
Forty two

The next day, Amanda met Praise in school. The two of them was smiling nor stop.

" Amanda, I'm sorry " Praise said then continued...

" I was not happy that Kelvin didn't like me, and you also helped him in asking that girl. I then got to realize that if it was me, I would have still done the same even if I had knew it wasn't you he was talking about " she explained.

" Praise... "

" I mean, I was and still is the wrong one in this matter. I don't deserve to be called your best friend. I... "

" Praise " Amanda yelled.

" I forgive you " she said with a soft voice.

" thank you" Praise said the they both hugged each other.

Later that day, Amanda had to tell Fabian that she isn't sleeping at his place, but Kelly is.

That night, Amanda and Praise ate chicken and chips with ice cream, that Justin had bought for them both. That week, Praise and Amanda made up for everything that they've missed together, Kelly wasn't with them, because she stayed with Justin.

A week later, Amanda and Praise are already on track. Fa'idah was decided to start a friendship with Amanda, so she went to the school hallway were Amanda, Kelly and Praise always sit at.

" Amanda " she called. Amanda and Praise turned their head.

" Fa'idah " Amanda smiled.

" can I sit here? " Fa'idah asked nervous.

" yeah" Praise replied as she moved a little bit. Fa'idah sat on the ground with them.

" what are you doing? " fa'idah asked as she stared the both it them. They were both watching a video in Amanda's phone.

" my older brother recorded twist of fate for me, the one of last night " Amanda replied.

" they do it all the time " Praise added.

" okay, I would like to watch too" Fa'idah said then moved closer.

Forty five minutes later, they were done with the movie.

" I no go watch this program for now first " Amanda said as she offed her phone.

" you nor even watch this one, after Prachi enter the room " Praise smiled.

" abeg Rhea is too wicked. And that yeye Priyanka, our God in heaven will punish her " Amanda yelled.

" are they that wicked? " Fa'idah asked with a sad voice.

" you never see anything yet, my sister. In Zero world, they can do twisting if the good want to do bad to the bad person, but when the bad want to do bad to the good person , it will go smoothly, they cannot do any twisting " Amanda complained.

" Amanda, I will watch and tell you when they catch Priyanka " Praise said. That day, Fa'idah went back to her friends house Elohor ( tribe : Urohbo, meaning : blessings). Fa'idah has been living with Elohor for a long time now. So Elohor is her best and only true friend.

That night Fa'idah got a call from Atikah. She didn't pick until the fifth call.

" Fa'idah " Atikah called with a voice that showed that she was crying.

" why are you calling me?, and how did you get my number? " Fa'idah asked.

" I won't say. All I can say now, is that I'm happy to hear your voice "

" really? cause I'm not sure that I can still trust your words " Fa'idah said angrily.

" please don't be like this " Atikah said with a sorry voice.

" I'm not doing anything wrong, you are. I can't believe that I put all my hope in you guys that you were gonna support me " Fa'idah said angrily.

" we..."

" you what?, you decided to break your promise because of dad? " Fa'idah yelled.

" no.. "

" then what? " she yelled. " do you know that mummy and daddy disowned me?, I sent them all the results that I've got since my secondary school. I always did well in my exams and had perfectly good results, just so dad will see it and say 'okay she is doing well in school she should go ' but nothing like that " she cried.

" do you know that they burned my results? " Fa'idah kept on crying.

" I...i... know" Atikah stammered.

" then you knew they were gonna disown me? " Fa'idah asked as the tears came out the more.

Amanda's room

" Amanda, where are you going? " Praise asked as she stared at Amanda, who was already dressed up.

" Kelly and Justin go hotel, Collins went to meet his girlfriend, and my baby is alone at home, so I'm going to surprise him " Amanda replied excitedly.

" wahala for who nor get boyfriend ( trouble for those that don't have a boyfriend) " Praise said, then continue operating her phone. Amanda left the house to reached Fabian's house on time.

* knock knock * Amanda knocked the door. Fabian opened the door and was really surprised to see his love.

" thank God that girl left before Amanda came " he thought to himself.

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