
Becoming Paul Atreides’ Brother (Short Novel)

What If I got reincarnated as Paul’s brother and became the spiritual leader and Emperor of the entire known Universe?

Marcus_Adderley · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Imperial Decree

Caladan, the ancestral home of House Atreides, is a planet of deep blue oceans and verdant landscapes, where rolling waves crash against rugged cliffs, and fertile fields stretch out under the watchful gaze of towering mountains. 

The air is crisp and salty, filled with the scent of the sea and the earthy aroma of rich soil. The great castle of House Atreides stands proudly on a high bluff, overlooking the expansive waters, its stone walls weathered by centuries of ocean breezes. 

Rivers wind their way through lush forests and vibrant meadows.

Orbiting this beautiful planet was a spherical ship containing the envoys of the Emperor.

The Emperor, Shaddam IV of House Corrino, is a figure of immense power and influence, ruling over the known universe with an iron fist from his golden throne on the opulent capital planet of Kaitain.  

Hailing from House Corrino one of the great Houses of the Landsraad. 

And this ship contained his Herald of Change which holds his will.

On the ground an entire battalion of audience was present to witness the procession. Highest warriors of House Atreides falling in neat cohorts behind the key figures which were elevated on a stand. The flag of the House swaying in the wind.

Leto Atreides I as the Head of Atreides being on the center, with Jake Atreides on his left and Paul Atreides on his right.

Beside Paul was Jessica which had Thufir Hawat the Mentat of Atreides and Master Assassin standing just beside her.

On the other part of the line was Gurney Halleck, the Warmaster and Commander of Atreides Soldiers. The two alongside Duncan Idaho, who was not present at the moment, were principal teachers of Paul and Jake during the two's younger years, although Jake got off from their tutelage much earlier because he completed all of the training in no time.

"Smile, Gurney," Leto said to Gurney Halleck.

With his stoic voice and face he replied. "I am smiling"

Then he directed his voice towards Thufir and asked.

"How much did it cost them, traveling all this way  for this formality?" 

Thufir's eyes rolled revealing the white sclera fully as his mind calculated in absurd manner. This is the ability of Mentat which is also subsequently known as Human Computers.

"A total of three guild navigators costing them around 1.4 Million Solari, my lord," Thufir answered precisely. Leto looked at the approaching spherical ship with an exasperated sigh that says 'this could've been an email,'.

The ship landed smoothly on the ground, and with a satisfying click the door of the giant ship opened revealing a company of differently dressed people.

At the forefront were the imperial guards, their imposing figures clad in polished, segmented armor that gleamed under the sunlight streaming through high windows. Each guard wore a helmet, the dark helmet unmoving with their synchronized steps, and their faces were stern and unyielding, betraying no emotion.

Behind them, the Herald of Change made his entrance. He was a tall, imposing figure draped in ornate robes of white and gold, embroidered with intricate patterns that shimmered subtly with his movements. The robe's high collar and voluminous sleeves added to his regalness. 

Flanking the Herald were additional attendants and courtiers, each dressed in attire befitting their station within the Emperor's court. Besides him were the Guild Navigators, the members of the Imperial Court, and a Sister of the Bene Gesserit.

Their garments were richly detailed, featuring layers of fine fabrics in deep, muted colors such as burgundy, emerald, and navy, with gold and silver accents. Many wore headpieces or circlets that signified their rank and allegiance, while their expressions ranged from indifference to sharp vigilance.

The Herald bowed in respect to Leto Atreides to which the latter nodded back. After receiving the appropriate respect between the two parties the Herald spoke in a loud and imposing voice.

"By the grace of Shaddam IV of House Corrino, ascendant to the Golden Lion Throne, Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe!" 

"I stand before you as the Herald of the Change!" He declared with a confident and powerful voice. Followed by another.

"We are witnessed by members of the Imperial Court, representatives of the Spacing Guild, and as Sister of the Bene Gesserit!" 

"THE EMPEROR HAS SPOKEN!!" With a powerful declaration everyone halted their breath in anticipation. Then the Herald unfurled the scroll and held it in two hands and spoke once again in a loud voice.

"House Atreides shall immediately take control of Arrakis and serve as its steward! Do you accept?" 

Upon that Leto breathed deeply and stepped forward with his head held high and shoulder strait. His powerful and confident visage speaks volumes of his status.

"We are House Atreides. There is no call we do not answer, there is no fate we betray. The Emperor asks us to bring peace to Arrakis. House Atreides accepts!" His voice reverberated throughout the entire field sporting powerful responses from the warriors behind him.


Their synchronized chant shakes the ground and vibrates through the air. Leto stepped down from the stand and walked towards the Herald.

A table was then presented by one of the attendent which were used to support the document for signing. A golden candle was burned melting down gold-like wax which was going to be used to imprint the insignia of the signee.

"Your seal." The Herald spoke and Leto pressed his fist into the gold-like wax, his finger wearing the family ring and pressing into the wax imprinting the House Atreides insignia.

"So, it's done?" Leto said as he retrieved his hands back to his side.

The Herald looked at Leto with strange eyes, as if there was some pity inside of it. Leto knew what that implied; what this decree implied.

"It's done."

The rest of the witnesses looked at the interaction and knew a great change would happen. 

This simple document may seem as it appears but this paper was nothing short of a declaration of a war. A war that will shake the known universe and will steer the empire into a new era.

Jake looked at it in a great knowing. As someone who is both Jake Atreides and the normal earth Human who watched the film, he knew what this document means.

"The Emperor cooked up something malicious." Jake murmured which were heard by his mother and the two attendants.

'The young master has caught on to what's happening. His insight is truly great.' Thufir remarked inside his mind. 

Jake then looked at his father which in turn looked back at him, the two locking their eyes and nodding to each other in recognition.


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