
224 Sylvie and Emerson (2)

"Just remember Doll. I am here to listen to you and I know that eventually, you will share what you saw with me. I know that it is nothing good but I will not lie to you. I believe that the future should stay hidden as it holds a lot of things and events. The events should not come to light or the future will be altered. Everything must happen for a reason. Although it is because of that ability that I am alive today. It was Kitty that yelled at you to save me. She said you would regret your choice for the rest of your life if you did not save me. I am truly grateful to Kitsune. She was not there when we became bonded but later when we met she wished us all the happiness in the world. I know I said that the future should stay hidden but I think with Kitty it will be okay." Emerson closed the door and sat on the couch and pulled Sylvie into his arms. "It was fate that we become linked together for as long as we live."