

" Aclan named Moonlight approached the top 3 strongest clans in the Galaxy. This clan was on a Planet called Earth. Although, this Earth was a million time's larger then the actual earth where all Humans were born.

But after human's Ascended they joined the Galaxy's Treaty. This treaty made it so that other races would not Attack the humans for 250 years because they are still new to the Universe. This was made so that when the humans were in help they could receive it. On the off chance that a race attacked the humans, the Treaty forced the Alliance to attack the race that attacked the humans. This caused many races to give up on conquering the Earth"

The teacher spoke as he read a passage in the book that every Earthling recieved. If one wasn't born in a family outside of earth that meant that they were either talentless or just weak. In the class the ranks worked by numbers. The weakest was at .3 while the strongest was at 2.1. Kuro was at 1.2 Average, mostly everyone was either 1.2 or 1.3 while in rare cases their we're those at .4.

Kuro focused on his school work since he wanted to atleast get a job in this type of work line. He knew he was weak and that he really couldn't do anything. His parents were also average having a power of 3.4. They got enough money and extra to pay for Kuros pills and cultivation techniques. These helped him alot causing him to broke past the 1.1 barrier.

As he walked home he watched as a beggar was sitting down, his clouthes were ripped causing him to be looked down upon. The beggar seemed to be asking for food and so Kuro opened up his storage ring which he found by look near a river. He grabbed the bread and handed it over to the old man.

<[Hidden Quest Unlocked. Helped beggar. Reward: Talent Increase by 10%>]

As he then walked home he sat down and began to cultivate a beathing technique called 'Yin-Yan breath' this technique had a wierd name but was extremely helpful towards his cultivation. What he didn't know was that he had absorbed Ying and Yan energy. This caused it to form Ki. At the moment he would now be able to abosrob ki something only Cultivators at 20.5 could do. Kuro still didn't know about this which he then realised that his body felt ligher and his breathing technique that was at the 2nd stage was now at the peak of the stage.

He closed his eye's and sensed his inner Yin-Yang and when he realised that he had a bit he was confused but also excited, the olny thing was that he realised it seemed like Yin-Yang but the aura surrounding it was nothing like what he saw on other's at the Ying-Yang level.

Kuro realised that if this skill was looked at many cultivators would pay alot of money for it. But, it was the olny copy. His father gave him this book saying that he found it when he was digging up the ground from the garden. He accidentally found the box causing him to be very confused at it. He didn't pay any attention to it and so he gave it to his son.

Kuro continued to cultivate the Yin-Yang skill and he soon approached the 3rd level. He realised that with this tremendous skill he could maybe try his luck out when he went back to school. He could try and defeat an outer disiple and finnaly have the opportunity to join the sect.

He was 12 years old and having his cultivation level at 1.2, he wasn't half bad no one judged him for having this kind of power but he was never praised. Although, he now knew that he could train himself further and further and soon be able to actually step towards the Realm of Cultivators and Martial Artists.

As kuro trained the Yin-Yang technique, he felt something in his chest. He felt as though something was growing rapidly as he trained the pain wouldn't go away and so he continued to train this caused the pain to subside for a bit until it began to hurt, it felt as though millions of tiny small pricks were stabbing him all at once.

He also realised that when he closed his eye's he saw a surprising list. The list had a number of assignments on them and rewards. And it showed his status aswell but not everything since he didn't know alot about his own power it was summarized to make it easier to understand.


Host: Status, 1.2

Health: Healthy





[Train Ying-Yang skill to level 3] [ Completed]

<Reward: Grade 2 sword>

[Train Swordsminship to Stage 2] [Incomplete]

<Reward:5 Points>

[Evolve Ying-Yang to Ki Control][Incomplete]

<Reward: 15,000 Silver. 3 blood pills, Grade 4 skill of host choosing>

He chose to complete these 3 requests first since he wanted to check if he could actually obtain these rewards.

He received the Grade two sword, when he held it he felt a comforting feeling in his hand. He swung the sword over and over for half an hour until his Swordsminship leveled up. After a couple of hours his Swordsminship reached Level 2. He fell to his knees tired after swinging his sword for such a long time.

[Training Swordsminship to Stage 2][Completed] <Rewards 5 points>

He closed his eye's and saw that he had completed another mission.

A voice then spoke in his mind 'Ah, hm. Talent isn't that bad and with the help of the Divine Quest Board. I believe you'll be able to get great things in the future so i leave to you 2 skill books. I'll see you after you've completed these two books!' yelled the old man, he then went silent as he realised what had happened he grew confused.