
Chapter fifty nine

Praise is at home watching Chinese movie on her phone. Just then, David called. Praise quickly picked the call.

" hello " Praise sweetly said.

" how are you? " David asked.

" I'm fine, and you? " Praise returned the question.

" I'm cool. I just called to hear your voice. It's been long ,and I miss it " David replied, sweetly.

" you miss my voice? " Praise asked, as she was trying to hide how shy she was.

" yes. That sweet tone. And even arrogant sometimes " David replied.

" have you ever tell other girls that you miss their voice? " Praise asked.

" well, my younger sister " David replied.

" don't tell her again, please " Praise pleaded.

" why? " David asked confused.

" don't just tell her " Praise said. " I'll be jealous. Infact, I'm already jealous. I wish I was his shirt. No, his wife. Just imagine me and David having sex " Praise is now lost I. her thoughts.

" Praise, Praise, are you there? " David kept on calling her name.

" did she hang up? " David asked himself. And this is when Praise snapped out of it.

" I'm here, I'm here " she rushed.

Meanwhile, Amanda had already gone to meet on of the guys, Achiever had pointed.

" guy, afa " Amanda said in a big boy style.

" ah, fine girl, wetin dey sup?, you dey fine person wey one fuck you, or what? ( ah, pretty girl, what is happening?, are you looking for someone that can fuck you, or what?) " the guy asked.

" I'm new here. This is the first time I've been in Lagos. I just wanted to make some friends " Amanda said. The guy looked at her from head to toe...

" you don't want anything from me, other than my friendship " the guy said to make it clear.

" yes " Amanda said. She looked at the guy's phone, and saw that he was chatting a south African woman. And he was explaining binary trade.

" wetin you dey look? ( what are you looking at?) " the guy asked.

" your message " Amanda replied.

" and you're really telling me that it's my message you're reading " the guy said amazed.

" we're in Nigeria. We say what we want, then we enter trouble. And the most funny part is that the ones that insults a lot, are not strong. After insulting you, they'll run. While the ones that are strong, they are quiet. If you misbehave with them, they'll beat you " Amanda replied.

" which category did you fall on? " the guy asked.

" quiet one. But sometimes, my mouth na razor blade o " Amanda said in a boastful way. The guy laughed.

" you know wetin I dey do for here? ( do you know what I'm doing now?) " the guy asked, as soon as he stopped laughing.

" you dey hustle na ( you're hustling) " Amanda said with a smile. The guy burst into laughter...

" you sa be this work? ( can you do the work?) " he asked.

" yes na " Amanda replied.

" oya, tell me what to do next " the guy said as he showed her the message. Amanda read the full chat, and thought carefully...

" you go con tell am say she fit trust you 100 percent. And she is lucky to have met you. Do you have a step mother? " Amanda asked. The guy was really confused to as why she would ask that kind of question...

" no " the guy replied.

" good. You go swear on your step mother's life. Say if the person nor get he money, say the woman wey take care of you after your parents left on a long trip, will die by electric shock, or anything you can call " Amanda explained.

" my parents are alive and well " the guy said, as he was a little bit upset.

" I did not say they were dead. See, you assumed they were dead, so that means the client will assume the same thing " Amanda explained.

" you're wise, where did you learn all this from? " the guy asked while smiling.

" not where, but who " Amanda corrected him.

" okay, who? " the guy asked.

" my older brother " Amanda replied. The guy laughed. I forgot to describe him. He is taller than Achiever.Not only that, he is big strong. He has a manly voice, and a little mustache. He has big eyes, and small dark lips. He is dark in complexion, and has a portable nose.

" what is your name? " he asked.

" Amanda " she replied.

" my name is God's will " he introduced himself. Amanda smiled.

" I want to learn more. Anytime I need someone to make me laugh, I will call you. And anytime I want to reassure my client, I would call you. So give me your number " God's will ordered.

" yes sir " Amanda yelled as if she was responding to a soldier man. They exchanged numbers...

" I should go first. bye bye " Amanda waved as she ran off.

As she reached Achiever's side, she smirked...

" normally, when unknown boys asks me for my name, I'll tell them Amina or Abigail. But now, I told him my real name, and that's because he is now my friend " Amanda didn't even look at Achiever. She just walked straight into the car.

" I won the bet " Amanda said, then she started laughing evilly.

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