
98 Babysitting Two Werewolves

"It is an old wives tale but that is not completely why I think the baby is a girl. My instincts are leaning towards a girl. Welcome back, Luke. The bonds you have is just as good and that makes you this little one's older brother. When you find a mate you will love them unconditionally and they will not be bound to you by blood but the bond you share. Was Scarlet working today?" Kitty smiles and then looks up at Luke.

Leo stands up and walks towards Luke. He pats him on the shoulder. "We have been together for so many years now and all I want is to spend more time as a family together. The baby will be your sibling. I know that it has been hard for you over the last little while but now I have more knowledge so I hope that I won't make my requests like a command and Kitty will help me with learning on what to say since she is so good at it."