamaru smirked. He liked the way Naruto was thinking. This unexpected addition added a layer of complexity to their plan, potentially turning their chaotic energy into a strategic advantage.

"Alright," Shikamaru began, outlining a revised strategy that incorporated the sealing jutsu. "Here's what we'll do…"

Exhaustion painted the faces of Team 10 as they slumped beneath the shade of a towering oak tree. The afternoon sun beat down mercilessly, mirroring the intensity of their training session. Naruto, covered in practice seals that sputtered and fizzled harmlessly, groaned in frustration.

"This flashbang seal is tricky, alright!" he exclaimed, tossing the scroll aside with a dramatic flourish. "But I've made trickier ones work before, believe it!"

Shikamaru, ever the strategist, chuckled. "Easy there, Naruto. Sealing jutsus, especially ones with specific effects, require more than just brute force. You need precision and…" he trailed off, his eyes narrowing as he spotted something on Naruto's discarded scroll.

"Hey, isn't that a storage seal?" he asked, pointing to a faded symbol etched near the corner.

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise. "Huh, yes it is. my godfather taught me a bunch of basic seals, but I mostly use the explosive ones for… well, explosions!" He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

Hinata, who had been diligently practicing her Gentle Fist strikes on training dummies, offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Naruto-kun. Even basic seals can be useful. Remember, you used a smoke bomb seal to distract those ANBU the other day during your survival training, right?"

Naruto's chest puffed out with pride. "Yeah, that was awesome! I even managed to snag a kunai from one of them before they figured it out."

Shikamaru's eyes gleamed with a newfound spark. "Wait a minute… smoke bombs, flashbangs… those are both effect-based seals. Maybe the problem isn't your control entirely, Naruto. Maybe we're just approaching this from the wrong angle."

Intrigued, Naruto scooted closer. "What do you mean, Shikamaru?"

Shikamaru tapped his chin thoughtfully. "We've been focusing on mastering this complex flashbang seal your godfather taught you. But what if we can achieve a similar effect with a simpler seal you're already comfortable with?"

Hinata's eyes widened. "You mean… modify an existing seal?"

Shikamaru grinned. "Exactly! We might not be able to replicate the fancy jutsu your godfather showed you, but with some creativity and your knowledge of basic seals, Naruto, we could create a distraction that works for us."

The afternoon sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows as Team 10 huddled together, their initial frustration replaced by a newfound sense of purpose. Naruto rummaged through his pouch, pulling out a worn scroll filled with various seal designs. Shikamaru, his usual lethargic demeanor replaced by a strategic glint in his eyes, pointed out different symbols and their functions. Hinata, ever the observant one, monitored the chakra flow Naruto channeled as he experimented with different seal combinations.

Hours melted away as they experimented, their initial awkward collaboration evolving into a surprisingly effective teamwork. Naruto, with his experience with explosive seals, offered valuable insights into chakra channeling and seal stability. Shikamaru, his strategic mind in overdrive, analyzed the potential of each modified seal and its tactical applications. Hinata, with her Byakugan, monitored the subtle changes in Naruto's chakra flow, helping him refine his control with each iteration.

By the time twilight painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, they hadn't created a perfect replica of the flashbang seal, but they had achieved something far more valuable. They had modified a basic smoke bomb seal, imbuing it with a blinding flash of light – a makeshift flashbang that, while less potent, was well within Naruto's current capabilities.

The next day

The late afternoon sun dappled the training ground, casting playful shadows as Naruto bounced with nervous energy. Today's focus was taijutsu, and while Naruto excelled in unpredictable bursts of movement, his overall form lacked finesse. Hinata, ever the gentle soul, noticed his frustration.

"Naruto-kun," she began softly, her voice barely a whisper. "Perhaps I can help?"

Naruto's head snapped towards her, a surprised look on his face. "Huh? You? But Hinata, you're all about those Gentle Fist techniques, right?"

Hinata offered a shy smile. "While the Gentle Fist is my primary style, understanding basic taijutsu principles can be beneficial for any ninja. Besides," she added with a hint of amusement, "someone needs to make sure you don't trip over your own feet."

Naruto's cheeks flushed a faint pink. "Hey, I can be graceful too, believe it!"

Hinata chuckled, the sound like wind chimes tinkling in the breeze. "I'm sure you can. But for now, let's focus on your stance. Your center of gravity seems a bit off."

With a gentle hand, Hinata repositioned Naruto's feet, guiding him into a more balanced stance. Her touch was light, but surprisingly strong, and Naruto couldn't help but steal a glance at her. There was a quiet confidence in her movements that both surprised and impressed him.

"Now," Hinata continued, demonstrating with a series of fluid motions, "taijutsu is not just about brute strength. It's about using your opponent's momentum against them. Watch how I redirect the force of a punch."

She moved with surprising speed, effortlessly deflecting an imaginary blow. Naruto, mesmerized, watched as she weaved through a series of practiced strikes, her movements a dance of controlled power and elegant precision.

"Wow, Hinata," Naruto breathed, a genuine grin spreading across his face. "That's amazing! You're like a… a graceful whirlwind!"

Hinata blushed crimson, flustered by his compliment. "Thank you, Naruto-kun. Now, why don't you try it?"

The following hour unfolded in a flurry of activity. Hinata patiently guided Naruto, correcting his posture, demonstrating proper blocking techniques, and encouraging him to focus on controlled movements. Naruto, fueled by a newfound determination and a desire to impress his teammate, threw himself into the practice with renewed enthusiasm.

There were stumbles, of course, and moments where Naruto's chaotic energy threatened to overwhelm him. But with each misstep, Hinata was there to offer a gentle hand, a word of encouragement, and a quiet belief in his potential.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the training ground, Naruto let out a satisfied sigh. "I think I'm starting to get it, Hinata! My punches feel less like flailing windmills and more… focused gusts, you know?"

Hinata smiled, a genuine warmth radiating from her eyes. "Indeed, Naruto-kun. You've made significant progress today. Keep practicing, and you'll surprise yourself."

Naruto beamed, his chest puffed out with pride. He may not have mastered taijutsu by any means, but he had gained something valuable today. He had not only learned from Hinata's expertise but had also discovered a quiet camaraderie blossoming between them, a bond built on mutual respect and unspoken encouragement.

As they walked home bathed in the soft glow of twilight, a comfortable silence settled between them. But it wasn't an awkward silence; it was a comfortable quiet, filled with the unspoken promise of continued growth, shared challenges, and maybe, just maybe, the beginnings of a beautiful friendship.

The following days were a blur of focused training. Naruto, fueled by his competitive spirit and Hinata's unwavering encouragement, poured his energy into mastering the seal. Shikamaru, ever the strategist, observed their progress, jotting down notes and refining their strategy based on Naruto's growing control.

Finally, the day arrived for them to test their strategy against a mock opponent – a team of upperclassmen who volunteered to play the role of the enemy. The training ground buzzed with nervous excitement.

Team 10, cloaked in their training colors, stood shoulder-to-shoulder. Naruto, a hint of apprehension mixed with his usual bravado, clutched a single completed sealing scroll in his hand. Shikamaru, a rare seriousness etched on his face, gave them a final nod. Hinata, her Byakugan activated, scanned the battlefield.

The late afternoon sun beat down on the training ground, raising a shimmering haze that blurred the edges of the battlefield. Team 10, clad in their designated orange jumpsuits, stood face-to-face with their formidable opponents – a team of seasoned upperclassmen handpicked to test their mettle. Tenten, the weapons mistress, stood confidently at the forefront, her gaze flickering critically over Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru. Beside her stood Choki Akimichi, a stout young man with a rumbling belly and an even larger appetite. Completing the trio was Shikari Nara, Shikamaru's older cousin, whose sharp eyes held a calculating glint.'troublesome' Shikamaru thought

"Alright, Team 10," Shikamaru began, his voice surprisingly firm despite the weight of facing his relative. "This is a valuable opportunity to test our teamwork against experienced opponents. Remember your strengths and cooperate seamlessly."

Hinata, her Byakugan activated and a determined glint in her eyes, nodded silently. Naruto, however, bristled with barely contained energy. "Don't worry, Shikamaru! We'll show them what teamwork means, believe it!"

The referee's signal pierced the tension-filled air. The battle commenced in a flurry of movement. Tenten, true to her reputation, launched a barrage of kunai and shuriken, aiming to overwhelm Naruto and Hinata with a relentless assault. Choki, with surprising agility for his size, weaved through the projectiles, his eyes fixated on a single target – Shikamaru.

"Multi-Size Technique!" he bellowed, slamming his palms together. His body began to expand rapidly, his clothes straining against his growing bulk. Shikamaru, ever the strategist, watched this development with narrowed eyes.

"Hinata, distract Tenten!" he shouted, already formulating a plan.

Hinata, anticipating his strategy, darted towards Tenten, her movements a blur of Gentle Fist strikes. Tenten, forced to defend herself, momentarily stopped her assault on Naruto.

Shikamaru, seizing the opportunity, extended his shadow with remarkable speed and precision. The shadow snaked across the ground, bypassing the fight between Tenten and Hinata, and targeted Choki's massive leg.

Choki, hampered by his enlarged size, struggled to react. The shadow tendrils wrapped around his ankle, momentarily restricting his movement.

"Naruto!" Shikamaru yelled, his voice laced with urgency.

Naruto, who had been dodging Tenten's projectiles with surprising agility, understood instantly. He whipped out a smoke bomb seal, a testament to their recent training, and activated it with a practiced flick of his wrist.

A blinding flash erupted from the smoke bomb, engulfing a large portion of the battlefield in a temporary veil of white. The upperclassmen, momentarily blinded and disoriented, stumbled back in confusion.

Hinata, utilizing the smoke screen and her Byakugan's ability to see through it, weaved through the battlefield with the grace of a dancer. She bypassed the disoriented enemy ninjas, her movements a blur as she dashed towards the enemy flag.

"This is it," Shikamaru murmured, channeling his chakra with renewed focus. With a final surge of power, he tightened his shadow jutsu, effectively immobilizing Choki. Shikari, still blinded by the smoke, roared in frustration, unable to locate his teammate or the enemy.

Hinata, seizing the opportunity, reached the flag and snatched it with a practiced movement, holding it high for all to see. Even through the smoke, the determination in her eyes shone through.

The smoke cleared slowly, revealing a scene of surprise and admiration on the faces of the upperclassmen. Team 10, the underdog rookies, had emerged victorious through a combination of strategic thinking, synchronized teamwork, and a well-timed smoke bomb.


Next chapter will focus on the results some more time in the academy and the graduation exam

Thank you