
The Journey

Nowadays everyone's searching for love .In this world full of perfidious fools a lucid person cannot find himself a true lover .This story is about a guy who wants to confess his love to his crush but he cannot because he's an introvert guy . He finds it difficult to confess his love to her . Ultimately one day he does asks her but his dreams gets shattered.

It was just after the passing the high school that James was thinking about getting into the college . Moreover he was much happy that his life was now gonna change as he was going to be College student soon. James lived in Pennsylvania along with his divorce mother and his younger brother.

James didn't believed in love because his mother had love marriage but his father left his mother 5 years ago .

So he didn't thought that love ever existed. James didn't had much friends but he had a great friend Simmon who was like a family to him . James and Simmon were just sitting in the park thinking about their future . Simmon said that he was going to MIT than he asked James where was he going .He said"he was going to study Medicine in Germany.

After four weeks both went to their respected Colleges.

James never went this far away from home. This was a new place for him . He was just like a stranger in the Dortmund. He was staying as a paying guest in his mother's friend's house . The day arrived when he had to go to College. He was bit of scarred though because everything was new. He went to college and had difficulty finding his class .He was roaming here and there but couldn't find his class . There came a voice that asked him "Excuse Me where the lecture hall no.7 " ,James saw that it was a girl at first he got frightened and than answered her that "Sorry,I'm new here".

The girl rushed and went to the administration block .

James was still thinking about that girl .He found his class and went there but he couldn't study because he was feeling something that he didn't felt in years.That day James returned home and called Simmon and told him about the incident.Simmon told him that he was in love. James thought of finding her but he couldn't find her as the college was too big and he didn't had any friends there