
Unleashed potential

A Naruto who inherited more of his mothers genes is discovered to have more potential that was originally thought watch as he is guided on the path to become the greatest shinobi to ever live and restore the Uzumaki clan. NaruHinaKarin , Prodigy Naruto ,Red haired Naruto.

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Unleashed Potential

Chapter 3

The next day was spent with him getting to know his Godfather more and more, and something he took notice of was how much of a pervert the man was.

Any time they had a deep conversation, the man would stop mid-sentence to drool and stare at a woman's butt or breasts, and it got on Naruto's nerves. How he didn't notice this before? he had no idea. But he understood that it was likely suppressed for Naruto's sake. He couldn't leave a bad impression on his Godson.

Still, the man's antics occasionally made him laugh, like his falling out with a waitress when Jiraiya took him out to eat. It was a good day, even if the man kept glancing at women whenever he thought he was being sneaky.

However, all good things must come to an end.

"you're leaving?! But for how long?!

Jiraiya was afraid of this part in particular. "I can't stay for long periods at a time. It would compromise the work I've put in to mislead anyone who may suspect that your parents had a child, along with a plethora of other things to keep in mind. i will show up to stick around for a few days after every month or two, and i will write. I promise.

Naruto nodded slowly and sighed. "fine, but don't let me find out that you're lying or snubbing me to go and peek on women!

The old man smiled and nodded. "I have too much to make up for, kiddo.

Naruto smiled softly and nodded.

Jiraiya departed, and Naruto waved him goodbye.

When he entered his apartment, he tears fell from his face as his high came down from meeting the man,. "i won't let you down... mom, jiraiya.

Three years had painted Konohagakure in subtle hues of change. Naruto, now a sprightly 12-year-old, remained ostracized by some, but a quiet shift was brewing. Under the watchful eye of Jiraiya, the Toad Sage, Naruto's days were a whirlwind of focused training and stolen moments of friendship and bonding with his new Father figure whenever he was around.

Jiraiya's tutelage was unorthodox, unlike anything Naruto had experienced and was used to at the academy. Gone were the rigid routines and theoretical lectures, gone were the teachers who would ignore him whenever he had questions. Instead, their sessions were filled with laughter and playful challenges that honed Naruto's skills. They practiced chakra control exercises to help him, with his exceedingly large reserves, like walking on water, his toad summons croaking encouragement , especially his new best friend Gamakichi, as Naruto's wobbly steps turned into confident strides. Jiraiya introduced Naruto to the art of fuinjutsu, the art of sealing jutsu. He explained how Useals used complex symbols instead of hand signs, requiring precise chakra control and meticulous calligraphy. Jiraiya provided stacks of scrolls and special inks, instructing Naruto on basic seal formations.Naruto had spent most of his time etching intricate sealing symbols onto scrolls, their swirling lines becoming more precise with each passing day. The frustration that flared initially gave way to a sense of accomplishment as Naruto grasped the underlying logic of fuinjutsu much more easily than any non Uzumaki would have been able to.

He remembered how he first began to train with his formally estranged Godfather, he had gotten kicked out of the academy early for fighting with a civilian child who had called him a son of a bitch, he could take insults to himself he had gotten those his entire life, like being called tomato head, but he wouldn't stand his mothers name being tarnished especially now that he knew how amazing she was from reading about her in the library she was awesome and that kids face looked very punchable.

As he got into his apartment he smelled food being prepared and was happy to see his godfather in his kitchen preparing a meal.

"Hey pervy sage i didn't know you would be here"

"Ha Naruto i wasn't expecting you so soon did the academy let up early"

Naruto chuckled nervously with his hand behind his head and said meekly not wanting to disappoint his new family " i got suspended for a week"

"What why?" jiraiya asked surprised

"Some kid called me tomato head and a son of a bitch so i beat him up"

This caused jiraiya to laugh remembering the stories minato had told him of how Kushina used to beat up all her bullies which had earned her nickname.

"Hey dont laugh its not funny"

"Haha no its not" Jiraiya said wiping a tear from his eye "hmm i'm here for another week what say you i take over your training while i'm here"

"Really yatta i'm going to be awesome"

"Well before you become awesome why don't we eat" jiraiya said while rubbing naruto's head

"Thanks Jiraiya" Naruto said while smiling

flashback end

He smiled as he remembered this as he made his way to his seat in the academy. Iruka sensei had been talking about this new exercise the academy had been working on and they would receive the instructions today. He couldn't wait to show everyone just how much he had grown.

A hush fell over the boisterous classroom as Iruka, their ever-cheerful teacher, slammed his hands on the desk. Sunlight streamed through the windows, illuminating the eager faces of the young genin. Today was a special day, the day they'd transition from individual training to the exciting world of team missions.

"Alright everyone," Iruka boomed, his voice filled with excitement. "Today, we begin a new chapter in your ninja training! Prepare yourselves for…" he paused dramatically, letting the anticipation build, "the Capture the Flag Challenge!"

A collective gasp rippled through the classroom. Whispers erupted as students exchanged excited glances.

Standing beside Iruka, a woman with sharp eyes and a neatly pulled-back ponytail – Kurenai Yūhi, the jonin overseeing the exercise – cleared her throat. Her stern voice cut through the chatter.

"Silence!" The room fell quiet once more. "This isn't just a game," she continued, her voice serious. "Capture the Flag is designed to hone your skills in a simulated battlefield environment. You'll work in teams, relying on each other's strengths and weaknesses to complete your objective."

Kurenai explained the details of the exercise. Each class would be split into three-person teams, competing against each other in a designated training ground. The objective was simple – capture the opposing team's flag while protecting your own. However, the playing field would be littered with obstacles, from booby traps to designated "neutral zones" where no fighting was allowed.

"This exercise will test your teamwork," Iruka chimed in, his excitement returning. "You'll need to communicate effectively, strategize together, and utilize each member's unique skills to succeed."

He scanned the room, his gaze lingering on Naruto, who sat fidgeting in his seat, practically vibrating with anticipation.

"Remember," Iruka continued, "a strong team is more than just brute force. Coordination, quick thinking, and trust in your teammates are essential for victory."

Kurenai nodded in agreement. "This will also allow us, your instructors, to assess your individual strengths and weaknesses. We'll be able to identify the best combinations for future missions."

Finally, the moment everyone was waiting for arrived. Iruka shuffled a stack of papers and began calling out names.

"Team 1: Sakura Haruno, Kiba Inuzuka, and Choji Akimichi!"

A cheer erupted from the back of the classroom. These three – Sakura, the brainy kunoichi with incredible chakra control, Kiba, the canine-wielding powerhouse, and Choji, the tank with an insatiable appetite – were known for their boisterous teamwork.

Iruka continued, calling out names with a flourish, each team announcement creating a ripple of excitement or surprise.

"Team 10: Naruto Uzumaki..." A collective gasp echoed through the room. Most students exchanged nervous glances, some even casting pitying looks at Naruto.

"Shikamaru Nara..." This announcement elicited a groan from Shikamaru, who leaned back in his chair with a bored expression.

"And Hinata Hyuga!"

Hinata flushed crimson, her voice barely a whisper as she mumbled a confirmation. This was an unexpected team – Naruto, the unpredictable powerhouse, Shikamaru, the genius strategist with a "troublesome" attitude, and Hinata, the shy but skilled Hyuga prodigy.

Iruka smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Now, don't underestimate anyone," he said, his voice ringing out clearly. "This week, you'll have time to strategize, understand your teammates' skills, and bond as a unit. Remember, a strong team can overcome any obstacle. Let the training commence!"

The classroom buzzed with renewed energy as the newly formed teams huddled together, discussing strategies and getting to know each other. Some, like Sasuke's team, were already brimming with enthusiasm. Others, like Naruto's team, were met with awkward silences and hesitant smiles. But as Iruka's words echoed through their minds, they knew this week would be crucial in forging a bond that could lead them to victory.

Sunlight dappled the training ground, casting playful shadows around the newly formed Team 10. Naruto, his usual boisterous energy restrained to a nervous buzz, bounced on the balls of his feet. Shikamaru, ever the picture of lazy genius, sprawled indolently under a tree, a cloud of boredom hanging over him. Hinata stood a few steps away, her shy demeanor shrouded in a light pink blush.

"So, what do we do now?" Naruto blurted out, unable to contain his excitement any longer. Team formation was a whirlwind of unexpected names, and now he yearned to prove himself, to show this unlikely team he was more than just a loudmouth.

Shikamaru barely cracked open an eye. "Train, I suppose. Though, knowing you, Naruto, that might involve an accidental explosion or two."

A sheepish grin spread across Naruto's face. "Hey, I'm working on my control! My godfather even taught me this cool wind jutsu!" He puffed out his chest, a hint of pride in his voice.

"Wind style?" Shikamaru's interest piqued slightly. He sat up, his lazy demeanor momentarily replaced by a strategic glint in his eyes. "Show me."

Hesitation flickered across Hinata's face. "But wouldn't that be a little… destructive?" Her voice was a soft murmur, almost lost to the rustling leaves.

Naruto's smile broadened. "Destructive? Maybe a little! But it could also be a great distraction! Imagine, we create a diversion with a wind blast, and while the other team's distracted, Shikamaru traps them with his shadow jutsu, and then…," he trailed off, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of the plan forming in his mind.

Shikamaru, initially surprised by Naruto's strategic turn, found himself intrigued. The more Naruto spoke, the more Shikamaru saw the potential in his chaotic energy. "Not bad, Naruto," he admitted begrudgingly. "But there's a problem. You can't create distractions if you can't control your jutsu."

Naruto's confidence faltered slightly. "I can learn fast! And hey, Hinata can use her Gentle Fist to take them down without hurting them too much."

Hinata flinched at the mention of hurting someone. While skilled in her style, her gentle nature made her hesitant to inflict pain. Sensing her discomfort, Naruto knelt down to face her. "Hinata-chan," he said, his voice softer now, "I know you don't like hurting others. But sometimes, we have to fight to protect ourselves and our comrades. And your Gentle Fist…" he trailed off, trying to find the right words.

"It can be strong, even without leaving a mark," Hinata finished for him, a flicker of determination replacing her shyness. "I can use my techniques to disrupt their chakra flow, making them easier targets for your wind style or Shikamaru's traps."

Shikamaru, who had been watching the exchange with newfound respect, nodded. "Not a bad idea. And hey, we don't have to hurt them too badly. We just need to get the flag, right?"

A spark ignited in Naruto's eyes. "Exactly! We can be a team of speed, strategy, and subtle power!"

As the afternoon wore on, Team 10 practiced. Naruto, with surprising focus and dedication, honed his wind manipulation under Shikamaru's watchful gaze. Hinata, drawing strength from Naruto's unwavering belief in her, practiced her Gentle Fist strikes, learning to target chakra points with pinpoint accuracy. Slowly, a rhythm began to form, a chaotic waltz of Naruto's unpredictable techniques, Shikamaru's strategic brilliance, and Hinata's precise control.

By the time the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the training ground, Shikamaru found himself revising his initial assessment of his team. They may have been an unlikely team, but with Naruto's hidden strategic mind, Hinata's underestimated power, and his own cunning, they might just pull off a surprise victory during the Capture the Flag challenge. A hint of a smile played on Shikamaru's lips for the first time that day. "This might not be so troublesome after all," he muttered, surprising himself and the two teammates who had earned his respect in just a few short hours.


The reception to the fic has gone really well so i'm posting this chapter early, Next chapter will see them training for the test i put this in as a way for naruto and Hinata to get closer much earlier so it won't take too long

Thank you for reading