
Becoming Paul Atreides’ Brother (Short Novel)

What If I got reincarnated as Paul’s brother and became the spiritual leader and Emperor of the entire known Universe?

Marcus_Adderley · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: 

(Note: We will strictly follow the film, although I would put some scenes from the books from time to time)

The two brothers walked in tandem at the great hall of their House. They were conversing about things that would not be often heard by normal people, nor by normal brothers.

"Hmmm, your defense was lacking in the last part. You left your left side too open to create space for mobility but it also became a weak spot. That played a role in your defeat." Remarked Jake.

"Aren't you just too skilled? I think most of the part of my defeat came from you being too strong." Paul chuckled. 

This was quite different from the film. During his interaction with Jake, Paul smiled more than he does in the movie.

In the original he was born alone and raised alone, with no friends to talk to, and his entire childhood was focused around training.

But in this timeline, with Jake on it Paul grew up with someone to talk to, someone to train with, he didn't even care that his brother was infinitely more talented than him, he was just glad that he was always there.

As the two converse they eventually reached the family dining room. Where a small table is enough for their family to fit in with no extra.

This is a different dining hall, this is their personal dining hall separate from the one they use when attending a guest.

On that table was a woman wearing a black cloth. She was the concubine of Leto Atreides as well as the mother of both Jake and Paul. Jessica Atreides. She is also a Bene Gesserit. 

"Come, sit, you two. Both of you must be famished from the training." She gestured at the two. The two nodded at their mother and took their seat.

"So how is your training?" She said looking at Paul. She already knew that Jake is capable so the question was directed at the younger brother.

"Progressing, but still a loss from him. The 206th in fact." Paul chuckled which made Jessica smile. Then she turned her attention towards Jake and spoke.

"You are a great brother, Jake. Despite the responsibility of being the heir and all the training you still find time to spend time with your brother." She said with a warm smile, a proud and grateful smile.

"It is my duty as the older brother, mother, for Paul." Jake replied with a stoic voice but despite the bland tone they knew he was happy.

Looking at the affectionate older brother Jessica felt warm and blessed. She was raised as an assassin and a fighter, and she sacrificed a lot of things to concieve Jake, even going as far as to go against her order but seeing this scene made her remember that it was all worth it.

"And your Voice? How is it faring?" She changed the topic. Of course this inquiry was once again directed at Paul.

"Decent." Paul replied briefly.

Then she reached her hand out for the pitcher and poured water on the glass cup.

"Can you pass me some water?" Paul said, reaching out his hand for the cup.

"Then command me using the Voice." Jesssica said in a taunt. This seems to displease Paul.

"Sigh." He sighed and started speaking in a distorted voice.

"Hand me the water." His distorted and high-pitched voice reverberated in the room reaching Jessica's and Jake's ear.

Slowly Jessica's focus was cut off and everything became a blur for her, then in a hypnotic state she grabbed the cup and pushed it towards Paul but she stopped mid-way. 

She managed to regain her control. 

"Almost." She said, then she looked at Jake and asked.

"Almost?" Paul murmured in a disappointed voice.

"Bene Gesserit training takes years to master, do not be disheartened." She replied to her son's melancholy.

"And how about you? How's your Voice progressing?" 

Jake looked at her and a simple whisper which was distorted into high-pitched and different spectrums came out of his mouth.

"Give me the water." 

Jessica's eyes became blurry, everything twisted and her focus was cut off. By the time she regained her bearing the water was already in Jake's grasp while she was handing it out with both hands.

"Impressive." She smiled in admiration. Truly, Jake was the ultimate offspring, one that is truly the result of the Bene Gesserit breeding program.

"Your father wants the two of you in full dress by afternoon." Then changing the topic once again, she brought up something different.

"Military? Or Ceremonial?" Jake asked briefly.

"Ceremonial." And she replied in kind.

"Why?" Paul questioned.

"The Herald of the Emperor shall arrive by afternoon carrying a decree that will change the political landscape of the empire. And your father wants the two of you to witness it." She said with exhaustion and a look of worry and sadness.

"Especially you, Jake. Your father wants you to dress sharply. You shall play a role of witness to the change." She said then she stood up from her seat and sipped the water from the cup before wiping the corner of her lips with a handkerchief.

"Be ready." Then she walked out of the room leaving Jake and Paul to their own device.

A momentary silence engulfed the room as they ate  in stillness. Breaking the tension Paul spoke.

"What do you think is happening, brother?" There was worry and uncertainty present in his voice which was as clear as sun for Jake to notice.

'Strange. Everything feels so natural. Even the act of being his brother, despite being the first time being with him.' Jake contemplated and spoke.

"Something only you and I could know once we see it with our own eyes. Come, let us finish our meal and get dressed."


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