
Universal Job Change: Are Mechanic’s Weak? Starting with Optimus Prime

link to the raws: https://b.faloo.com/1299574.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Universal Job Change: Are Mechanic’s Weak? Starting with Optimus Prime ] In a parallel world where the game and reality coexist, ferocious beasts roam, and alien races wreak havoc. Countless dungeons and hidden realms can be found in the wilderness. Humans can awaken to various professions, striving to defeat monsters and level up. Initially, he becomes a Mechanic, widely acknowledged as the least useful profession. Awakening the Dimensional Creation System, he can acquire blueprints of fantastical characters from animations and movies of his previous life. Starting with Transformers' Optimus Prime, he dominates the battlefield. SSS-rank professionals? S-rank professionals? In the face of my mechanical creations, all of them are mere trash. [Artificial Human · Six Paths of Pain]: Rice carrying program activated [Swordmaster Series · Hawkeye]: Few in this world dare to claim the title of Swordmaster before me [Ultimate Maid · Ikaros]: Exterminate on behalf of my master ...... One day, as the alien realms open, divine-level monsters descend upon the world. As the professionals from various countries despair, Zheng Mu quietly activates his latest figurine. Zheng Mu: Well, have you ever heard of the Mechanical Heavenly Court? The whole world is dumbfounded. Are you telling us that all of these are mechanical creations? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I might have have gone a little ham on this side project (-.-)' between the chapters being by far the shortest of anything I've translated so far, getting some really good results with my newer translation prompt, and getting caught up in wanting to read the story that felt like a great change of pace I ended up taking it pretty far. There are still some things that didn't translate properly -so far its been Final Fantasy stuff in the later portion of the translated chapters but I felt it was a really smooth read that was still fairly accurate to the raw text. I still haven't had much luck at getting the westernized names assigned to characters to remain consistent from chapter to chapter so unfortunately it still isn't where I want my translations to be but I am getting closer and closer. Please enjoy.

Read_and_Chill · Anime und Comics
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97 Chs

*Chapter 68: My Fear of Being Outgunned, Only the Decepticons Can Cure

Inside the base vehicle, the atmosphere was tense. Not only Zheng Mu could feel it, but Cai Shengkun was practically holding his breath.

Leng Bingyue, with her icy glare, observed Jiang Lanlan and the others who were curiously looking around after boarding.

"I didn't realize you were so hospitable. How long since you last met another person?"

Leng Bingyue's vibe was overwhelmingly intense at this moment.

Ge Feng and his companions, all strangers to this environment, looked uncomfortable. They wanted to speak up but couldn't find the words.

Jiang Lanlan, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to the frosty warrior woman in front of her, who seemed ready to draw her sword at any moment.

Upon seeing her, a delighted expression crossed Jiang Lanlan's face.

"You must be Leng Bingyue. I've heard about you, the Ice Wind Swordsman. They say you drive people like a demon on ice."

Holy smokes!

As soon as these words were spoken, Zheng Mu and the others could feel the temperature drop.

Even Ge Feng, standing behind Jiang Lanlan, nervously tugged at his aunt's clothing. "Didn't mean her place is Zheng Mu's fortress. We're half dead already. We don't stand a chance to fight back.

They remembered that the kill restriction hadn't been lifted yet.

A glint of surprise flashed in Leng Bingyue's dangerous eyes.

She seemed amazed. How did the lambs for the slaughter in front of her find the courage to prance around on her turf?

Seeing Leng Bingyue's slight smile, Zheng Mu quickly intervened.

"Okay, Jiang Lanlan, we have a special lounge here with hot water and a shower. You can freshen up, and we'll discuss any issues later."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Lanlan's eyes widened in surprise.

"A bathroom?!"

But Ge Feng and the others couldn't follow Zheng Mu's thought process.

Bro, we're in a tight spot right now. If we don't make a swift exit, why would we consider taking a bath? What's the plan, marinate ourselves so the Zerg monsters will be more gentle?!

But Zheng Mu and Cai Shengkun didn't give them a chance to ask any questions. They guided them straight into several vacant rooms.

As soon as the tense situation cooled down, Cai Shengkun quickly sent Zheng Mu a coded message.

Cai Shengkun: Boss, I got your back this time. When we get back, you owe me a blonde, ponytail-wearing robot maid.

Zheng Mu: As long as it's not an exact replica of my Mary Rose, send me a pic, and I'll help you out.

Cai Shengkun: Boss, you're the best!

Zheng Mu: That's what brothers do!

Cai Shengkun made a swift exit, his role was support, not frontline battle. That was Zheng Mu's territory.

"Ahem, well, didn't expect this girl to be so warm. Who would have thought she'd actually climb aboard?"

Zheng Mu's defensive stance didn't alter Leng Bingyue's expression at all.

"When you say words like that, pay attention to your facial expressions. You're grinning, positively beaming."

Zheng Mu was at a loss for words.

Micro-expressions? Since when did you, Leng Bingyue, know about those?

Observing Zheng Mu's silence, Leng Bingyue gave a soft sigh.

"I'm a girl too, and I understand girls better than you guys. Don't be fooled by Jiang Lanlan's innocent act, she's the dangerous kind. Not to mention, her background isn't exactly ordinary."

As Leng Bingyue spoke, she moved closer to Zheng Mu, her minty fragrance wafting into his nose. She looked adorable.

Suddenly, Zheng Mu leaned in.

"Huh!" Leng Bingyue was caught off guard.

Even Zheng Mu was puzzled. What the heck, that wasn't me!

Spotting Leng Bingyue's momentary confusion, Zheng Mu seized the opportunity.

He cornered Leng Bingyue against the corridor wall, blocking her path with one arm.

Looking at the stunned Leng Bingyue, Zheng Mu mustered his courage, lifting her smooth chin.

"Bingyue, you seem pretty concerned about the other girls around me. You planning on playing housekeeper?"

Meanwhile, Jiang Lanlan and the others were marveling at the amenities in Zheng Mu's base vehicle.

Jiang Lanlan, soaking in the steamy bathtub, was served by a massage robot.

Next room.

Gu Ming was also in a tub, his mind blank.

Sang Luo and Ge Feng were grinning from ear to ear, enjoying the services of the back-rubbing robot.

After getting dressed in clean clothes, Tifa led them to the base vehicle's leisure area.

They were once again astounded by the neatly arranged wine cabinets and various game tables.

Spotting a bartending robot, Jiang Lanlan sprinted over, ecstatic.

"Zheng Mu, this place is incredible! It's hard to believe we're actually out fighting monsters."

As she spoke, her eyes were busy scanning the room.

Ge Feng and the others also nodded in agreement.

The white-haired Gu Ming stared at Zheng Mu.

"You were the one who gave me that unsettling feeling back at the teleportation square in Yuanping City, weren't you?"

Zheng Mu was taken aback, then offered a slight smile as a silent confirmation.

Seeing that no one was discussing the current situation, Sang Luo, who had witnessed the terror of the 'Golden Huang Worm Mother', grew anxious.

"Zheng Mu, you should tell us your plan. Are you seriously planning to battle the golden worm mother?"

Without waiting for Zheng Mu's response, he quickly opened his own panel, displaying the previously detected information about the golden worm mother.

"This boss is believed to be in a weakened state. It was hibernating underground in the desert to recover, but Wang Long discovered it. But Zheng Mu, 140,000!"

"Even if it's wounded, it still has a whopping 140,000 HP."

"How do you plan on killing a beast with 140,000 HP, guarded by tens of thousands of creepy crawlies?"

Everyone saw the fear on Sang Luo's face as he excitedly questioned Zheng Mu.

Gu Ming described Sang Luo's close call with the creature, but Zheng Mu just nodded, his face calm.

Rather than showing any signs of retreat, a confident smile spread across his face.

"If I had a 40% chance of winning before, then after reviewing Sang Luo's data, I'd say I'm at least 80% certain now."

"Eighty percent certain?!"

Everyone was skeptical. Even Jiang Lanlan reached over to pull at Zheng Mu's sleeve.

This small gesture did not escape Leng Bingyue's notice.

"You're not thinking of sending your robots to fight the swarm, are you? That'd be a disaster!"

"I don't know why your robots can dodge so effectively in combat, but these bugs aren't human. They're ruthless, unafraid of death."

Jiang Lanlan's worried expression caught Cai Shengkun off guard.

He glanced at his boss.

Had the boss already reached this level of expertise?

Zheng Mu cleared his throat, gently removed Jiang Lanlan's hand, and replied with a faint smile.

"Just sit back and watch. Even if the plan fails, I guarantee you'll all reach the evacuation point alive."

With Zheng Mu's assurance, the group fell silent.

However, curiosity was brewing about what methods this A-level mechanic, Zheng Mu, would employ to stun everyone.

While Zheng Mu and his team were heading towards the golden worm mother, another battle was already underway.

The Zerg's leader and summoner, the golden worm mother, was proving to be tougher than Qin Zhi and the others anticipated.

"Combustion Fists Technique: Sky Fireworks!"

Even as the Feiyun craft hovered in mid-air, He Guang leapt down. His fists flamed, swinging wildly in the void.

Within moments, He Guang was surrounded by fire, transforming into a fiery meteor.


With one move, all Zerg within a 100-meter radius were decimated by the shockwave.

However, in the blink of an eye, the sandy terrain churned once more. Dozens of mantis-like monsters sprang forth, charging towards the still-recovering He Guang.


Qin Zhi's silhouette appeared before He Guang, and thunder echoed in the sky.

His long sword pointed skyward.

"Thunder God, aid me!"


Suddenly, several bolts of lightning fell from the clear sky, frying the almost level 30 Zerg guards to a crisp.

However, the sight of the ground swelling again made Qin Zhi and the others pale.

"Damn it, how many monsters can this guy summon? Is this ever going to end? What are Liu Weiqi and his crew doing? Why haven't they taken out the worm mother yet!?"

His question was answered by figures flying back in disarray.

High in the sky, Liang Jindong, the vice president of Northwood University, clutched an unconscious person in his arms, blood staining his mouth. He quickly moved to the safety of the Feiyun craft at the rear.

Seeing this, Director Wang of SkyTech University retreated instantly. His face fell as he caught sight of the others' expressions.

"General Qin, this worm mother is no joke. Its psychic attacks recharge incredibly fast, and they're as powerful as a Level 70 creature! We're out of our depth here."

Qin Zhi and his team felt like swearing.

The golden worm mothers were still in the wounded stage, and they were doing their best to avoid direct combat.

Once they fully recovered, would they have to call in the God of War?

Each of the country's top ten defenders was stationed at a crucial post, and they couldn't be deployed carelessly.

If possible, they had to eliminate this threat at its root, even if it meant risking their lives.

The chilling thought that if this worm mother escaped today, the Bone Eater Desert could become a future Zerg stronghold sent shivers down their spines.

Qin Zhi, leading the team from Southwest Military University, marched towards the golden worm mother, pushing through the swarm of insects.

Suddenly, Qi Tai's frantic voice blared from the communicator at his waist.

"General Qin! Something's wrong, Zheng Mu is coming your way!"

"He has a few remaining S-rank contenders with him!"

Qin Zhi felt a rush of dizziness.


With a powerful leap, he activated his skill, conjuring a thin cloud of air under his feet that propelled him into the sky.

Amidst the howling wind, he spotted the slow-moving massive chariot, kicking up a storm of sand in its wake. The sight nearly made him pass out from frustration.

At this moment, he finally understood why his teacher was infuriated when he impulsively admitted students from Japanese universities.

"Damn it! They're just adding to my problems!"

Zheng Mu didn't just bring himself this time, but several other S-tier newcomers as well, all but Gu Ming coming from influential backgrounds.

Should anything happen to them, it would cause a considerable uproar.

"Master, General Qin Zhi is rushing over and is expected to arrive in five seconds...he's here."

The sight of Qin Zhi's furious face on the light screen made Zheng Mu and the others gulp nervously.

Sang Luo and Ge Feng immediately raised their hands in defense.

"For the record, we were dragged into this!"

Cai Shengkun shot them a dismissive look.

Zheng Mu shook his head and ordered Hong Hou to open the vehicle door.

Moments later, Qin Zhi, led by Tifa and wearing an angry expression, arrived at Zheng Mu and his team's location.

However, after witnessing the impressive functionality and structure of this base vehicle, his anger seemed to dissolve into surprise.

"Didn't you get the point card alert?! What are you planning to do out there? Are you hoping for a longer battle?!"

Ge Feng and the others instantly stepped aside, as if they had forgotten who had invited them to relax.

Zheng Mu didn't respond but motioned to the AI named Red Queen beside him.

Instantly, a bird's-eye view of the entire Zerg battleground materialized before everyone.

Zheng Mu indicated He Guang and his crew, who were steadily advancing towards the insect mother, but at a snail's pace.

"General Qin, you should have a clearer view of the battlefield now, right? Your current pace is simply not as fast as that worm mother's ability to relocate."

As he spoke, a particular sinkhole in the image zoomed in.

A giant cockroach was visible, shifting the hefty insect mother gradually towards the subterranean level of the desert.

Below, an array of diverse bugs were digging a tunnel at a rapid pace.

Judging by their speed, within an hour tops, the worm mother could completely vanish from sight.

And in that hour, they wouldn't even have time to evacuate a significant number of contenders in the area.

"General Qin, the worm mother might escape, but the creatures it's summoned won't just vanish. Their numbers will undoubtedly grow... You won't have time to evacuate everyone!"

After hearing Zheng Mu's breakdown, Qin Zhi fell silent.

"So your plan is to trap the worm mother before she escapes?"

Suddenly, Qin Zhi seemed to have an epiphany and smacked his thigh.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of that!"

Zheng Mu looked perplexed, what had he thought of?

Qin Zhi's eyes lit up.

"The worm mother's most potent attack now is a powerful psychic assault that's hard to defend against. Even I might not withstand it.

"But you're different! No, I mean your robots are different!"

Zheng Mu finally got it.

But he shook his head and offered a slight smile.

"What you're suggesting is indeed a solution. If you can make a small opening for me, or even just drop my robots onto the worm mother from above, we could try them all."

"It's just...too much of a hassle."

A hassle?

Qin Zhi was taken aback, this was an emergency, and he was talking about hassle?

He wished he could just utter a magic word and take down that monster. That would be easy, but was it realistic?

Seeing Qin Zhi's frustration, Zheng Mu could tell that the general really wanted to give him a piece of his mind.


"General Qin, I understand you're in a hurry, but let's not rush things."

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Enjoy the chapters and have a great weekend.

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