
Chapter 19 daki


Words counted-- 1800

2 chapter ???

Well enjoyed.


Aki watched Runa walk away, his thoughts filled with concern and understanding. He knew that her easygoing and friendly nature had earned her a lot of popularity, but it also led to negative rumors. These rumors suggested she switched boyfriends frequently and dated guys for short periods, often just a few months. However, Aki knew the truth was more complicated.

Aki had tried reading the novel of this anime but due to many plots he drop it but he knows a thing or two about this anime.

Runa's boyfriends will typically broke up with her after a short time, despite her giving her all in the relationship. She was always dumped, never the one to end things. When she was single, she had no problem dating anyone who asked her out, believing that romantic feelings could develop over time. Unfortunately, this had never happened for her.

Despite her gal appearance, Runa was sincerely devoted to whoever she was dating, often to the point of being called "heavy" or "annoying." She would put her boyfriend's happiness first and endure a lot to keep the relationship going. Her views on relationships were skewed, believing it was her duty to give her boyfriend whatever they wanted, including sex. She never viewed it as something she wanted but rather as her role as a girlfriend.

This approach backfired, as guys would dump her after they had sex with her, finding her overbearing with her efforts to maintain the relationship. Despite being called the school's most beautiful girl, she faced harsh rumors. Some said she leeched money off her boyfriends during dates, and she had been given cruel nicknames like "slut" or "streak." These rumors were either completely untrue or twisted versions of the truth.

Aki sighed, feeling a deep sympathy for Runa. He wished there was more he could do to help her see her own worth and break free from the cycle of unhealthy relationships.

'If I could do something for her.... Um why? am I acting like this? Can't I just date her or am I not interested in her due to her not being virgin.... When did I develop such a hobby?' Aki wonder in his privious life his moto was past doesn'tater what matters is the present... History do make present but if we change the present.. in future the history will be different...

He didn't care about his women being virgin or not what matters was went they date or started living together she shouldn't cheat on him that all.

She might have made mistakes chosing her partner before but if she chose him he will try to be her Mr perfect.

That when a sudden realization hit him like a bolt of lightning. "Isn't she the typical gu-dere?" he thought to himself, considering the implications. Unlike yanderes, who are obsessively possessive to the point of violence, gu-deres are extremely devoted, willing to do anything their lover asks, even if it means going to extreme lengths.

"Sizawa-san... No, Runa-san," Aki corrected himself, wanting to speak more personally, he called her out."forget what I just said about finding someone else. You don't need to look for another. I'll be taking care of you." He said all that in one go.

Runa's eyes widened in disbelief. She had never heard such a straightforward and genuine offer before. Looking back at the man who just rejected her even if it was just a dare.

She ask,"Are you sure, Shijo-kun?" her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Aki nodded firmly. "Yes, I'm sure. I want to date you, if you don't mind."

Runa looked at him, her emotions a whirlwind. For a moment, she thought he might be like the others, but there was something different —sincerity, warmth, and a promise of genuine care. She nodded slowly, her heart pounding. "Alright, Shijo-kun. I'll trust you."

She agreed as, currently she doesn't have any relationship, and she can try to fall in love with him.

Aki smiled, feeling a sense of relief and excitement. "Thank you, Runa-san. I won't disappoint you." Well he lied there.

As they walked down the stairs towards the school entrance, Aki noticed a group of gyaru gathered near the entrance.

Runa turned to him with a bright smile. "Oh, they are my friends. I need to go with them," she said. "Let's go on a date this weekend, okay?"

Aki nodded, returning her smile. "Sure, Runa-san. Then on Saturday."

With a quick wave, Runa dashed over to greet her friends, leaving Aki.

Aki sighed, muttering to himself, "Now onto the second one."

As he walked towards the backyard of the school, he heard an irritated voice.

"Why isn't he here yet? I'm gonna kill him if he doesn't show up after I wrote a love letter specifically for him!"

"Umm, am I gonna die, Daki-senpai?" Aki asked, bewildered but not shocked.

He had transmigrated, so other phenomenal occurrences didn't surprise him much. Seeing Daki from Demon Slayer in real life was unexpected but not impossible. He noted that she didn't have any scars, unlike her anime counterpart.

"You are finally here! What were you doing while I was waiting for you? Do you want to die?" Daki's mouth was as sharp as ever, even if she wasn't a demon.

"Um, Daki-senpai..."

"Why are you calling my name so casually? Isn't that rude?" she interrupted.

"How am I supposed to call you? I've watched the Demon Slayer Red Light District arc many times, and Daki is the only name I know for you. And you're telling me to change my way of addressing you?"

"What should I call you then?" Aki asked.

"I am just reminding you that it's rude to address someone by their name so casually, but you can still call me Daki-senpai since I don't have a family name. It's just me and my brother, and we are orphans."

"Um, Daki-senpai, are you going to—" Aki started but was cut off.

"Just shut up and listen," Daki snapped. "I need you to take responsibility for making me wait here."

"Responsibility? What do you mean?" Aki asked, confused.

Daki sighed in frustration. "I wrote you a love letter, didn't I? So you better take me out on a date. And don't make me wait this time!"

Aki chuckled nervously. "But Senpai, I haven't accepted your confession. I mean, who would accept a love letter that's completely a threat, not a confession?"

Daki frowned, crossing her arms. "What do you mean?"

"Who writes a love letter like that? You wrote, 'If you don't become my boyfriend, I will blast your head off.' If it were some wimp, they would have run off," Aki reminded her.

Daki's face turned red with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "W-well, I didn't know how to express my feelings properly, okay? And you're not a wimp, are you?"

Aki sighed. "No, I'm not. But threatening someone isn't the way to their heart, Senpai.

Daki pouted, looking away. "I just... I didn't want to be rejected. I've never done this before."

"You never have?" Aki wondered, his vigilance softening as he saw the tsundere character in her. After all, what if Daki turned out to be a demon who could withstand sunlight and was luring him? Putting your hand in a yandere is better than the unknown, right?

But she is goddamn beautiful and an upperclassman at that. After I noticed her name in that letter, I asked around my class, but who knew she would be that popular? A record of rejecting about 40 boys' confessions, and she hasn't even dated any guy. That's what her public image is.

 She is a tall and curvaceous woman with lime green eyes, long eyelashes, and very pale skin. Her initially black hair was styled in a full, long ponytail with kanzashi hairpins (three on each side) holding up the ponytail. Wearing the usual high school dress, she had magenta thigh-high stockings with black flower patterns.

Aki sighed. "Look, Daki-senpai, I don't know why you confessed to me after rejecting so many others. Is it love at first sight?" Aki wondered, questioning his seemingly extraordinary luck.

Now, he was doubting his new life. He got a second chance to live, a wealthy family, and the attention of many women he liked. But with strange incidents like Shikimori and Kyou and Yamada, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Is God playing favorites, or will my luck run out soon? Will I get NTR'd? Is this just a gift from God, and my maid event is to kill a demon lord?" Aki felt really worried. He didn't have any superpowers or a system. He'd tried calling for a system several times, but nothing worked, leaving him feeling numb.

"Oh, it's not like that. I don't have feelings for you. It's just that I've been seeing your face quite a lot in my dreams latety, so when I found out you were entering the school, I thought having you might be a good sign for me," she replied nonchalantly.

'I was going to accept you, but now I'm done. It's time you suffer for hurting Nezuko-chan.'Aki found a reason to reject her, though he wouldn't acknowledge that he was angry because Daki was planning to take advantage of him.

"Daki-senpai, I think my mother is calling. See you," Aki said hastily as he vanished.

"Wha... Where are you going? I haven't put a collar on you yet!" Daki shouted, frustrated.

Aki was holding himself back from fighting her. "It will be embarrassing if people hear that Aki, the new student, was fighting a girl," he thought. Imagining the scene of Daki pulling his hair while he punched her gave him goosebumps. "No, no, no. I don't want such a reputation," he muttered to himself, trying to calm down.

As he walked away, Aki couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and anxiety. "This new life is more complicated than I thought," he mused, hoping for a more straightforward future.

Seeing Aki running away, Daki thought to herself, 'Is he being shy?"

Looking at the collar in her hand, she murmured, "I stole my brother's money just to buy this collar for you, and you didn't even glance at it."

"Hmm, I think I will also buy a leash and a belt to tie you down... After all, I won't let you go.

Why did you have to come into my dream if you wanted to run? ...You brought this on yourself," she smiled.

If Aki saw her face now, he would probably avoid school for weeks.


Let not mension minor details.

Like age places time as I am new I tend to forget.
