

Before the noble could say anything else Lucas looked over his gains from the battle.

[Lv 4 bandits killed] [200 exp] x2

[Multi-Kill] [200 exp]

[Quick Learner multiplier x2]

[Total experience: 1,200]

[Skill Points gain: 120k]

[Level Up]

Lucas clicked his tongue.

'This brat stole my kill. He definitely owes me'

Looking towards the young noble Lucas was finally able to read some his stats.

[Sir Alen Class: Magic Knight Lv 2]

Hp: 200

Mana: 60

Skills: [Sword Mastery lv 1] [Shield Mastery Lv 1]

Class skills: [Full Cover] [Air Screen]

"You're a Warden" Sir Alen called out.

"What are you doing all the way out here? I thought Wardens are normally teachers."

Lucas got a better look of the man. Dark skin, bright red eyes, and white hair. He was well built and nearly as tall as he is. He looked like a person from a certain race in a show he watched. Half Wooden Pharmacists.

Glancing over at the woman they seemed to be the same race as Sir Alen. They didn't have any classes, but we're still low level nobles. Susan and Mary were the two Sir Alen called his twin brides.

"I'm just traveling around. Makes Lucas Basin."

Lucas extended a hand that Sir Alen was happy to officially meet.

"I've been wondering around and got lost. Is there a near by town or city? I'm tired of eating berries and wild veggies" He said while lying through this teeth.

Sir Alen had a look of excitement on his face.

"Yes! My father Lord Dunkar is the ruler of Illumance and these lands. He would gladly reward you for rescuing me and my twin brides."

Lucas looked over at the two woman. They were the same race as Sir Alen. One wore a blue satin dress while the other wore a white satin dress with blue stripes.

'Lucky b*stard' Lucas thought with a hint of envy.

The two woman introduced themselves with a little curtsy. Their dressed hugged their body like a second skin showing off their soft curves. Susan was in the solid blue satin dress and Mary was in the white satin dress with blue stripes. Sir Alen was a very lucky man.

"Thank you for saving us" Mary spoke. "We were out looking for a rare planet for Sir Alen when these bandits ambushed us."

"It was terribly scary" Susan chimed in. "Butler Chives betrayed us." The three people all turned staring at their butler who was trying to untie his ropes. The look in their eyes were like daggers waiting to kill him.

"It's Giives! Not Chives! I'm so sick and tired of putting up with you rotten brats. My name is Giives. I'm not some topping for food." Unable to get his ropes off he gave up in defeat. His life was forfeit. He slumped against the wall and waited for his punishment.

Sir Alen grabbed his arming sword from the Bandit Leaders dead body and pointed it at the butlers chest.

"My father loved you like a friend. And this is how you repay him?" Butler Giives could see the fury and betrayal in his eyes. Hints of regret and guilt started to swell up as tears rolled down his face.

Just as he was about to open his mouth and beg for forgiveness, the arming sword pierced his body.

"I'm sorry" is all he managed to say before dying.

Sir Alen cleaned his blade and apologized to Lucas and his brides. When a retainer betrays their master only death awaits them.

"You know Lucas" Sir Alen spoke while examining the bandits bodies. "The assets that these men stole will be seized by the state. I have yet to assess how much these men have, but I do know how much they have stolen over the past year or two. Would you like to do a check first? I will come in after you are done for a second check through" he said with a cheeky smile.

Lucas understood what he meant and gave a sarcastic bow before heading into one of the rooms.

Just by the smell of one passageway he immediately turned around. First room he found was the bunk room for all the bandits.

There were 8 cots and equal amount of small chests for each one. The room was filthy. They had a pile of dirty clothes that reeked in the corner of the room. Every bed looked as though they were never washed. He couldn't tell if they were naturally grey or were originally white and turned this way. Ignoring all of it he started rummaging through the chests.

He managed to find a single gold coin, 23 silver and nearly 79 copper coins.

He left that room and noticed that Sir Alen was moving all the dead bodies together. He started to pray to someone over them. Lucas didn't really care and left for the last room.

At the end of the passageway was a large metal sliding door.

"I bet this is the captains room for sure."

He slid the door open, noticing it wasn't locked.

Inside was a room filled with loot. Chests of varies sizes, some being traditional ornate chests while others seem more futuristic. The bed in the room was huge and well maintained. He knew he can't take everything so he started to search around.

First he opened a dark wood chest with silver etchings of a lion. Inside it was filled with gold and gems.

[Mana Crystal Lv1] x3

[Mana Crystal Lv2]

[Mana Crystal Lv5]

With his [Inquisitive Eye] skill he caught some mana stones hidden in the chest.

"Oh these must be work something" he said as he took them out of the chest and out them into his dimension ring. He also snagged 50 gold coins. Didn't even make a dent in the pile in the chest.

Lucas spent the next dozen minutes looking through all the chests and crates. He was constantly disappointed after that first chest. There were more coins, silver and copper, but nothing he wanted to take. He also didn't want Sir Alen or his father to notice he had a large amount of money. In frustration he kicked over another crate.


A heavy lockbox fell out of the crate. First glance and he knew this had to come form off planet. It was only as big as a shoe box but extremely futuristic compared to the fantasy world he is on. It had an electric key pad, retina scanner and even a finger print scanner.

"What the hell is this?"

The lockbox had dents in them as someone tried to open it up to no avail. Knowing force won't work Lucas had another idea. He casted one Array spell first. A red rune appeared on the lockbox itself and started to glow. After a few seconds it fizzled out. The box was unharmed.

'I thought that would at least melt it a little. Let me try to add more.'

He tried with more runes.


He tried different methods. Stacking the runes on the same place, setting them up like a chain reaction, even using the short sword in combination. Nothing seemed to work.

'Looks like I'll have to find someone to unlock this for me. I bet this is something valuable.'

After he placed the lockbox into his dimension ring Sir Alen walked in.

"Find everything okay" he asked with a smile?

Lucas brought over the first chest he found.

Sir Alens eyes went wide.

"This was the only chest I found with most value. Even in the bandits bunk room there wasn't really anything. Seems like the leader kept all the good stuff with him."

Sir Alen examined the box with glee.

"Do you know what this is?! It's the kings royal chest."

"The kings royal chest? Why would a bandit leader have this?"

Sir Alen stopped himself for a moment.

"My apologies. This isn't his only royal chest. This is a royal tax collectors chest. A royal chest. The bandits must have attacked a caravan that houses a royal tax collector. With this we can return it to the king. Illumance would gain favor from the king or we could ask for a reward! I know the academy is constantly asking for more money for research. Their magical items they sell makes up a lot of their profit, but they can only make them so fast."

Many things were running through Lucas's head. He was very interested in how to make a magical item.