
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime und Comics
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342 Chs

Shadow Fang

Hope Foundation, Commerce Region:

In a certain luxurious room at Hope Foundation, Principal Fang Guo Ming held a newspaper while enjoying a cup of coffee.

Even though one could read the news through the smartwatch, but many still enjoyed reading the newspaper in the morning. Principal Fang was one of those people who still enjoyed it.

There was no particular news, except for the return of the Gold Class party who came back four months ago which occupied the main page. Their return amazed the masses.

They returned with a giant mutated beast that had never been seen before. It caused a lot of discussions on the internet. Of course, most people were praising the Gold Class party for eradicating such a monstrous mutated beast.

The heroes killed the monster before it could attack the city. The Gold Class Heero who participated in the party reaped many praises from the masses. Especially Bai Xin Yue, the party leader, rank-1 in Gold Class was the main topic people talked about.

Successfully leading the party and extinguishing a future threat. Bai Xin Yue's photo was placed on the main page. Having a finely chiseled face, glamorous purple hair, and cold expression. Bai Xin Yue was labeled as Frosty Goddess.

The name of Frost Goddess was not from her cold expression, but her ability. Having the ability to manipulate ice, people called it "Ice Magic", Bai Xin Yue got the name Frost Goddess.

Principal Fang stared at the photo for a long time. In the end, he could only release a sigh. Bai Xin Yue was outreach even for the wealthy, Chairman Hope Foundation.

Principal Fang was Hope Foundation's chairman. In the name of Hope Foundation, Principal Fang established many schools. Hope Preschool was just one of the schools he had.

However, to reach this Icy Goddess, just wealth was not enough. Bai Xin Yue was every man's dream, so it was normal even for Principal Fang to fantasize about her.

"We are ready!"

A cold voice broke the tranquility in the room. Principal Fang furrowed his brows and put the newspaper on the table.

A man wearing a black long coat stood across him. The man exuded a gloomy aura which made the people who saw the man become uncomfortable.

Getting his tranquil morning disturbed, Principal Fang was displeased. It was shown on his face, as clear as water. However, the man in the black coat ignored Principal Fang's displeasure. Standing and waited silently until he got the answer.

"I say, can you at least knock on the door?"

"We are…"

Just as the man in the black coat wanted to give his response, Principal Fang waved his hand.

"I know, I know already you are Shadowfang. Moving in the shadow… Bla Bla Bla Bla…"

Principal Fang knew what the man in the black coat wanted to say. However, Principal Fang's sarcastic remark of Shadow Fang incited the man in the black coat's anger.

Murderous intent burst out from his body. He moved his hand to his waist, holding something behind the black coat.

Principal Fang was shocked by the murderous intent released by the man. Even though he was chairman of Hope Foundation, he was just an ordinary person. He has no superpower but wields wealth with him.

However, even so, Principal Fang was not afraid of the man in the black cloak. Instead, he smiled, "Are you sure you want to kill me? I am the biggest partner of Shadow Fang."

"Heh, why not? I only need to kill you and change you with our men. It will make things easier to control rather than working together with you!"

The man in the black coat sneered. Indeed what he said was the best for Shadow Fang. They would acquire Hope Foundation's wealth and continued with their project, killing two birds with one stone.

However, when Fang Guo Ming heard this, the smile on his face became wider. Not only was he did not afraid, he even found the man laughable.

"Do you think your Boss is stupid that he never thought of this?"

The man in the black coat was stunned. He could think of this plan, killing Fang Guo Ming and taking Hope Foundation over. However, why did Boss choose cooperation instead?

The answer was only one, Shadow Fang could not kill this man for sure. The man did not know why, but there must be a reason.

Fang Guo Ming waved his land lazily to the man in the black coat, "Just go already, everything is prepared. The longer you are here, the worse my mood becomes."

After saying those words, Fang Guo Ming intended to take the newspaper, but he remembered something.

"Oh, you can kill the male teacher, but not the female teacher. She is mine!"


Hope Preschool

Today was a special event for class one, outdoor activity at Hope Park.

A bus parked in front of Hope Preschool and the children were lining up at the gate. Heero and Hong Yu stood near the bus door.

Today, the children would experience the outside world. It made them excited, Heero also one of them. He was excited for a different reason. Today, he would get to experience riding the thing called Bus.

All 31 children participated in this outdoor activity. Shen Miao, Jiang Yujin, and Kang Myung Hee were no exception.

The journey was smooth and the children were super excited. They pasted their faces on the window to see the scenery outside of the city.

Heero was also excited by himself, he was like a child who found a new toy. He kept asking about the bus, like how the bus was made, how the bus worked, etc. Fortunately, the driver was a kind uncle, he answered all Heero's inquiries. Though mostly the driver's answer was "I don't know!"

Hope Park, was a park that belonged to Hope Foundation was famous for its "Flower Terrace". It was a plot of land with a thousand flowers, it created a road surrounded by thousands of flowers. A romantic place for a couple and a place to amaze the children.

By taking the bus, it took half an hour to reach Hope Park. As soon as the children came down from the bus, they began running around in excitement. Heero and Hong Yu were having a hard time managing the excited children.

There would be no storytelling, drawing, or the like, but just playing all day. This was not the first time Hong Yu visited this place, this was her third time. So she was quite familiar with Hope Park and led the children touring the park.

The longest time they stayed at was "Flower Terrace". It was a really beautiful place. They also took pictures, the whole class with the teacher. Even until noon, the children were still vigorous and excited.

Heero also took pictures, only with Teacher Hong Yu using the camera provided by the school.

When it was noon, Hong Yu took them to a good spot for lunch. Near the river, surrounded by trees, fresh air, and the scorching hot sunray could not reach them. It was really a good spot for lunch.

"Yeay! River, let's swim!" Lan Lan shouted upon finding the river. She ran toward the river, she really wanted to jump into the river.

However, Heero acted fast, he pulled Lan Lan.

"No! Not now, you have to get lunch first. After lunch, you can go to play in the river!"

If it was three months ago Lan Lan would be giving Heero an immediate protest. However, the current Lan Lan was different, she obediently followed Heero's words.

After four months of hard work, his effort was not futile. The children listened to him now.

As they were only allowed to play in the river after lunch. The children immediately gathered around Hong Yu. They helped Hong Yu with the food while the boy set the mat for them.

Everything was prepared by the school, the bus, the place, and including the food. Hope Preschool was responsible for all of this.

The preparation was done, just as the children started eating lunch, a howl resounded.


It shocked the children. They threw away the food in their hand and jolted awake from the mat. The howl was so near them which scared the children.

They immediately gathered around Heero and Hong Yu.

Then three black wolves showed up, it appeared from behind the trees. Then, another six black wolves appeared from both sides as well. They were surrounded by nine black wolves.

The black wolf was about 1.2 meters tall, thick black fur on their necks that appeared like a lion mane, red eyes, and two long fangs protruded downward.

"It's Dark Wolf, Iron Class mutated beast. How come they appeared here? This is a green zone, no beast and zombie should appear here!" Hong Yu exclaimed in fear.

This was not the first time she visited Hope Park. However, this was the first time she encountered a mutated beast. It was also Iron Class at that.

'We are done for…' Hong Yu thought.

Hearing Teacher Hong Yu's words, the children got even more scared. They began crying, even Shen Miao and Jiang Yujin cried. Only Kang Myung Hee did not cry, but fear flashed across her face.

"Hong Yu, it's okay. I am here!" Heero smiled at Hong Yu and added, "Oh my, don't cry. Teacher Xing is quite strong, you know."

With that said, Heero stepped forward and made a stance. He put his hand forward and widened his footing a little. The children stopped crying somehow.

However, it did not last long. It was as if the wolves what Heero said, the nine wolves let out another howl in unison. The children started crying again.

'These bastard wolves, they dare to scare my students again!' Heero cussed.

He really wanted to charge forward and kill these black wolves, but he could not leave the children. The distance between the children and wolves was not that far.

If he made his move first, he was afraid the other wolves would start attacking the children. After all, he did not have the information about these black wolves, he did not know how fast they were. He could not be careless.

"Hey, dears! Teacher Xing has a new magic trick. Do you want to see?" Heero got an idea.

Sure enough, children were easy to get distracted. When they heard Heero had a new magic trick, they stopped crying.

"Listen to me, close your eyes!" The children followed and closed their eyes.

"And count until ten. You can open your eyes again after ten. At that time, these baddy wolves would disappear!"

The children really followed Heero's instructions. They closed their eyes and began counting.

'Heh, now it's time. I can't disappoint my lovely students!'


Heero's spread his Ki, he wanted to make sure if there were other wolves or not. Sure enough, he found another three, but these three were not wolves, but humans.

'As I thought…'

These wolves were being controlled. If these black wolves were wild ones, they would just pounce and attack them without intimidating them like this.

If it was humans who controlled these black wolves, then they already planned this from the start. This was not just a simple beast attack. Just like Hong Yu said, this was a green zone, but the people behind this wanted to look as it was the beasts who attacked the children.

Coming to this conclusion, Heero was furious. They were just children...

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The nine wolves ignored the children and pounced toward Heero. They moved as Heero wanted to.

Hong Yu could not bear to see the scene Heero got torn by the black wolves. She closed her eyes. Even though she tried to close her eyes she still looked through the gap of her finger. Then she saw something unbelievable.

When the wolves reached Heero, she saw the black wolves collapse by themselves. Three seconds, the nine black wolves collapsed just like that. She did not know what happened. Heero just stood still, but the nine black wolves fell naturally.

Then, she witnessed something even more unbelievable. She saw Heero vanish. Not only Heero, but the collapsed wolves also disappeared.

Five seconds passed since Heero ordered the children to close their eyes. Five seconds later, Heero returned.

The children opened their eyes. Just like Teacher Xing told them, the black wolves disappeared. It was more like a dream to them.

"Woaw! Teacher Xing, you are amazing!"

The children thought it was really a magic trick. Heero returned the compliment with a gentle smile.

"Teacher Xing, you…" Hong Yu did not know where to start. Everything was just unbelievable to her.

"Teacher Hong Yu, let's talk later, okay? I will fill in the details later."

Hong Yu nodded her head. There was a more urgent matter, nine black wolves appeared at Hope Park. She had to report this to school.

"I will report this to school!"

Heero however stopped Hong Yu, "No, don't report this to school yet."

Hong Yu wanted to ask why, but when she looking at Heero's solemn look, Hong Yu refrained from asking.

Heero approached Kang Myung Hee instead and asked, "can you call Buttler Song?"

Kang Myung Hee's calm answer surprised Heero, "I already called my family. They will arrive in ten minutes."