

{YES, I CAN FCKING HEAR YOU!! Do you have a death wish? Move your fcking fck all _ss!!}

The voice said rather loudly.

{Ugh, sorry! I just can't move.}

Jim responded back pathetically.

{What? What kind of FCK can't even move!}

Again the reply was shading into the aggressive realm.

{Well, long story, you see ...}

Started Jim.

{I don't FCKING care about your FCKING story! FCK!! I guess I have to FCKING do this my FCKING self! _sshole!!}

Now Jim could see where the sound was coming from. A single cell broke away from a group of cells and using its cilia as locomotion sped over.

{Thank y....}

Again Jim started to say.

{Shut up, you stupid fcker. You don't even have flagella! Just shut the fcking fck up!!}

The cell said as it reached out one of its many cilia and pinching Jim around the middle pulled him back towards the smaller mass. 

Wisely, Jim kept his mouth closed not wanting to cause any more problems. He didn't know how he was causing a problem, but he was now in the complete control of this cell that could cuss up a storm. Also he wasn't interested in dying, since that was what the cell was implying. If he stayed were he was then he could become food for whatever these gigantic masses were. 

Instead of joining back up with the cells he had come from the cell with thousands of cilia was towing Jim back towards the blurred area in front of the smaller mass.

{Why do I always get the crappiest jobs!}

The cilia cell complained to itself.

'Evidently this job was no fun for it!'

Jim had to laugh at the situation, he was causing so many problems.

After some time of being towed the cilia cell dropped him off in front of a cell just as large as the cilia cell, but with an extra long flagella whipping about behind. 

{Reporting sir!}

The cilia cell said clearly when it had approached close enough.

{Go ahead, private. What do you have for me today?}

Prompted a good natured reply from the flagella cell.

{Not much, just a random prisoner. I don't know what to make of him. He showed up in the middle of the neutral zone just now. Evidently he doesn't have any cilia or even a flagella.}

Reported the cilia cell.

{Right. … Good job, carry on with your duties.}

The flagella cell grasped Jim around the middle just like the cilia cell had and then unceremoniously dragged him along to a crystalline structure. 

{Excuse me, I am new here. I was wondering if …}

Jim made an effort to communicate, but the flagella cell didn't respond. 

Instead it threw him in among the crystalline structure and then slammed a grate of some sort over the hole he had just entered. The flagella cell, without any other sign or signal left.

Unable to move Jim could not investigate this crystalline formation. There was plenty of room in here, probably enough for a cell group of hundreds. Yet, it didn't take a genius to realize that he had been thrown in jail. All he could do now was wait. 

Again with the waiting. Fortunately there was a good view considering that he was on the edge of what looked like a cell city.

He knew he had to be within the blurred area, because some distance from this jail type crystalline structure was a great dome. Extending as far a he could sense in all directions Jim made the assumption that this dome was the blur or what the blur looked like from the inside. 

'The engineering here is incredible!'

Looking around more carefully, Jim could see other crystalline structures that blew his imagination. Gravity at this level had so little effect that it looked like these cells could build anything regardless of shape. There were several long narrow 'buildings' for lack of a better word. But they weren't all laid out in lines and standing straight up. Instead they were strewn throughout the dome's interior haphazardly. Another 'building' completely girded the entire area. At least he assumed it went all the way around since he couldn't see that are into the distance. It was impossible to see the other side of the dome. Without touching the dome this thick tube traced the edge of the dome, but just inside without touching. Basically it looked like it encircled the entire cell city. Other buildings were star shaped or hollow tubes. In the center closest to the dome was a sphere so large that it dominated every other crystalline structure.

From his perspective it looked like there was a clear separation in the community by size. There were many many buildings that only had openings big enough to let cells through. While a few buildings, including the sphere in the middle looked big enough to allow complexes of cells enter. Possibly even entities with tens of thousands of cells could be welcomed there. The torus was almost entirely set up for single cells with only a single bulbous portion left that could accommodate larger conglomerations.

This chance to sit and observe turned out to be very instructive as he learned more and more about the culture of this cell city. For instance he saw that there were buildings for the sick and injured. There were buildings that radiated specific types of energy. And there were some buildings that seemed to be literally covered and possibly filled with cells all coming and going according to each individual cell's whim. At all hours of the day. Or at least for the entire time that Jim was there watching cells were swarming all around and through it.

'Those types of places have to be restaurants or shopping malls. I don't see how they could be anything else.'

As time pass he became even more curious as he saw that one particular cuboidal building lit up. Cells came, filled up the building and then all was still for a time until they all came out at once. This had to be some type of performance or lecture. Other buildings displayed the same sort of phenomenon only on a much smaller scale. 

Then to his surprise, quite close to where he was jailed he saw a huge collection of thousands of cells stop and allow a single cell organism to pass in front of it. 

'That is really quite strange. I would have thought that the big groups of cells would be in charge. But for some reason that cell had power or authority. I don't know. It will be interesting to see know more.'

{Do you always talk to yourself alot?}

A female voice penetrated his deep contemplation of the cell city.

'Umm, you can read my mind?!!'

Jim said to himself while metaphysically shaking his head and turning his soul senses to his immediate surroundings.

{Yes, I can read thoughts. At least when people are shouting like you are.}