
chapter 4. Misaki ayuzawa


1900 words


With what had happened between them, both went back inside the cafe separately—Shijo from the front door and Misa from the back door. They acted as if nothing unusual had occurred, blending back into their respective roles.

As Misa returned to her work, she discreetly brought Shijo his free meal. However, some of her coworkers noticed, their curiosity piqued by the unusual gesture.

"Misa, who is he? He looks handsome. Is he your boyfriend?" asked a girl with orange hair, clearly surprised given Misa's well-known financial issues.

Misa blushed slightly, trying to maintain her composure. "No, he's just a... friend," she replied, glancing briefly at Shijo.

"Friend? I don't think so, Misa-chan," teased a girl with black hair as she hugged Misa playfully.

Caught off guard and not knowing how to get out of this situation, Misa quickly replied, "Um, he's an old friend of mine. We met today after many years, so I insisted on giving him some hospitality." She smiled nervously, hoping to deflect their.

"Oh, is that so?" said the cheerful girl, giggling as she boldly made her way over to Shijo.

Seeing their manager move so confidently, the remaining coworkers were stunned, some even shouting encouragement. "You can do it!" they called out, watching the unfolding interaction with keen interest.

Standing in front of Shijo, she asked, "Do you have any more requests?"

Shijo thought for a moment. After the free omelet rice, he wanted something sweet. "Hmm, ice cream might be nice."

"Which flavor?" she inquired.

"The one you think is good," Shijo replied with a smile.

"Okay then, Mika, bring today's ice cream special for your friend," she called out to the back.

Turning her attention back to Shijo, she asked, "Sorry to bother you, but can we talk?"

"Sure," Shijo agreed, "I'm also waiting for Misa's shift to end."

With Shijo's approval, she sat down opposite him and began, "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Satsuki Hyodo, and I am the manager of this cafe."

"Oh, nice to meet you. My name is Aki Shijo," he replied. "It's a pleasure meeting Misa's manager, but what does a manager want from me?"

"Nothing much, Shijo-kun," Satsuki began with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I saw you bullying Misa a while ago behind our shop, so I'm curious about your relationship. Are you blackmailing her? If so, that won't be nice."

"You are quite funny, Miss Hyodo," Shijo replied, a curious glint in his eye. "What can you do if someone is blackmailing your staff members?"

Satsuki's expression turned serious, and she gave him a death glare, not replying to his question.

Shijo burst out laughing. "I am joking, Miss Hyodo. I was just worried about Misa working here, but she convinced me that her coworkers and manager are all good people," he lied smoothly, maintaining his composure.

"Misa said that?" asked Satsuki, her expression brightening with happiness. It was clear she was pleased to hear that Misa had high hopes for them.

"Yeah, I was surprised that she works here at first, so some arguments happened. Don't worry about it," Shijo reassured her. "She said we'll talk after her shift is over."

"Is that so? Then I apologize for my previous behavior," Satsuki said, her tone softening. "As for Misa, she has already finished her shift. She's helping out because someone didn't come in today. I'll tell her to finish up her tasks."

After talking with Satsuki for a while, closing time came. Misaki and Shijo walked together through the night streets. They remained silent until they reached a park.

They sat on the swings, and Misaki began to talk about her circumstances.

"Family circumstances, huh? Is it... that bad?" Shijo asked gently.

"Yes, that's why I'm working—to support my family, meet my needs, and pay for school fees," Misaki explained with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"That's why you walk all the way to work as a maid in a neighboring city... Why not find physical labor closer to home?" Shijo asked, genuinely concerned.

"Hah, my stamina wouldn't hold up if I did that. As the president of my school, I can't afford for my grades to drop either... I can't handle both at the same time," Misaki replied with a weary tone, expressing the strain of her responsibilities

"That sounds pretty tough for you," Shijo acknowledged sympathetically. "Oh, that's why you entered Seika High because of its low fees, even though it's full of thugs."

Misaki nodded. "Yeah, that's partly true."

She wondered what he was thinking but couldn't quite tell.

After a brief period of silence, Misaki asked, "So, what's your name? You know mine, but I don't know yours. And how did you know me? Are you friends with Uzui Takumi?"

She assumed he might be friends with Uzui since they were seen together on the same day in the same place.

"No, no, we're not that close," Shijo clarified. "But I do know him. Hmm, he might know me too, I'm not sure."

"We met at a party when we were kids," Shijo explained. "That's where I know him from."

"Was it a birthday party or something you attended together in kindergarten?" Misaki asked, trying to clarify because she misunderstood Shijo's mention of a party as a simple children's event.

"Haha, Misaki, you're quite funny. Think of it as something like that," Shijo replied with a chuckle. After a moment, he became a little more serious. "Say, would you like to work for me?"

Misaki frowned in confusion. "Work for you? What kind of work? I won't do any dirty work even if I am poor," she said, standing up angrily, misunderstanding Shijo's intentions.

"Hey, why are you so defensive? What I meant was a maid job," Shijo clarified quickly. "I live alone, my parents are always busy, so I need someone to help clean my house and take care of my clothes."

"House maid?" Shijo nodded, realizing her misunderstanding as she sat down again, embarrassed. "I understand. But, I won't have time for that either. After all, I need to go to school," Misaki clarified with a slight smile, relieved to clear up the misunderstanding.

Shijo looked a little disappointed as he inquired, "Why don't you listen to the full details first?

If it's about some contract or anything that will bankrupt you." Sighing softly, he continued to explain to the embarrassed girl, "Your job will only be on weekends, Saturday and Sunday. No staying over. Your food, clothing, etc., will be provided. You'll earn 30,000 yen for each day you work. Also, if you can come on other days, it will be 30,000 yen per day."

"30,000 yen per day? Are you joking? I only earn that much in months," Misaki exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, that much. Also, I won't force you to stay longer. You can still go to school. Whether you quit the maid job or continue is your decision. And if you still want to work as a maid, you can, but remember, if someone from your school finds out, you can brush it off by saying you're helping a friend."

With that, he waved to her and walked away, knowing that Misaki's house was only a short walk from there, so he didn't need to drop her off.

Still in a daze even after Shijo had left, she looked up and watched his back disappear into the distance.

Before he completely vanished from sight, he shouted back, "Though it's written on the card, my name is Aki Shijo! Go home safely! Goodbye!"

Misaki hurried back to her house, still feeling wary of Shijo. She had deliberately chosen a place she knew well, ensuring she could easily escape home if necessary. However, to her surprise, he offered her something she couldn't imagine rejecting: a job that only required cleaning, laundry, and a few chores, all for a day's work that paid 30,000 yen.

It sounded too good to be true, and she needed some time to carefully consider his offer.

Entering the house, Misaki slipped off her shoes and noticed her mother folding laundry nearby. She approached quietly and took a seat beside her, a mixture of emotions swirling inside her. Sensing her daughter's troubled demeanor, Misaki's mother set aside the clothes and gently pulled Misaki into her embrace, stroking her hair in a comforting gesture.

"What's on your mind, dear?" Her mother's voice was tender, filled with maternal concern that always seemed to know when something was amiss.

"I... I met a boy, Mom," Misaki began hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper. "His name is Aki Shijo."

Her mother's eyebrows lifted in surprise, but she maintained her gentle demeanor. "Aki Shijo? Is he someone special?"

Misaki sighed, unsure herself. "I'm not sure... He offered me a job, Mom. Just cleaning and chores, but he's paying so much money for it. It seems too good to be true."

Her mother considered this quietly, continuing to stroke Misaki's hair thoughtfully. "Sometimes, unexpected opportunities come our way, Misaki. It's okay to feel uncertain. What does your heart tell you?"

"I... I think I need some time to think about it," Misaki admitted, leaning into her mother's comforting presence. "But I'm worried about what others might think."

Her mother smiled reassuringly. "Your happiness and well-being matter most, Misaki. Trust yourself to make the right decision. I'm here for you, no matter what."

Misaki nodded gratefully, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders as she snuggled closer to her mother's comforting embrace.

Returning to her room, Misaki sat at her desk, ostensibly to study, but her mind was consumed by the day's events. The encounter with Aki Shijo, a boy she'd never met before, offering her a job that seemed too good to be true. The prospect of classmates discovering her work as a maid. Thoughts of her mother's comforting embrace and advice lingered, adding to her turmoil.

As she tried to focus on her textbooks, Shijo's face kept intruding into her thoughts. His smile, his earnest words. "He looks cute and handsome," she mused, her mind oscillating between intrigue and caution. "But he wouldn't do anything bad, right?"

Despite her efforts, she couldn't shake off the questions buzzing in her mind. Was this job offer a stroke of luck or a potential trap? Would her classmates judge her if they found out? Could she trust Shijo's intentions?

With a heavy sigh, Misaki dropped her pen, conceding defeat to her racing thoughts. "It's really hard," she murmured to herself, feeling torn between curiosity and apprehension about the path that lay ahead.

After his conversation with Misaki, Shijo stepped out onto the road and made a call. Within moments, a sedan pulled up in front of him, and one of his bodyguards opened the door. He sank into the plush seat, exhausted from wandering around.

"Take me to the new house," he instructed, needing respite from the aimless stroll. The quiet hum of the car enveloped him, providing a moment of calm amid the flurry of recent events. As they drove through the city streets, he reflected on the unexpected turn his day had taken, contemplating what lay ahead in his new surroundings.

"Young master, we've arrived," announced the driver as the sedan came to a stop.

Waking from a brief nap, Shijo stepped out of the car and headed into his house. He unlocked the door, entered his room, and collapsed onto his bed, immediately drifting into a deep sleep. The day had been eventful, and fatigue weighed heavily on him. As he dozed off, thoughts of the evening's conversations and decisions swirled in his mind, blending with the comfort of his familiar surroundings.


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