
Unhappy marriage

Liona was helpless as her dad told her that she had to marry billionaire Thomas, that’s it’s the onli sacrifice she had to make for her mother who was on her dying bed, Thomas was the only option who could help sort all their financial struggles, liona agreed but her life became miserable . Would she continue to face hell as she endured to stay with Thomas for the sake of her mother! Andrew, Thomas step brother had eyes for liona, but things turned around as liona got pregnant but don’t know who the father of the child was. What will happen to liona? What will her fate be in the hands of Thomas when he eventually finds out.

Olamide_Ajayi_9241 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter One

"Father"! What are you saying, why should I have to marry someone I don't know just because of my mother's bills? I told you already I will work extra time and very hard. 

Liona's father looked at his daughter's eyes, as tears came down from his eyes.

Liona, I understand what you mean but you just have to do this if you want your mother to be here on earth for long. 

Thomas is a billionaire, he is wealthy. In no time he will sort all your mother's bills. Please try and understand me, my dear.

Liona couldn't speak as she was confused and in tears. 

"Okay, Father," liona said, I will marry Thomas for the sake of my mother's being.

Thomas had a small wedding he felt was just doing a favor, on their way home it was very quiet then Thomas decided to break the silence.

Thomas said Sharply to liona 'Hope you can cook good food' liona responded 'Yes I can'

Thomas looked at liona lustfully and started touching her thighs 

Liona chuckled 'Ohh Thomas let's wait till we home smiling

Thomas looked at her in disgust and held her neck tight ' how dare you"!

I'm your husband, I can touch you anyhow I want and anyhow it pleases me. Understood!

Liona vibrating and shaken replied with a low voice 'Yes Thomas I'm sorry. 

Immediately she got home, Thomas dragged her upstairs till Andrew came in.

Hey brother, won't you introduce me to your new bride? Andrew said 

Oh Andrew this is liona my bride, Thomas said in a hard tone 

Andrew looked into liona eyes and he could feel fear in her. 

Liona was scared as she never knew Thomas would treat her in such a manner 

Liona looked into Andrew .' hi Andrew my name is liona, nice to meet you 

Before Andrew could talk, Thomas interrupted and said Sharply to liona 'Go upstairs'

Why are you talking to her in that manner, Andrew asked as he looked at Thomas. 

'you ask me no such question Thomas said as he went close to Andrew with eyes wide open.

Liona entered the room, and sat on the bed with hands shaking as she carried her phone to Diao her father's number,

Immediately her father picked she burst into tears

'Father I don't want this marriage anymore, I want to come back home I said crying and shaking 

'liona"! Are you okay her father asked what the matter was?

I wish Mother was here, I can't stand this anymore,

Her father quickly interrupted her and said 

"Liona please be patient my dear child, In life we have to make sacrifices,

'Everything will be fine, it's just for your mother's sake please endure.

Father, you don't understand. Before she could finish, Thomas barged in. With fear she fell the cell phone from her hand and the call disconnected

With a hard voice 'Who are you speaking with' Thomas looked straight into her eyes demanding an answer,

'Oh it's my father, he was asking about my well-being. Well, you should limit the way you talk to your family as you are now a married woman, and I am putting a lot of money into helping your mother if you do not know. Thomas said as he was undressing 

Liona looking heartbroken and in fear replied 'Yes I know your effort and I am grateful.

Come here! Thomas said with a harsh tone, wanting to kiss her. Look at me Thomas said as he moved his hands up to her waist

You are beautiful and mine. Thomas said with a low voice. Don't make me angry now treat me like a king 

Liona without hesitation, pulled her dress down, and kissed Thomas even if she was disgusted she had no choice but to think of her mother while Thomas made love to her.

The next morning, liona had to work up early to make breakfast for Thomas.

Good morning dear, "I made you breakfast liona said she smiled, thinking the night of passion they had last night would change everything. 

Thomas started at her for a long time and told liona that he wasn't eating and that he had to quickly get to work


But I made it, especially as…. "Enough"! As Thomas interrupted, "Don't you dare think you special because of last night or the fact I married you.

"Remember the reason why I married you and stay off your limit" please maintain your lane and know that I don't love you, there is nothing you can do to change that Thomas said as he hurriedly left the room

Liona became pale immediately as she sat at the dining table with her face staring at the pancakes and scrambled eggs she made for Andrew. 

She gave a long sigh as she was about to lift the plate, she felt a hand on her hands when she looked up as she saw it was Andrew, so she quickly removed her hands.

Good morning liona as Andrew smiled, with his gloomy dark brown eyes. He was cute and tall, liona broke the silence and replied "Good morning Andrew. 

Are you okay Andrew asked liona as she was looking uncomfortable? I'm fine liona said as she responded brutally 

Do you mind pancakes liona said 

Oh sure I don't mind Andrew replied.

'well I have to go and get something done liona said as she was looking for a way to leave

Andrew replied you don't have to go now, let's talk more, " I would love to but I have something urgent I'm doing. " Enjoy your meal as liona said Sharply and left without hesitation.

Liona felt intense as she just spoke to Andrew, she felt butterflies but she tried to tell herself that she would burn in fire if she had those thoughts or feelings. 

As Lioned climbed upstairs she noticed her door was open and she remembered the door closing well 


When she turned she saw a shadow and in fear, she shouted: "Who is there!"