
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime und Comics
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342 Chs


Since the day Heero had moved the dungeon to the backyard of his academy. He had visited the first dungeon almost every day. He talked to the Void Dragon and persuaded him to come out of this space.

Bloodline Inheritance was a way for a beast or other creature to pass on its power to its successors. Normally, only a creature with no offspring would pass on its bloodline to others.

The Void Dragon Niadin was fond of humans. His master told him that Niadin was looking for a candidate to inherit his bloodline. Niadin wanted a human to inherit his bloodline so that when he died, he would not be forgotten by the world. Something like a legacy.

But the former Void Dragon was still considered young for a dragon, and his lifespan was still long. He was in no hurry to find a successor to inherit his bloodline. However, things were different now. Niadin's lifespan was now numbered, and he was in a hurry to find a successor.

He had given up trying to find a successor while isolating himself in this separate space. But this space was now connected to Earth, the dragon was once again connected to human civilization.

"Yes, he's my first disciple. Good personality, strong will, righteous... He fits your criteria, ah, he is also talented," Heero nodded his head.

"But he is not brave enough! To fall when he sees me..." Niadin commented as his red blood pupils fell into the frozen Sun Zhou Yi.

"Oh, come on... Almost any human would have the same reaction as him when they meet a mighty dragon for the first time."

Heero turned around and winked at his first student, "Get up! You are making me embarrassed in front of this old guy."


Sun Zhou Yi followed his master's order and stood up awkwardly. He was still quite nervous, but his master was quite friendly with the dragon.

It seems that the dragon is not as dangerous as I thought...

Sun Zhou Yi bowed his head to the dragon and introduced himself, "Hello, S-Sir Dragon! My name is Sun Zhou Yi."

After that, he looked up again, but then he froze again as he remembered something.

Eh!? Wait, did Master say that the dragon would be a new Master?

His face paled as he thought of something worse.

'Does Master no longer want me to be his disciple? Is it because of yesterday?'

Negative thoughts filled Sun Zhou Yi's mind.

"What are you thinking about? You are still my disciple! This Black Dragon will just inherit his bloodline to you!"

Heero rolled his eyes at Sun Zhou Yi. He was able to read his first disciple's thoughts because it was too obvious on his face. He had known Sun Zhou Yi for a long time and found out that his disciple was easy to read.

"B-Bloodline?" Sun Zhou Yi knew nothing about it.

"Mnn, it's something that will make you even stronger! As for the rest, this old man will explain it to you!" Heero pointed at the Void Dragon with his index finger.

"Huh, I haven't accepted this brat yet! Don't decide for yourself! He has to pass the test first if he wants to inherit my bloodline!" The Black Dragon complained in an arrogant tone.

Heero just grinned at Niadin but did not contradict him.

"Then I will leave him with you."

"Wh-what? W-Wait, Master!?" Sun Zhou Yi was confused.

It was a dragon, a real one. How could his master leave him alone with such a dangerous creature? The black dragon looked friendly towards his master...

'but what about me? We are not that close yet...'

Heero just grinned at his nervous pupil and encouraged him with a wave of his hand, "Work hard and survive, my pupil!"

It was a joke, of course. There was no way he would leave his apprentice with a wild dragon. He believed that Niadin was not that kind of dragon.

"Fufufu... It's been a long time since I tasted human flesh."

Seeing Sun Zhou Yi's reaction, Niadin could not help but tease him.

Hearing this, Sun Zhou Yi was alarmed and immediately turned around. He was alarmed as he subconsciously summoned the ki sword. Three Ki Swords floated around him, catching Niadin's attention.

"Huhu... A good sword, a dense and strong Ki, but if you add some violent Beast Ki to it, it'll be even more perfect..." The Void Dragon commented.

"How many?"

"Wh-what?" Sun Zhou Yi blurted out in confusion.

"How many Ki Swords can you make and control?"


"Up to a hundred for now," Sun Zhou Yi replied after swallowing a mouthful of saliva. He was still quite nervous.

"So little? But..."

"It's quite something for someone who has been learning Ki Comprehension for a little over a year.

"Huhu... He is indeed quite talented, but I am not looking for talented people to inherit my bloodline...

"Let's start with a little sparring, shall we?" The Void Dragon stepped out of the void and showed his massive body to Sun Zhou Yi.

Too big, the dragon was simply too big as it covered the sky. The black and shiny scales, the huge wingspan, and the overwhelming pressure it exerted made Sun Zhou Yi even more nervous.

'How am I supposed to fight it?'Sun Zhou Yi shouted in his heart.

'Ah, I have a strong master...' He turned around, but his master was nowhere to be seen.

Sun Zhou Yi's eyes widened as he realized that he was alone with the dragon.

*** ***

Park Namho, the head of the Park family. When he heard his younger brother's report of the meeting, he slammed the table hard.


"Are you crazy? How can you support this stupid reform?! Park Yong Gi! You better come up with a good explanation or your name will be wiped off the Park family tree!"

Despite facing his big brother's wrath, Park Yong-Gi remained unperturbed.

"In the end, you have to accept the reform, big brother!"

The frown on Park Namho's forehead deepened at these words.

"What do you mean?"

"The Kim, the Musashi, and the Bai are supporting... No, they are supporting an individual named Xing Heero. It's only a matter of time before the Wu also show their support for Heero."

"It will be better if we show our support now, to show our goodwill for the reform! With that, Heero might see us in a favorable light. This is our chance to make a connection with him!"

Park Yong-Gi explained his view of his decision in the executive meeting.

"Besides, we can also get a strong secret technique. Reform is inevitable, brother!"

"What about SES? We have acquired SES, can't we get something from it?"

"Hah... SES without Xing Heero is just an empty shell. We were too hasty to act!" Park Yong-Gi unlocked his smartwatch and opened the official website of SES.

At the top, the biggest news was the resignation of the Chief and the two Vice Chiefs. In the comment section, there were thousands of comments from citizens. There was no need to read the comment, the citizens certainly denounced the executives. The cause of the three key personnel in SES to resign.

It did not matter much, but below this post, a series of resignations were listed. From the Combat Division to the Intelligence Division. They all resigned from the SES.

The current SES had truly become an empty shell. How were they supposed to get anything from an organization that only had a name left?

"Huh!?" Park Namho was surprised. He had not expected all members of SES to be so loyal to Heero.

"So there's no other way?" Park Namho rubbed his forehead.

*** ***

Musashi Clan Residence, Chief's Office

"Why did you suddenly support this man, brother?" Musashi Kaminaga asked Musashi Kenzan.

If the Musashi Clan did not support the reform, there was still a chance for the executives to maintain the current stability.

Musashi Kenzan, who was busy with his computer, stopped moving. He looked at his curious brother. After some time, Musashi Kenzan sighed.

"He bribed us!"

"Huh!?" This answer was enough to shock Musashi Kenzan. Bribed? It was no exaggeration to say that the Musashi clan had almost everything that others did not. Wealth, power and authority, they had it all, but...

Musashi Kenzan waved his hand at the stunned Musashi Kaminaga.

Musashi Kaminaga came closer and looked at the computer screen. The screen showed the special training ground of the Musashi clan.

On the screen, he saw the three elders, Musashi Ueno, Musashi Osada, Musashi Noboru, and Musashi Naizen.

They were having a sparring match, Musashi Naizen against Musashi Ueno. Soon, Musashi Kaminaga noticed something strange. Both of them were holding a sword with a hilt, but it was just a hilt without a blade.

What was even stranger was that every time the two individuals clashed, he could see a spark from the sword clashing with each other. He could also see a deep cut on the ground here and there from the clash.


But it did not take long for Musashi Kaminaga to get the answer.

"He gave father and uncles the lost sword art of the Musashi clan! There is no reason not to support him!" Musashi Kenzan smiled.

The same thing was happening in other great powers. They were discussing whether or not to support the reform.

*** ***

Heero emerged from the first dungeon. Bai Xin Yue was waiting for him outside.

"Huh? What's wrong? You don't need to wait for me here."

Bai Xin Yue gently shook her head and smiled at him, "Grandpa wants to meet you.

"Then let's meet him!"