
Universal Monarch Supreme System

Jilltery_17 · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Star Dimension



Ivy's True Mind had been transported to an unknown dimensional landscape. He was amazed by the System's unfathomable methods.

The stretch of space, as far as his eyes could see is full of countless stars of various mass exuding majestic auras.

Together, they formed a captivating scenery etched into the cores of every onlooker, and Ivy was no exception.

In Ivy's immediate surroundings, there was a gigantic Red Star that stood out among its group. It was a giant among the stars by being double their average size. The energy released from it was also multiple times more potent, actively pressuring the surrounding stars within its influence.

This was not the only occurrence as Ivy saw many others that dominated their surroundings just like the gigantic Red Star.



The Host has two hours to form a Star Link with a star.

The Host is advised to only from a Star Link with a star compatible with each other.

Time Left:

1hr 59min 59sec left.


Before Ivy could do anything, he was notified by the System of his goal and a warning. Though, He was already aware of this from the Old man.

Without any further questions, Ivy rushed forward to the nearest star. Coincidentally, the gigantic Red Star was the closest to him.


An unseen power slammed him back before he could get close.


A cold snort reached Ivy's ear after the blast.

'Oh? You don't want to form a Link with me?' Ivy thought as he was surprised by the Red Star's reaction.

Luckily for him, he wasn't damaged by that attack as he didn't know the effect that would cause. Ivy turned to his next target as he was already far from the gigantic Red star due to the blast.

His next target is a yellow-colored star within the red star's influence. It was relatively massive, being just a little bit smaller than the Red Star.

Yet again, Ivy was rejected before coming close to the Star. Without much thought, he continued his search for a Star to form a Link. The number of Star rejections gradually increased as they all refused to form a Link. However, he pushed forward, unrelenting the rejection he felt.

An hour passed by now, as he had been rejected hundreds of times. It seems he would fail to form a Star Link by the end.

Consequently, desperation set in as he rushed around frantically. He had stopped being selective and even went for the weekly weak ones hoping to succeed. Still, he was denied.

Ivy went on heading deeper in his quest. He came across a massive blue star that was secluded from the others. All other powerful stars he had come across had completely dominated their area of influence, but this particular star acted alone. His curiosity was piqued as he decided to investigate the reason by approaching.

'Don't even think of approaching boy'

an ancient voice resounded in Ivy's head as a cosmic force stopped him in his tracks. Ivy became stunned as this was the first to speak actual words to him. He had concluded that they couldn't speak.

'Why? I haven't done anything wrong. Why don't you want to form a Link with me?' Ivy questioned, he had lost count of the number of rejections he got.

'You're simply unqualified and partly dangerous to form a link with.'

'I presume you had awakened your True Mind only recently. Your mind needs to be nurtured for some time before heading to the Sacred Dimension.'

'What were your elders thinking to have sent you here? They must have become overconfident by making you absorb a power above your capability.'

'You might not notice but I can see it. You have introduced a special nutrient you're True Mind. It would reject anything lower in quality for it following development.'

' It is also that special nutrient in you that deters me and my brothers from you as we are aware of your purpose.'

The voice of the star went on and on like a monologue, verbally chastising Ivy's elders for their careless act.

Ivy stood dumbfounded after such a revelation. The System had neither warned him about his precarious situation nor guided him before coming to this place. He had wasted over an hour aimlessly wondering about it. 'Is there no way around it?'Ivy pleaded.

'I can't say because I don't speak for everyone. You should go further. You might encounter a 'Unique One', if you are lucky enough.' the voice suggested a solution.

Ivy was back to square one on his endless search for a Star to form a Link.

There were barely thirty minutes left before the end. After the revelation from the Blue Star, he had lost his drive making him slow down his pace. Ivy admired the different majestic radiance of the various Stars around him.

At a point, in a clustered zone full of Stars. The surrounding was so bright, it was simply dazing. Ivy was in this area, he had been attracted by the beautiful scenery.

Ivy's curiosity sparked as he decided to go into the area.

Upon entering, he wasn't pressured or blasted away by the Stars. As if they couldn't care less about him.

Ivy became tempted to try to form a link with one of them. 'Since they didn't chase him then maybe..?' his thoughts wondered if he should take the risk. Ultimately, he decided to first investigate the area.

On reaching the very center, Ivy spotted a strange phenomenon. It is the form of a Black Hole with the radiance of different colors at the edges. Its form is double the size of the Red Star he first encountered.

Yet, it exuded no pressure at all. Ivy would not have noticed if not for its uniqueness. Strangely, he had not gotten any reaction from the Star as he inched closer till he was directly facing it.

'Would you be my first Star Link?' Ivy requested. He had gathered enough information on this zone to try to form a Link with one of these Stars.


Ivy felt a subtle vibration from the Star. As if accepting his request, a light string stretched forward from the Star, piercing the spot where his heart was meant to be. A strange force channeled from the light string into his body.

However, all that had occurred happened within a second time frame. Ivy hadn't noticed such movements till a second later. He was already too late to respond as the process had been completed. The next second, an insignia materialized above his heart.




The Host has successfully formed a Star Link within the time frame.

The Host will be transported back in five seconds.
