
Unleashed potential

A Naruto who inherited more of his mothers genes is discovered to have more potential that was originally thought watch as he is guided on the path to become the greatest shinobi to ever live and restore the Uzumaki clan. NaruHinaKarin , Prodigy Naruto ,Red haired Naruto.

undergeared · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Unleashed Potential

Chapter 1

A bang was heard in the office of the hokage as a scarlet bullet clad in orange rushed in through the door.

"Jiji they are after me ,hide me" a nine year old Naruto said as he hid behind the Hiruzen's chair only shortly to be followed by three chunin wearing rainbow colored uniforms entering the room

"Hokage-sama the boy has gone too far this time he is disrupting the peace of the village" the lead chunin said to Hiruzen who chuckled a bit at seeing what the chunin was wearing

"How did this happen?" Hiruzen asked the lead chunin

"The boy snuck into our homes and dyed all our clothes"

"And why did you do this Naruto?"

" they were being mean whenever i get a test my paper feels all weird ya know it feels like them and when i get it back the questions are different and my answers are wrong so this is payback"

As Naruto was speaking Hiruzen could see the chunins faces go ashen which caused him to glare at them, dismissed them from his office with a glare then made a few hand motions.

"Now young Naruto as much as what you did was funny you shouldnt go playing pranks on shinobi as that can be dangerous, if something like this ever happens again just come to me first "

"Ok jiji" Naruto said while smiling

"Now tell me how did you know it was the three of them"

"I don't know jiji ,i just know whenever i concentrate a little i am able to feel stuff y'know i found out when Iruka sensei was trying to get me to do that stupid lead sticking thing"

Hiruzen was surprised the boy was a natural sensor or at least claimed to be, which thinking about it he really should not be as surprised since the uzumaki were known for their amazing sensing abilities and the boys father had been a sensor as well.

"Try it right now and tell me what you feel in the office"

"Okay jiji" Naruto said as he scrunched up his face in concentration before saying " i can feel three people in the roof, you and someone outside your window but he feel transparent like he is not there"

Just as he said that a white haired man with the Kanji for oil came through the window causing the anbu who had not sensed him to tense and prepare for an attack then relax as they realized who he was.

Hiruzen was a little surprised as he had not expected him to sense jiraiya , even with decades of experience he could only barely notice his presence while he was hiding. Whatother talents were hiding within this boy that he had failed to notice and nurture. He was really failing the sacrifice of the fourth by not allowing his legacy to shine. As he was in his thoughts he heard jiraiya ask " That's a cool trick kid have any others"

"Ehh, who are you?"

"I am Jiraiya of the legendary sannin, the great toad sage of Mount Myoboku"

"He is my student"

"Cool, yeah i can do this really cool thing with my chakra but Mizuki sensei only lets us fight with taijutsu otherwise i would beat Kiba and Sasuke teme in their stupid faces"

"Hmm really show me"

As he said that naruto raised his arm and a golden chain shot out of it and wrapped around jiraiya, causing him to feel a weaker connection to his chakra, shocking everyone in the room

Seeing this naruto scratched the back of his head while smiling and saying " isn't it so cool"

After a while and them conversing for a bit Naruto went home.

"You told me he was the deadlast of his class and didn't inherit the talents of his parents"

"That is what I was led to believe. It would seem I have left the next generation in the hands of the wrong instructors. Cat"

"Yes Hokage sama" she appeared before him with a gust of wind

"You are to investigate the going ons of the academy and report to me by yesterday and ask monkey to take those three to Ibiki for questioning"he said authoritatively

"Yes Hokage sama" she said as she disappeared again in a gust of wind

"I have failed him haven't i" Jiraiya said dejectedly

"We both have"

After a while jiraiya looked at the picture of minato in the office and promised him he would do better first. He would have to meet Naruto again but since it was late it could wait till tomorrow .

The next day at the academy.

"Ok, kids, line up in two separate groups. " Mizuki said as he looked over his list.

In response, the class of kids began to form two lines in front of their teacher.

The two lines of kids, boys and girls, stood side to side. Mizuki glanced at his partner, Kai , and gave him a knowing smirk. They were going to have fun watching this.

"Okay. First off, this is a taijutsu session to see how well you've all been training, so there is no ninjutsu, just taijutsu." making the kids nod at him.

"Great, now. Sasuke Uchiha why don't you come up and demonstrate how it's done? Your opponent..." Mizuki stopped speaking, trying to make it look as though he was trying to find a suitable opponent for Sasuke even though he had already decided . "Naruto Uzumaki."

The boy in question leaped up, obviously having beef with the Uchiha boy, and ran up to the arena to square off against Sasuke, who just stood there looking unimpressed.

Mizuki smirked as he looked between the two, and the girls went from uninterested to cheering for Sasuke and berating Naruto. Naruto did his stretches while trying to ignore the female half of his class before getting into some kind of stance.

"Okay. Now remember, no ninjutsu, this is strictly a taijutsu spar"

The girls snickered, and the boys looked on in amusement, already knowing the results.

" This is overkill, " Shikamaru said aloud. " Why does he always pair Naruto with Sasuke when he knows he is going to lose?" Shikamaru thought.

Choji nodded vigorously while aggressively eating his chips.

Mizuki stood between and raised his hand. "All right. ready?"

the boys nodded, and Mizuki smirked. "begin.

Naruto bolted at Sasuke to immediately begin throwing punches at Sasuke. A hook to be dodged and a kick caught by the last Uchiha , and then a swift uppercut colliding Naruto's chin as Sasuke launched him away and on his back.

"Go, Sasuke!" cheered Ino, with Sakura and the other girls agreeing.

The rest of the kids cheered Sasuke on while Kiba began to mock Naruto from afar, and the boy was on his feet in an instant, rubbing his chin with an angry scowl.

In a moment Sasuke kneed him in his chest which sent him back onto the ground and threw a jab at his face which he was able to dodge and in the same moment deliver an upward kick to the uchiha's face which was promptly caught and Sasuke threw him out of the circle and into the sand.

Sasuke got up and walked out as Mizuki called Sasuke the winner.

Naruto lay on the ground, shocked out of his mind. It was so effortless. He moved faster than he thought he would there.

Naruto turned his head to the cheering fangirls and the boys congratulating Sasuke, the Uchiha ignoring them to stand back in line with his arms crossed.

Kai sighed and hoisted Naruto onto his feet and patted his back. "Go on kid, get back in line, you're fine.

Naruto blushed and scowled as he returned to the line, and the kids continued to joke about how quickly the match ended.

"Damn Uzumaki, I expected you to at least last longer than a minute with all the tough guy talk you give," Kiba said while laughing.

Naruto grimaced. "S-shut up! i-... I was just going easy on him!" he said, which made some laugh even more.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever makes you feel better, dead last." japed a random student.

Naruto clenched his fists and had half a mind to abandon class and hide. His reputation has been tarnished with one match against Sasuke. Next time, he won't lose. This, he vowed.

As he walked home after school he wondered why he was declared the dead last the only people who could beat him in spars were Sasuke and Kiba he had beat everyone else but Mizuki would always put him up against those two so he couldn't pass the class as he would always lose , just as depressing thoughts were clouding his mind he smiled "being sad is for losers i will just have to train harder and become the best" he said whilst running home.

When he got to his apartment he was shocked to see that it was clean then he heard a familiar voice speak.

"So you don't sense things while you are not concentrating. I wasn't even trying to hide, we are going to have to fix that" the white haired man Jiraiya said.

"AAAAAAHHHHH what are you doing in my house and where is my stuff"

"I cleaned it up while I was waiting for you. Now sit down there is something important we need to talk about."


Hey there new story i know i haven't updated in a while that's because i wasn't loving where i was taking my other stories.

I already have 5 chapters of this one written and i think i will be able to write it to a good conclusion i will be releasing once a day until i reach 5 then about once every other day from there to give myself time to plan

Thank you